Name: James Sheel

Physical Description: 5' 10" 155 lb with pink hair normally covering right half of face (hollow mask) right arm has a chain "tattoo" covering it other than that looking like a normal human

Age: 19-half-Hollow for 1 year

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Shadow (looks like a Human sized hollow (not a vasto-lordes) with the same mask design as me)

Zanpaktou: Achieved* (is technically not a Zanpaktou (no konso)

Shikai* Release: yes (forced Hollow-half into being my "Zanpaktou")

Bankai: no

Special Accessories: right upper torso and head is a Hollow for all purposes. Half-mask looks like this
User Image

Abilities: Can control "Shadow Energy" to attack and defend (only in Shikai)
. Cero (formed in right hand) takes alot out of him
. Cero punch (form cero and uses the energy to punch instead of the beam)

Personality: Quiet and reversed and hates seeing people get or being hurt

Biography/History: James is a Half-Hollow Half-Living human from the U.S. (Ohio) and the only spiritually aware being in miles. Wants to get away from his hometown to protect everyone (Hollows are drawn to him). Is currently in Karakura Town looking for a job.

Guild Status: Beginner

Online Schedule: Weekends: any time untill 9 or 10 pm Weekdays: 3pm to 9