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Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:46 pm


Hello everyone! This is my third attempt at a plot thread, the first two were kind of a mess and I don't need as much space in this one as I had in the others considering I only have a few soquili to plot now! This will be updated regularly with my newest soquili and updated with family members so I can keep tract. Most of the soquili that are adults in the posts below this one can be RPed as a foal if you'd really like them to! Just make sure that you tell me you want me to RP a foal so I can switch the personality that I type out a bit.

I am a slow RPer but the soquili below are RP required in order to breed and I'd really like to see them played out like some of the other soquili I have. For example, Bairn is the most grown of my herd because of what he's been through in all the RPs I've had and I'd like for that to happen to a few of my other soquili. If you do not see a soquili listed here that means that I'm not interesting in plotting with them because of my slow responses, but I suppose if you wanted to RP, a.k.a you own a mate or a child of my soquili, just throw me a PM and I'll most definitely RP!

I take my plots seriously and I have a tendency to get carried away with the ideas if it all seems too much! I guess the only two rules I have here are:

1) Do not be offended if I turn down your plot idea. I have some very specific things in mind for some of my soquili and very specific to me means there are only 1 or 2 soquili able to fit what I want. But if the plot in question is a fling plot, I'm likely not to say no since there are three breedings!! I guess just fling me a PM or post in this thread and we'll see what happens!
2) Please, if you ask me to plot with you, DO NOT PULL BACK OUT OF THE PLOT IN THE FUTURE. I really do not like that since it gets my hopes up and then I get discouraged from wanting to ever plot with the soquili ever again. I wouldn't get mad if that happened though, I'm not an angry person....I guess I'm just asking for a little bit of respect. But I understand if it happens since well, it happens. Plots don't always go the way you want them to and I can definitely understand if it happens....I just don't want it to. xP

So now that I typed out my little hearts desire, have fun! I hope I have something in here that interests you and if not, I will be flexible with my soquili if you really want to plot with them!!

[x] - The fully updated version of Mahiri and Hania's line, save for the yet-to-arrive Deception kiddos!! Credit goes to Samus!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:49 pm


User Image

Name: Tiramisu
Temper: Tentative
Type: Full Regular - Generation 4
Known As: The quiet one
Special Markings: Deep ocean blue eyes, brown stripe on each leg.
Usually Found: Hiding in the dark or with either one of her grandfathers.
Text Color: #CD7F32

Quote: ".........."
Current Thoughts: Something is seriously wrong...


Mate: -
Status: DESPERATELY looking ((OOCly; ICly she is most definitely not))
Offspring: -

Parents: Vanilla Swirl x Kiefer
Siblings: Candy Bar Whirl , Phobos , Liebe ,
Butter Pecan , Hazelnut , Blue Moon , Rainbow Sherbert
Aunts/Uncles: Boone , Abattie , Ian , Blessita , Jamison ,
Cassien , Emyrss , Connor , Sassa , Tahlia
Cousins: Emmett , Noelle , Merric
Grandparents: Bairn x Astia /// Bliss x Milkshake
Great-Grandparents: Mahiri x Hania

...: razz ersonality::...
Like her one word temper says, she is very cautious in what she does in life. It takes a lot to get her to speak even one word to certain members of her family, let alone those who are still strangers. To those of the very few she actually does trust, there are still very few words spoken. Tiramisu is not comfortable letting herself be known and acknowledged because the risk of getting hurt is always too high. She would much rather spend her time in the deepest part of the forest hiding in absolute darkness than face another soquili and forced into a conversation....which, at first glance may seem backwards since the forest can be spooky, but it's not death she fears...it's rejection. Bring on death if it means not having to face her worst fears.

Tiramisu is fascinated, however, by that which she cannot explain or understand. She is well aware of the fact that she has a personality disorder and that wishing to never have a friend so she won't get hurt is utterly absurd....so she has recently come to the conclusion that if she has to speak to someone to keep her sanity in tact, she'd only speak to the mythical beings. She assumes they will not judge her for being afraid and/or different because they too stand out like a soar thumb in a crowd. She has yet to meet the creatures she deems as strange as her, but she knows they exist. Part of her wants to see one just to have something to be happy about.

That's another thing about Tira - she is and has always been utterly miserable. Since the very beginning of her childhood till today it has been very hard for her to find happiness in anything. She is not confident in herself both looks and personality, she does not like her family (except for a few select members). After all this time she does not know how to be happy and so she does not try to find it within herself. But sometimes she wishes she could smile without it being fake.

