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[LOG] Fate [Persephone x Eros] [FIN]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:11 pm
AIM Log -- Krysin & Felyn
Persephone & Eros

Sephie had slowly come to the realization that... everyone was crazy. She had seen lions talking to rocks! Maybe they had found some nice mushrooms to start sniffing, but she swore that every lion literally talked to... plants and things like they could talk back to them. Persephone was stunned. She had decided to stay in a pride full of crazy lions! The place seemed so nice, though! The beaches were beautiful, and not to mention the boys!

Oh, the boys were everything she dreamed of. Sewti's family had some really nice boys, though Sephie had yet to try to gain their attention. She had expected them to flock to her at first sight, but none had. Apparently it was trickier to reel in the boys of the Kizingo'zaa... but she sort of liked the challenge. So, sure, maybe everyone was a little crazy. Some considered her crazy at times as well. It was not so big of a deal, when she thought about it.

It made things... interesting!

Sephie smiled to herself, happily trotting down the line of the beach. It was mostly empty for the time being, and the only lion she saw nearby was a girl... which clearly would never earn her attention. She was a shameless boy-lover, and it was surprising she hadn't found someone to fawn over her yet. But... time, this all took time!

Eros had been having an intersting time since he got to the pride. His whole life was about living every day to the fullest and this new land certainly allowed him to do that. He'd never questioned his parents' guidance before and this made it even more clear that he never should, not if they were going to take him to paradise!

He'd lost Ialu at some point (he'd been rather fidgety since they got here) and had decided to take a long walk down the beach. He'd seen a beach briefly in his time at the Bahari, but he'd not really had the time to indulge in it.

So there he went, strolling down the pale sand in all his shining pink glory, with his dark thick mane whipping around his handsome face. It was rare that he didn't have Ialu or Ayla or one of his other family members with him, but it was nice for once. Especially when he saw that goddess.

"Are you a muse?" he asked, his face serious as he drew up next to the pale creature sprawled on the sand. Oh, hew knew the truth, but he also knew flattery went a long way.

Oh, fortune would have it that there indeed was a boy in the area! He was certainly not a bad looking one, too. Actually, the more she looked at him out of the corner of her eye, the more she found him appeasing. What was even more appeasing was that he was headed her way. Had she finally found a boy that she had to exert no effort in reeling in? Would he dote on her in all the ways that she enjoyed being doted upon?

His greeting certainly had her convinced that this was true. She glanced airily to him, as if she hadn't noticed him at all, but ah! Surely he had caught her attention, because she made a little 'double take', as if his handsomeness was too great to ignore. She could flatter a little in return, and besides, it would guarantee that this new male paid her further attention.

"On my better days, perhaps," she replied coyly, staring up at him from where she lay on the sand. Ah, yes, she had certainly hit jackpot with this one. This was the reason why she was staying in a pride full of crazies! "Persephone, if you wish to know."

"Persephone," he drew it out slowly, like he was tasting her name on his tongue, then turned a smile brimming with charm down onto her. "I'm Eros, it's truly an utter pleasure to meet you." He even went so far as to dip his head, sending his mane tussling about his shoulders.

He took a seat near her, feeling the warm sand shift beneath his weight as he sat. "It's such a relief to find a beautiful face here," he motioned slightly with a paw, then let his attention fall back to her. "I'm new here, so I don't know anyone except my family, and it's always sad to be the new lion in the pride." He even managed to look temporarily forlorn.

"What about you, sometimes muse of mine, are you one of the pride members?" He'd heard tale that they did just randomly shelter others at times, so it was best not to assume.

"Eros," she tested the name out for herself, and decided it was nice, short and with just a hint of masculinity. "Perhaps, if we get to know each other more, you can call me Sephie by the end of the day." She was giving him something to work towards, something to earn. The little trick was bound to keep his interest in her from waning any time soon. Really, how could he lose interest in her? She was a beautiful lioness, and she knew it - revelled in it.

Eros, she decided, was utterly charming. "There are many beautiful faces here - I'm glad I've stood out to you," she practically preened at the compliment, shamelessly accepting it. "But, I haven't been here all that long myself." Sephie had certainly begun to settle in, though. One would be correct to assume that as soon as she knew that there were eligible, high-ranking boys in the area, that there was no way that Sephie would leave.

"I have decided to be a pride member. I was just going to stay for a little while - rest my paws, but ah, I have been convinced to stay." She had someone to praise her... so why not stay? She smiled again and rolled onto her side, but a few inches from the other male. Some might say she was warming up quickly... but really, Eros was trusted by the pride. Why else would he be here?

And he was really, really attractive.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:57 pm
"Of course you stood out, with a face like that," he crooned, allowing his eyes to lid a little as he leaned in to look at her. As she rolled onto her side and consequently closer to him, his grin spread wider once more and he allowed himself to lay down next to her instead of simply sitting up. He didn't mind the sand and, well, if it put them closer to this vision who would?

