Character's name:Johnathan Solomon Carter


Age:59(appears to be 19-20 years old)

Occupation: Shinigami

Reiatsu color:Pinkish-purple


Johnathan had a snow white skin with gray eyes.He has orange hair which is thorwn on the back of his head but stands up in small little spikes.He wear a mask which rims his face and holds his nose he also has countless tattoos thro out his body:
to spikes coming from his rims on to he's checks.he also bears tattoo's through his chest.Tho spikes on his neck, they continue on his chest having them all acros his ribs and his chest and a straight line coming up his chest starting off his abdomen.He is rather tall with a slim well build athletic body.
User Image

Accessories:Covering his face bain is a mask which trims his face and covers his nose like a grek helmet which is very hard to notice taking in consideration the fact that his and tattos and mask seem to be one and the same.

Personality:John has a unstable personality very temperamental but cool headed.His social abilities are also very poor as he has a bad habit of criticizing every moral aspect of a person.He also is a reading fanatic and enjoys spending his time reading, he also has a bad habit of asking one to many questions.
He believes that information is power and despises all person's with a stubborn hot headed character.

Bio/History:John lived in Great Britain in Oxford,he died at age 20 after a drug overdose killed him.After he was introduced in Soul Society, he had a hard time integrating in the rest of the population and was soon adopted by a family of countless souls which also didn't knew their ways around Soul Society.After participating at countless robberies and actions of vandalism he received a blow to the head which caused him a trauma.While being in hospital John fell in a deep catatonia and has send to a mental institute, from which he escaped after 13 years of captivity.During his captivity John started hearing voices inside his head and eventually regain most of his common sense back but could never be free of the voices he heard in his head.After he managed to escape John he robbed a couple of civilians changed his name (Obviously his initial name wasn't Johnathan Solomon Carter) and searched refuge at the Shinigami Academy.

Kidou:Having a great interes for creating new things John wishes to learn kido in hope to create something new much like Shunko

Abilities:He seems to be rather inteligent and despite having his mentality build up on logic he shows a great interes in literature and other artistical form of expresion

Skills:Even tho John focuses a lot on obtaining as much information he still keeps and shape and focuses also on other fighting skills such as speed and sword fighting

Zanpaktou:Nictuku is his sanpaktou it's appereance is that of a normal sword and with a much longer guard sticking in both directions like a wide V, his blade is straight and is double egded.The handle is decorated with a very bright purple almost seeming pink and has a small spike at the end which he rarelly gets to use in combat.

Shikai:(Not yet achieved)Mando Nictuku, the incantation is "Drain" and a circle starts spreading around Nictukum, this circle starts off as a bright purple and spread around Nictuku draining the reiatsu of all the people inside it friend or foe.Regarless it's shikai form doesn't change it's form but only slightly glows purple pinkish.
Abilities:Even tho no incantation is requiered for this the abilities only change the way the circle drains the reiatsu of it's opponents.
1:The circle slowly drain reiatsu sending it to John to use it for himself.
2:The circle rapidly drains reiatsu but instead of sending it to John it simply realeases it into the atmosphere.
Bankai:(Not yet achieved)Gantsu Nictuku the realease simply being "Dry 'em up" the swords powers simply increase and offer John the ability to create reiatsu draining circle beneath his opponents these obviously being harder to control and in order to do this John must mentain eye contact with his opponents.The appereance of the sword change, the guard turn into a circle which hovers above the blade and the blade is still straight but it only has one sharp edge, he handle doesn't change much either but a circle start hovering at the end of the handle."

Abilities:The classical abilities of his shikai form don't change much at all except for their strenght and Nictuku can change the circle's dimesion.

1:"Chase" a reiatsu draining circle appears beneath the opponent(s) constantly draing his reiatsu
2:"Catch" John creates a circle in front of him protecting him from reiatsu attacks like cero,bala, kido, reiatsu based attacks etc but doesn't offer any protection from melle attacks.

Likes:Reading books

Hobbies:Reading books

Quirks:He has a bad habit of laughing involuntarily at random
moments (Moments of fear, despair, pain and rarely boredom)