Born under Vanilla Swirl and Kiefer, her life was predetermined to be messed up before she was even born. Her parents are not together, nor are they friends in any way, shape or form. It was simply a fluke in one of their angry bickering. When she was born her mother was beyond disgusted that she had birthed yet another daughter and all the hatred that 'Nilla had toward her first born daughter switched itself to Tiramisu, even more-so because she was shy.
A little insight to why her mother dislikes her so:
Vanilla Swirl never had a mother. Milkshake left her and Bliss and took off with her brother before 'Nilla ventured out of her basket so she grew up with a father - and a father who did not give her the attention she deserved. Even as a foal Bliss would disregard/forget that he had fatherly responsibilities and he'd be out late into the night flirting around with various mares. The fact that her father didn't really take care of her didn't bother her too much, it was the fact that her father didn't want to find her mother and make them a happy family that bothered her. No other mare would ever be able to take her mothers place - and so at a very, very young age 'Nilla learned to despise any female soquili that came near her, and ultimately, even her own children. This is because of her connection to her father, if it can't be Milkshake/Biss and Vanilla Swirl in a happy family, it has to be 'Nilla and Bliss and that's it. She's the only one allowed to be loved by her father.
Tiramisu knows her mother feels this way and she has learned that it's not her mother's fault, it's just a fear that she has, very much like the fear that she herself has. But the reason why Tiramisu is so hesitant to have a life? Because of her mother's disapproval, all she's ever wanted was for that mare to tell her she loved her, and apparently that's too much to ask.

...: razz lots::...

NOTE: I do not want RP with her UNLESS it is the following plot. She is my character who will not socialize with anyone no matter what and so I need something very specific for her.

--- This is an incredibly RP heavy plot, and I feel like it deserves more than what I'm about to type and it definitely deserves it's own thread all together but I guess I'll just dense it up a bit and have it still sounds interesting and make sense. xP Anyways, I'd like her to meet an male Angeni, and please, only an Angeni will do for this part of the plot, nothing else. I realize that she is unedited and rather plain looking but I'm giving you the opportunity to RP with me for a long period of time and I guarantee you get fast responses in the thread, probably each day.
The Angeni in question will amaze her to no end before he even opens his mouth. The very sight of his wings and his towering size over her will automatically make her feel like she's in the presence of something other-worldly and she is likely to fall head over hooves for him very quickly. ((Although in all reality it would take about 3 to 5 RPs before I'm comfortable enough to have her admit how she feels)) They will have a great relationship and although she'll never tell him that she loves him (frankly because she's not aware of that) she'll definitely show that she cares. So the two of them get pregnant on accident and when Tiramisu finds out that she's pregnant she will go insane.

She cannot be pregnant! She is way to young, way to inexperienced and way to shy to mother a child or three and the news is way to much for her to bare. So she'll run off with her pregnant belly and not tell her Angeni-lover-friend any of what she found out, she has other plans of her own.

--- So at this point in the plot I want to her to travel up to the mountains with the intent of ending her life so she doesn't have to put her children in danger of having what she fears will be a horrible life. She's most definitely not ready and it's scaring her half to death. I would like a Kalona to come to her rescue (yes I realize how backward the stallion roles are) and make her realize that if she jumps off the mountain she'll be killing her babies along with herself and that is a horrible idea. So she finally understands that this was meant to be and she accepts it. The Kalona's presence will fascinate her once again and she'll be automatically drawn to him. So the two of them will raise her first born children together (I don't care how the Kalona reacts to all of this, he could be vicious and only using her to get minions or a slave or whatever, she'll still feel accepted).

--- Now, the owner of the Angeni and the Kalona and I can discuss whether or not Tiramisu and the Kalona end up having children together or not, it doesn't make or break the plot a different way to me, but it would be kind of cool. Either way if they have kids or not, her first half-Angeni kids will one day want to venture to find their real father and so they'll go off and OH HEY! They'll meet their father. xP They'll tell him of their existence and of their mothers story and the Angeni stallion will go to her and want to know why she left him in the first place. She'll explain but she has grown since then and is a little more comfortable in her own skin and she'll realize that she loved her Angeni buddy all along and so she'll leave the Kalona.