"The pride is lucky, then, to have captured such a fine lady," he chuckled, flipping his tail gently and his eyes concentrated only upon her. "I can see why you'd like it here though, it's like a little piece of paradise. My parents decided we'd finally stop our travelling and settle down here instead."

He smirked softly, looking out at the ocean for a moment. "Of course, I'm sure it would be much less like paradise if you weren't here."

She practically purred at all the compliments that he was feeding her. She liked to think that she was the apple of his eye - that he thought of no one else but her. Of course, that wasn't true, but Sephie could believe it so in these moments she spent with him. Sephie was special, so beautiful that he could not remove his eyes from her! Eros simply couldn't resist the spell she was casting upon him, of that Sephie was sure.

When the lion laid down next to her, she didn't hesitate to use him as a pillow. It was shameless, really, but she felt he deserved it for complimenting her so nicely. She laid her head against his shoulder, vastly pleased with her find. "Ah, and I can say the same for you! It wouldn't quite be paradise without a handsome young lion to grace its shores." There were other lions here, of course, and some could even be more attractive. But, none of them had yet complimented, had yet told her that she was pretty and that it was a surprise that more boys were not fighting to claim her. The early bird gets the worm, so to speak.

"I like to think that the pride has not captured me - but rather that I, we, have graced it with our presences. Don't you think so?" She rolled her head back to look at the fluff of his mane - she could hardly make eye contact through it!

He smirked slightly at her compliment, though Eros wasn't quite as conceited as his beautiful companion. He had a skill for spinning compliments to beautiful young ladies and a way of getting what he wanted, but he was a lion made of love and passion - not pride.

"I think you have graced the pride with your presence," he said softly, turning his eyes away from the ocean and looking back down upon her with them instead. They were a soft blue, like a mix of sky and ocean themselves. "I am just lucky to be here in such a place with such a beautiful lady at my side."

Then, finding a streak of boldness within himself, he leaned down so he could place his mouth next to her ear. "Now to figure out how to keep you all to myself, lest the other members figure out what a prize they have won." He whispered it, softly, with half-lidded eyes and a voice filled with just enough sultriness.

Persephone was a lioness of simple needs - if she had stayed at home, though, she would have driven her poor aunt Shani to insanity with her boy mongering. Sephie needed food, water, comfort, and boys to fill her head with compliments. If she had those things, she would be happy. Right now, this little pride was fitting the bill quite nicely, even going a bit above and beyond. The land really was beautiful - a beautiful place for a lioness who considered herself to be beautiful.

"You are, indeed. I am happy to have found someone who appreciates beauty." Really, she was going to be put off from the pride if the other males inhabiting it didn't start showing interest in her. Eros had swooped in at the right time, because she hadn't found a male to become fixated on, and was getting tired of waiting. Eros was fulfilling her needs when she thought she needed it the most. The perfect lion!

She felt his mouth press against her ear, felt his breath wash against the side of her face. Oh, she was practically swooning! Wait... he was supposed to be wrapped around her paw, not the other way around... But, he was so endearing, and she liked that little bit of posessiveness he was displaying. She blushed a little and considered what she should say next. "I am sure you can figure it out," she replied sweetly, gaze shifting off the side as if she was not quite sure he was capable of it.

But, oh, this was so nice! He wanted to keep her all to himself, when Sephie was a lioness who usually did not consider herself something to be kept. But, maybe... He was really doing a number on her.

There, that small hesitation, the way she glanced away. This was suddenly a game of affection and Eros enjoyed that very much. Affection, comfort, passion, love - it was all right up his alley. He was a king in his element.

"Oh, I appreciate beauty like none other," he continued to croon, fanning his breath over her ear. Then, he slowly pulled away, but not before letting his mane brush just so along the back of her ear and along her neck. This was his craft and he knew it well. "Pray the muses give me a way to snare such a creature as yourself, hmm?" He followed it with a soft, charming chuckle and raised a brow in her direction.

If he could just spin her around his paw a little more, not even the muses (whatever those things were) could hinder his path.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:47 pm
She could not recall a time she had been so aware of another boy as she was now. Every little movement he made she felt, from the breath against her ear, to the gentle brush of his mane against her pale colored neck. Even his voice was something to take pleasure in. Persephone had never met a boy quite like this at home. The boys at home were less subtle, and less skilled. She was the same, so for a time they had suited her. But, she craved something a little more intricate now.

Her cheeks were hot, so much so that she imagined that they were turning the tips of her fur pink. Flicking her tail against his side in a seemingly idle movement, she turned her chin up, to press her face just a little more into his mane. Ah, this was so nice, he was so nice. How much had she thought that, that he was perfect? It was enough that she should consider things more seriously.

