Wrong manipulation on my side, so here is the role play without the pictures.


Do you see this river? It is the Black River.Races have fought over for it for centuries. The races have used swords about 5 feet long. The Ghosts,the Humans,the Ninjas,and the Werewolves are the things that fought over it. They all had special powers. But very few of these races are surviving. There is a King who tries to rule it though. His name is King Sunto. He is a race that is endangered,the Werewolves. His army is superior to others. It is full of werewolves and Ghosts. The Ghosts are his right hand,the werewolves at the other. But on the other side of the river,the other King sits. His name is King James. He is a Human,and has an army of Humans and Ninjas. The Ninjas at his right hand,and the Humans at the left. They fought over this river for years. This river is fought over because of what is in it. In it,thousands of thousands of fish live in it. The water is pure. And why,you may ask,is this river black? The answer is simple. Many Ghosts have lived in this river. The Kings then started to fight over it. Many Ghosts still live in this river,and the river stays black. If one King wins,then the river will stay the way it is,or it will turn light and become nice. King Sunto would let it turn light again. He would force all Ghosts out and seat them all in his army. But King James would let the Ghosts continue to live normal lives. But with the people who want the river,there are warriors who betrayed their Kings and live on the edge. Now go. Go pick your side. And now,the adventure begins.

3.Naughty or Nice List
5.The Powers of the Races
6.King Jame's Castle
7.King Sunto's Castle
8.Types of Characters
9.The Army Code
10.The King's Rule
11.Characters Who Have Signed Up
12.Pictures of the Kings


~Follow Gaia's TOS
~No killing other REAL players without permission from that person
~No god-modding
~If you decide on having two players,plan it early. I do not accept a second person submission from someone twice in a 24-hour time period. If you want two characters,give them to me at the same now.
~Please,Please,do not have a SUPER LONG post.Sometimes alot of people do not have the time to read them.

Naughty or Nice List

This is where everyone may bask in your glory if you donated,or look down at you if you did something bad that didn't follow the (King's) Rules.


Nice People~Blank!


The Ghosts

All Ghosts have this ablility.It is for turning into shadows or becoming black and hauntng people.

Ghosts are like Vampires,but if they are exposed to it,nothing happens.They only weaken if they look at it.

Extreme Cautions
In harsh weather,they will not feel anything.The only natural disaster that may hurt or kill a Ghost is a tornado.

Ghosts are not in anyway with Christ.So sin is not something they worry about.

The Humans

Humans get weapons.No guns,only bow-and-arrows.

Humans are effected with God.So they pray in the worst of times and usually get killed during this time.

Humans do not get alot of powers.

The Ninjas

Ninjas can blend into their surrondings.

Ninjas have perfect bodies and can jump from tree to tree.They count on their slender bodies to get place to place.

They will commit suicide if facing death.

Ninjas have weapons.No guns.Only bow-and-arrows.

The Werewolves

Four Wheel Drive
Werewolves do not only stay on all four paws.They can stand on their hind legs.

Full Moon
Werewolves are only transformed at Full Moons,otherwise they are useless.However,The River of Darkness usually gets a Full Moon every Monday through Saturday.

Werewolves are warded off by any silver object,human or not.

Werewolves are not very stealthy,but come in different types of colors.



Ghosts get one of these special powers
~Extreme Float

A Ghost who chooses Fire has a flaming skull and can do one of these

A Ghost who chooses this power cannot go through things as a usual Ghost can and can be seen barely by a Ninja.

Extreme Float
A Ghost who chooses this power can soar through clouds,but cannot go through things like a usual Ghost can.

A Ghost who chooses this power cannot go through things like a usual Ghost can but will not go crazy.
Humans only get one power out of two.Humans are not commonly seen using them though,so do not use them about a bajillion times a day.


A Human who chooses this is very close to God and will pray very much,but can soar through the clouds.

A Human who chooses Lightning will often not move,but can do one of these powers
~Lightning Bolt
~Lightning Float(Cannot float very high)
~Lightning Shield

A Ninja can only get one power,or not get one at all.
~Extreme Stealth
~Super Sword

Extreme Stealth
A Ninja who chooses this power can not be seen at all,but will make a little noise while hiding about.

Super Sword
A Ninja who chooses this power uses a sword that can either
~Turn on Fire
~Be 8 feet long
~Freeze whatever it touches.
However,the Ninja cannot jump from one tree to another very stealthy.