--- I want her to eventually lifemate with the Angeni. Whether or not that will result in all 3 breedings or just the first and last one will be decided later!^^

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:52 pm


User Image

Name: Boone
Temper: Plain
Type: Full Regular - Generation 3
Known As: The boring one
Special Markings: Coal black eyes
Usually Found: Sleeping <3
Text Color: Chocolate

Quote: "Why do you care?"
Current Thoughts: This mare is so annoying


Mate: -
Status: Playing with Dmi.
Offspring: -

Parents: Bairn x Corine
Siblings: Abattie , Sassa , Tahlia , Kiefer
Aunts/Uncles: Gaspard , Epesi , Riley, Artemis , Toquah Kan , Aruna
Cousins: Besywran , Shadrach , Ahana , Tenebrus , Grath ,
Thaddeus , Raneru , Ra asiel , Rahuna , Shizuka Tsuyoi ,
Ketsueki oni , Raum , Emilie , Mahillo , Kalderash
Grandparents: Mahiri x Hania ///

...: razz ersonality::...
There really isn't much to say about him because well, he doesn't do much. But that's all just part of his game, he really isn't that lazy or boring of a stallion if he really wants to be social, he'll be social. But bare in mind it's an awkward situation to witness. His sister is the only one who honestly knows who he is and she doesn't really make him bring it all out. He would most likely be found by himself, either sleeping or just laying around and it's rare to see him have 'fun', which by normal standards would be run around and play games.

Typical conversation with this stallion would be hard to follow because it's hard for him to carry a conversation pass a few words, but if he's interested enough then he'll try to be interesting too. He gets annoyed and bored easily but what would catch his attention are the flashy soquili who live life to the fullest. Just because he doesn't feel like living large doesn't mean he's going to judge someone else for doing that! In fact he finds that trait admirable, it proves to him that he needs to grow up and maybe get over himself.

Boone is not jealous of those who are able to appreciate life, because he can't, he just likes to watch them in action - to him viewing is better than doing! His brain works better than his body anyways so he'd learn better by watching others.

Born under Corine and Bairn, this spunky little family gave him everything he needed. They provided him with so much love and support that he grew up as any stallion or mare would want to grow up. His sister Sassa and him are very close and they poke fun at each other like normal siblings do - but watch out because even if Boone doesn't seem like he'd lift a finger, if she was in trouble he'd be likely to want blood. His father had a family before he met his mother and Boone understands that his father's first batch of children are very important to him...it doesn't bother him that his father had a life way before he was born. They're all incredibly happy together and that's all that matters.

Boone is not very family oriented, however. He loves his mother, his sister and his father and that's about it.

...: razz lots::...


*1) Something Out of the Ordinary - I'd like him to meet a soquili (gender not important) who is beyond his imagination. This soquili can either have the most flamboyant personality or the most flamboyant colorings...he just needs to meet someone bigger and better than himself. This encounter will teach him that perhaps he shouldn't just lounge around and waste his life away doing nothing! They wouldn't really have to be friends in the end, they could end up hating each other but either way it'll cause Boone to think about how he portrays himself.

2) A Taste of Your Own Medicine - This would be a fling plot, just so you know. I think he's more inclined for a fling (or 3) considering he's not going to get attached to a female beyond a friendly acquaintance. I'd like him to meet a mare (looks don't matter) who is just like him. I imagine his first fling to be with a mare who is cold and distant and who wants to be a mother but not have to be tied down to one stallion. Boone is not social so he wouldn't have any clue that this mare that he finds so intriguing is only using him to have babies. When he finds out that she is pregnant he will get excited because he knows his father would be proud but I want to mare to run away with the children and not let him help raise them. (Even though it's likely he would not be very good) After this he'd be some-what heartbroken over the fact that he couldn't use his 'children' to make his father proud and so he'll go off and find another mare.

3) Attempt at Happiness? Hardly - Second fling! After the first mare runs off with his children he'll want to have more but he'll go into this with the intent of keeping at least one of his kids all to himself. He won't care if his second mare wants to be a mother to all of her children, he wouldn't mind sharing those rights he just wants Bairn to be proud of the fact that his son is able to raise strong and healthy babies. This mare's personality or looks doesn't really matter to me too much, but I'd like to her be a bit on the strong-hearted side since he will tell her straight up that he isn't looking for a friendship or a mate, just some spawn.

4) Fling #3 - To be thought up at after at least his first fling!