"If I were you, I would not wait for the muses to give you guidance. Beauty is a hard thing to capture - it can slip so easily away." She rolled over onto her other side, not because she wanted to, because she really, really didn't. But, how treacherous it would be if he made him think she was an easy catch!

It was so nice, so perfect, having her cuddled up against him. He could feel her warmth against his shoulder and the scent of her fur overwhelmed his senses. But then, for whatever reason, she seemed to get back a little commen sense and rolled away from him. That he didn't like, not one bit.

With a slight pout on his face he stared after her, drawing a deep sigh of disappointement, before he collected himself and forced a look of calm back onto his face. "Oh, but the muses are supposed to be good at giving guidance, aren't they?" His tail flickered as he tried to think how best to get back into her good graces. It had seemed like an easy catch to him!

"Though I also hear it might take some time before they grace me with their words," he frowned, stretching his paws out over the sand, and scrunched his face up in actual contemplation. "What could I do then, a poor lonely soul like myself, to capture the living embodiment of a muse?" After a moment, he tilted his head to look at her, considering something before he finally spoke.

"Would my muse happen to like flowers? Or seashells?" He smiled softly in her direction, leaning in just a bit. "Tell me what would please you and I will find it, I will shower you with it."

'Come on, Sephie, show some back bone!' she silently told herself. But, oh, he was a nice big lion, who knew what to say to make her feel good. She debated with herself on what to do. Would it seem weird to curl back up against him after having parted so suddenly? For a brief second she glanced wistfully over her shoulder at Eros. Look at him! He was so handsome. One part of her scolded her for keeping Eros at bay, and the other part applauded her for making him work to get what he wanted.

"Of course, I hear that their guidance is precious, and not to be easily discarded. But, you're right, it takes so terribly long..." She glanced down the beach, as if she would find another male waiting there for her to grace with affection. It really... couldn't hurt to make him work for her, could it? She huffed softly, still unable to come to a proper decision. What did she want, truthfully?

Her attention was again drawn back to Eros, and really, it had never actually left him. He certainly had a silver tongue, and now there was the promise of gifts! Sephie looked over her shoulder, saw him leaning subtly closer, and now she felt compelled to close the distance. She strained herself to just touch her nose against his - it would have looked accidental if she had not made such a clear effort to initiate the contact.

Ah, after listening to him, she decided she really didn't want flowers or seashells, or even rare jewels that one may be fortunate enough to find in a lifetime. Just that he was willing to make the effort for her... right now, when she had been without company for so long, was enough. "I think your muse is the sand that I lay upon, that pillows my body." Briefly, but undeniably, she smiled coyly at him.

As she touched her nose to his, his smile widened and he leaned forward more so that he could brush his nose softly against her cheek. Oh, but he did dearly love games of chase and passion. Whatever the outcome, the game itself was the best part.

"I think, then," he said softly, his voice low and filled with a thick charm, "that I have already won." He shifted on the sands himself so that he could lay next to her, his side pressed lightly to her side. "For I hear that a lion is a part of their muse, and the sand is mine, then I've already got you surrounded." There was an amused twinkle in his eyes, a playful one that suggested much more than his words did.

And the grin only grew wider as he leaned down, brushing his cheek against hers, then slowly bringing his lips to her ear so he could whisper gently once more. "Plus, it is so terribly hard to get rid of sand once it's laid its touch on you."

He had her stomach twisting in knots, something she had experienced once or twice back in the Pridelands, but still it was nothing like this. Eros was not a boy from back home, he was new and exciting, and she quite readily wanted to see what would come of him. Sephie couldn't deny her interest, his flattery played perfectly to her ears.

A more modest lioness would have put space between herself and Eros again, but Sephie had decided to be delightfully immodest. She liked the warmth against her side, how his words caressed her ears. Ah, but he was so cunning! She had not met a lion who could control words like he. He made it sound that he had indeed won, and that there was no way she could question his victory - the proof was in the sand she had so declared to be his muse. "Ah," she confided with a soft whisper, "I do not think then, that I can get away."

Delighted chills ran down her spine as his lips all but touched her ear. She turned her head, nuzzling into his mane with a content sigh. What a charming demon he was, and she so loved to play with demons. His words were... oh, she couldn't deny that they were suggestive. The way he said them gave more evidence to that than anything else. "I would not have laid upon it if I did not want to get dirty, if I did not want it clinging to me."
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:24 pm
Oh, all the lewd things he could have said in response to that. All the comments he could have made, all the suggestive things that could have burned his tongue as he spoke them. And yet, he didn't say a single one. Instead he chose a path less crude and perhaps just a touch more romantic.

"Then I truly have won," he announced softly, shutting his eyes as he spoke and felt her cheek nuzzling gently into his mane. "For, as the sand, I am everywhere and there is truly no escape." He smiled, a knowing smile of victory and suggestions, as he let his eyes slowly open and look down at his prize.

"I've captured the Kizingo's greatest muse, and they never even knew it."


Eloquent Lunatic

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