A Werewolf can have one of these powers.
~Enhanced Jump

A Werewolf who chooses Dig can go underground but cannot get on their hind legs.

A Werewolf who chooses Climb can climb up any tree or house but cannot get on their hind legs.

Enhanced Jump
A Werewolf who chooses Enhanced Jump can jump higher than trees but its eyesight is a little worse.

A Werewolf who chooses Eyesight can see a lot better than the normal Werewolf can,but cannot jump ver high at all.

King Jame's Castle

Here,you can see how the King Jame's Castle for better roleplaying.

King Sunto's Castle

Here you can see King Sunto's Castle for better roleplaying.

Types of Characters

There are lots of types of jobs your character can do.Here are the four main ones.Remember,you do not have to do these select jobs.These jobs are only available to Outlaws.

An Assasin does not get paid for killing,they just do it to do it.

Bounty Hunter
A Bounty Hunter does get paid for killing and doesn't care who he/she kill.So hes/shes a natural backstabber.

A Blacksmith makes tools for the war,and usually has many places to own to be in hiding.

A Rebel is a thing who does not like the war and usually just goes and sabotages the war plans on both sides.They usually stay in groups and own both outfits.

The Army Code

If you are signing up,you must follow this code.

Army Code Wrote:
Username[ /u]-
[u ]Name[ /u]-
[u ]Bio[ /u]-Tell me what happened in the past of your character
[u ]Race[ /u]-
[u ]Job[ /u]-OUTLAWS ONLY
[u ]Outlaw?[ /u]-
[u ]Type of MagicIf you are Ghost and you choose Fire,please state which type of magic fire.Same to Human and Lightning.
[u ]Description Mental and Physic[ /u]-
[u ]Other Stuff You Would Like To Share[ /u]-

The King's Rules

If you are a warrior,remember that you are ordered by the King.Which means you follow th King's Rules.

~Do not betray your King.
~Follow all orders.
~Never kill without told to by a General.
~Use your power wisely.
~No confusion.


Here are the people who signed up.

King Koolest Person Wrote:
Username-King Koolest Person
Bio- Legend was born and grew up in war.The war affected his life very much and his house was burned down at age 5.His parents died and he fled into the forest.He met with a mentor,Key,who taught him the ways of the Ninja.When Legend was 9,Key died from a sickness.Legend took all that he knew and went to fight for King James.He was a warrior for years.

Legend's life in the army was rough,but eventually he worked his way up to General.He had many followers.He was sent on many missions with small groups of warriors.They all came back alive.But when he had one mission to sabotage the other army,all of his group died.He stayed alive and was almost killed.He didn't commit suicide,for he had no idea that he was to do that.He got away by freezing the enemy with his sword.Ashamed,he ran back to the Army and left it.

As an Outlaw,he made a passion of a Rebel.He took Commander of it and they went on more sabotage missions.At age 20,he was known throughout both armies.
Race- Ninja
Outlaw?- Yes
Type of Magic- Super Sword.Freeze.
Description Mental and Physic- Legend is 5'6" and is skinny.He has black,wavy hair that is usually under his hood.He has feelings for others,does not like to kill,and is angered easily.His emotions differ on which time he wakes up.He has many friends who trust him,and many enemies who hate him.
Other Stuff You Would Like To Share-None.

The Kings

King James

King Sunto

Yesterday,King James had given the order to attack King Sunto's army. The armies clashed,and many fell dead. Many were people sad,happy,and lost hope in their army. The river was full of bodies. The Outlaws had to flee farther into the forest to not to get hurt. Many people's homes were empty and full of blood. In the end,King Sunto's army fell back. King Sunto overeacted and ordered for all squadrons to attack and sabotage battle plans in King Junto's army. Soon,they fell back again. King James had laughed hard at this plan,but soon stopped when he noticed that they had taken their plans. King James ordered a stakeout.He sent many warriors,but most fell dead. King Jame's advisor had died in the stakeout. He had no more battle pans,so he fell back on his Ninja squadron. Soon,King Sunto sent Ghosts. Many Ghosts turned to ashes,and the Ninja's returned with only a scratch. Many people hated what had happened. They stood there,amazed that this had happened.

Legend had watched every move of the attack. Some men wondered near his troop and they died easily. He thought that the war had been going on too long. He looked at his surrondings. The river was dark as ever but he noticed a shimmer of light. So King Sunto was advancing. Either that or some Ghosts have wondered off to fight for him. He shook his head and ordered to attack an army.