5) Not As Bad As it Looks - Although he is more inclined ICly to have a bunch of flings, I'm more open to a lifemate. Although this would require a ton of RP, and I mean a TON since he will not fall in love right away, or even sooner than later. This mare will most definitely need to be persistent and think he's so much better than he actually is and that will get him thinking that maybe she's onto something. He would then chase her down and will start their crazy relationship.

NOTE: This plot will be a lot more detailed if it ever came about, I will be incredibly picky when it comes to the idea of a lifemate, I do not care about looks but I'm looking for the perfect personality. I have this plot up here just in case anyone is interested in a lifemate between him - I can work it out so the first fling plot can turn into a lifemate plot but that would be the only one I'm interested in pursuing.

*6) Family RP! - I always welcome family! : D

7) Anything else? - Give me a shout and I'll see what you got!^^
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:55 pm

...: razz ax::...

User Image

Name: Pax
Temper: Meddlesome
Type: Full Regular - Generation 2
Known As: The trouble-maker
Special Markings: Bi-colored nose, tri-colored mane, black stripes along underbelly
Usually Found: Everywhere
Text Color: goldenrod

Quote: "It was an accident!!"
Current Thoughts: Adventure time! Yippee!


Mate: -
Status: Too young
Offspring: -

Parents: Mahiri x Hania
Siblings: Sinopah , Alfwin , Bairn , Epesi ,
Riley , Artemis , Toquah Kan , Aruna
Nieces/Nephews: Abattie , Sassa , Tahlia , Kiefer , Besywran ,
Shadrach , Ahana , Tenebrus , Grath , Thaddeus , Raneru ,
Ra asiel , Rahuna , Shizuka Tsuyoi , Ketsueki oni , Raum ,
Emilie , Mahillo , Kalderash , Boone

...: razz ersonality::...
I haven't really figured this out but/and this will be all filled in and stuff later on when I've RPed her more often than just a few times. For now:
She is very curious, but not the cute and funny kind of curious but the annoying, "opps mommy I didn't mean to break that vase" kind of curious. Constantly getting into trouble, the little filly doesn't know right from wrong nor does she know when it's a good time to stop. She loves playing with things that aren't hers and loves to poke fun of other foals - doesn't really matter to her who they are!

Middle child to Mahiri and Hania's last batch of children. Youngest female in the immediate family of five girls and four boys. Born many years after all of her older siblings and so her parents are very, very old when it comes to how long they waited to have children again. Even born way after Mahiri and Hania found out they were great-great-great grandparents and so she had a large family history ahead of her that she has yet to learn about. Parents were separated for some time being because of the teepee living conditions between their two-leggers, but they have recently been reunited. Both of them are very welcoming and excited to re-start a family from scratch.

...: razz lots::...


1) Learning Your Lesson - I'd love for her to get a stern kick in the butt for misbehaving, from either an older, wiser soquili or just an evil adult in general. Her parents don't scold so she gets away with everything, if another adult soquili were to tell her where she is wrong and WHY she is wrong, then maybe she'd come to realize that the whole world isn't her play toy and she'd be more careful!

2) Still Learning - So lmao, I'd also love for her to meet a foal around the same age as her who is sensitive, or at least a little bit shy, doesn't really matter what kind of personality as long as they won't stick up for themselves if Pax picks on them. I'd love to see what happens if she keeps poking and poking and laughing at the poor foal, perhaps the foals parents can come around and give her yet another scolding? Or maybe the other foal will snap and kick her or something! Either way I think it would be humorous to see if she'll back off.

3) Yet Another Class She Skipped! - Manners, 101? Pax will be lacking manners most of her foalhood life and apart from the fact that she unintentionally makes fun at other foals, she doesn't even really know the proper way to talk to them!! I'd love for a 'perfect little angel' filly try to help her and give her a lesson or two on how to act like a nice young lady, maybe she could teach Pax the proper way to walk? Talk? Present herself? She's not going to care that she's misbehaving but perhaps this other young filly can convince her otherwise.

4) Gone too Far - Kalona foal only please and thankies!! Preferably a colt because I think she'd get along better with a kalona colt after he's scolded her. Anyways I'd love for them to meet and for Pax to not understand that he's a Kalona and bug him about his wings, asking him to take her places in the sky...or what have you. I dunno. I'd just love for her to mess around with the colt so much that he snaps and either almost hurts her or just a little bit...I cannot have her in any critical physical pain right now, she's just a tiny foal!! But she does need to get all the lessons in about her behavior before she can really learn that she's doing something wrong. So a Kalona would help.


