The Kyuuten Tsuki's request board is actually like the guild's lounge, where most of the members who aren't training come to rest and hang out. They can get drinks and meals there. But most importantly they get their jobs there. There is an actual board in the lounge which is almost as big as the wall its in front of, with mission requests posted on them. All mission request that come to the kyuuten Tsuki guild go through a filtering by the assistants of the Shukun, usually for their type, and then stamped with a level ranging from 10 to 1, with the secret level 0 requests. Requests from level 5 go up are usually associated with assassinations. Members can choose to form teams and do mission or solo them. All they have to do is select a mission and present it to one of the assistant, the assistant will see if the level of the mission request is at or below your level, if it is, then the mission is assigned to you or your team, if not you will be rejected that mission. Level 0 missions are to be taken to the Shukun himself for it to be acepted and can only be done in team. A full level 1 team, no exceptions.

Missions are given as name, rank and then discription, Except level 0 missions.

Dispose, 5
Quietly dispose of corrupt official in this city.

Retrieve stolen item, 6
Retrieve a important item from a band of thieves who are hiding out in an old abandoned barn outside the town. Use caution thieves are known to be skilled fighters. Kill if necessary.

Suppression, 7
Suppress a band of hooligans causing trouble in this town.

Find and capture,8
Find a thief named Jim Bao and turn him into the town authority alive.

Dispose of trash, 9
A certain city, details will be given upon acepting request, has requested the disposal of their street trash, hobos, which have been increasing too much lately. Must be kept away from public attention.

Diliver package, 10
Diliver a small light package across a long distance in less then 2 days. Do not lose or break the package. Do not open the package under any circumstances.

Escort Town Official, 10
Escort an Official from a certain town to a meeting in another town and back. Must remain unnoticed in public.

I have not completed this post yet, i still need an image for it and a list of missions so dont post in here yet untill i have completed it thank you.