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Some people don't understand how to do things.
So they join and never post an application!
That doesn't help anyone much and we want to help you.
So I hope that this simple 3 step guide helps you on finding the application form and posting it in the application session.

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  • After you have read all of the rules, this includes the things at the bottom of the post, take a look at all the forms.
    They are pretty short and simple yes?
    Figure out which form is best for you and copy it.

    Name: JimBob4Millionand2
    Quest: Inari's Beads
    Quest Link: -link here-
    Why do you think you deserve help from us? I think I deserve I donation because I work hard. I play games, post a lot, and exchange/vend to earn gold.

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  • Go to the current Application Session in the main forum and post a reply.
    Post your form into the text box and fill it out.
    After you filled out your form press submit.

    Congratulations! You have just posted an application.

Make sure you post your application, aka the form, every session!
This increases your chances of getting some gold/items.
You can only post one application for yourself every session. If you want to apply for yourself, a friend, and a charity you're more then welcome.
Having a QUEST THREAD increases your chances of winning something. If you do not have a quest thread you can make one here, in our quest thread forum.

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  • All application sessions are labeled like this: Application Session 00 Open: 0/00 - 0/00

    This is to show which application session we are on. If a 100 was there it would mean that that session is our 100th session.
    This is to show when the thread was opened and when it will be closing. It's always month then day. If it were to say 1/11 - 1/25 that would mean the thread was posted and opened on January 11th and will be closing on January 25th.
    All application sessions are open for at least 2 weeks.