I've got nothing yet. : D To be filled in later.

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:56 pm

...::Captain Alpin::...

User Image

Name: Captain Alpin
Temper: Charming
Type: Usdia - Gen 3
Known As: The charming one
Special Markings: Red eyes
Usually Found: With Spot and Melos
Text Color: #CA226B

Quote: "My, my, my....don't you look beautiful."
Current Thoughts: BIG world o.O


Mate: -
Offspring: -

Parents: Princess Melos x Spot
Siblings: Sir Foofie , Lady Solem , Lady Lilac , Duke Sindri
Aunts/Uncles: Princess Pocket Lint , Prince Frilly Skull
Grandparents: Baby Lickety-Split x Prince Noir De Glace

...: razz ersonality::...
He is the opposite of what his mother would have liked him to be. The complete opposite. He doesn't like the fact that his family is supposed to be raised all prim and proper because well, he doesn't want to be any of that.

He loves to get down and dirty, playing in mud at any chance he gets.

Youngest child of Melos and Spot, he has an older sister and an older brother from his own liter, and one of each from his parents first liter. He comes from a long line of royalty, considering his grandfather has 'Prince' as his title and his mother has 'Princess' and he was given the name, 'Lord', much to his distress. He doesn't view himself as a Lord because he doesn't act as high-class and royal as the rest of his family and probably never will....so as a young foal he gave himself a new title - Captain. His father didn't have much of a family background, so Captain grew up thinking of the possibility that he was half-royalty, which can technically be a scandal! That very idea is what keeps him chugging along - if he's a rugged fool, then he's a rugged fool....at least he doesn't have to act prim and proper. The title 'Lord' makes it seem like he is supposed to hold up his end of the bargain being born into a proper family, he doesn't want to be them - he wants to be himself. 'Captain' doesn't technically mean he is going to be 'perfect', like the rest of his family. A rugged fool. That's what he gave his own title for.

...: razz lots::...

1) Family RP? - A'course stuff like this will always be available!

2) Swashbuckling Fools - I'd like for Captain to meet a bunch of lil'foals who would love to follow him on an adventure. He wants to prove to himself that he is not who his parents think he is and so if he were to break away from the norm, it would make him feel so great.

Let's see:

Co-Captain - Someone (preferably a female) who wants to give him a piece of her mind? I think if he were to meet an adventurous filly who had a completely different opinion then him and they clashed, it would help his leadership attitude grow.
First mate - Another Usdia foal who follows him around like a lil puppy, someone who looks up to him for everything he stands for. A best friend, perhaps?
Crew - Just a bunch of different personalities for this part, because he needs to put his own crew together. A captain cannot be successful without his loyal crew!!

3) Throw anything at me, please! It doesn't have to do with a plot that I have in mind, it can just be random RP....I'd just like for his personality to grow!!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:58 pm


Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:26 pm

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:36 am

PAX IS HERE AND READY FOR RP!!! I don't have any plots or anything set up exactly but I will when I get the chance. For now I am okay with just regular foal RP. <3333

Spot/Melos basket is also here!^^ Will be looking for foal RP for that foal as well when s/he arrives. <333

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:41 pm

CAPTAIN IS HERE! Will fill in info when I get the chance.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:01 am

Mk both Captain and Pax grew into beautiful adults!! Both of them are still currently looking for foal RP, and the RP requests found in each of their posts are designed to be done at the foal stage, so I'm still looking for those.

I will fill in possible adult RPs later...especially for Captain. But I think I'd like for Pax to complete a few of her foal RPs before she dives into an adult since I have yet to develop her adult-personality as it grows from a foal.

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:44 am

Hi there! I was wondering if maybe you'd like to consider foal RP with my Arianrhod? Ari is very mischievous and playful, and she'd love to meet others, and I think her and Pax would make good friends. :3
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:13 pm

I'm always up for family rp 8D


Sparkly Genius

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:46 pm

º º It's time to try defying gravity. I think I'll try defying Gravity º º

User Image

I'm stealing Boone. Just so you know. ;3

º º Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity. And you won't bring me down. º º
PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:27 pm

Pax is going to be looking for adult RP soon but the foal plots are still up and good to go if anyone is interested.

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

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