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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[PRP - East and West] I'll smack some sense into you

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:42 am
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So when one's job was 'council to the adviser', what did they do with the rest of their time? Certainly it was not a surprise for members of the East House to find the gray lioness looking over happenings, if only out of sheer curiosity of what was possibly to come. Possibly? If one asked her of certainties, all they got was possibilities. Perhaps that was why she was only asked for opinions on what to do on certain matters. Maybe -that- was why she'd woken up with the feeling today was going to throw something at her.

Something more exciting than the little fuzzy brats who shoved their faces in hers every morning (at least one with excited chittering, mommy, mommy, mommy!!!).

A stretch as she took her leave from 'her' den (even if it was mostly run by little girls), before Tonkareta started what she felt (and with her mother's gift of seerdom influencing) would likely be a very... 'special' walk.Maybe Yua was going to dump some sort of 'specialness' on her. That could have been in her future. However, she wasn't sure she liked that brand of special...

Though the very beginning of her lap said that the brand of special she was half-dreading wasn't going to be coming from the members of the house, at least not at the first glances she was taking.

So then, what was she to expect instead?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:02 pm
hi i am a picture

Rhy was exhausted. He wasn't freshly bleeding from his wounds anymore, but he had taken little effort in cleaning himself up. Scrapes all over his body made him look worse for wear, as it wasn't isolated in one single area. He stumbled a little through the brush, still not used to how it grew here. Man, what he wouldn't give to see an open space, fresh air, sunshine, blue sky...


He tripped again, but because he was too worried about his wants, he wasn't able to catch himself and landed on the ground with quite a sound. He moaned a bit, struggling to push himself off. He was tired, sore, grouchy, and had never been in such a low...no, he'd been worse, just yesterday, but now he just felt hopeless.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:27 pm

It was hard to miss the sound of pain. Perhaps it was just her own sensitivity to it after waiting for the House's consort to return from his ventures (What -was- Deiwei up to, anyways?) only to greet him in a state of 'beat to s**t'.

So that somewhat familiar sounding noise had prompted her to pause in her wanderings to strain her ears towards it instead. Hmmmmm. Well, she hadn't beat anybody up recently, yet she couldn't imagine her children, or any of the other children of the house, were so inclined towards violence either...

Thus she had to sort through the options of what in the area would injure -anybody- in the pride while she sought out the source of the moaning, finally spotting a color that wasn't one of the house-member's;


Brown, black, gray, gold, etc... they were a very muted color of a house, so it had stuck out to her like a sore thumb.


She cautioned herself in immediately approaching the..male? She assumed that was correct, but she had to still keep her distance; few things would cause such wounds to anybody, and her mind had dragged out every grave possibility.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:27 pm
He stared at the female, though it took a lot of energy just to do that. He had to pick his head up, open his eyes a little...ugh, too much damn work. The blood loss mixed with not eating a proper meal in a while had really hindered him. Just thinking about that, he wondered if he had been properly fit, he would have been able to kill that damn lion that had taken Mio. Then...then...

He slumped back down on the ground, not wanting to get up. He groaned a little bit more, struggling to get himself into a somewhat decent position.

"Nggg," he grunted again, wondering if this lioness was still in that 'house' that Mio was in. He didn't think he'd get out of here alive, if it was.

"Where...?" he asked, his breathing a little heavy as he pushed himself onto his rumb shakily.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:36 pm
Well, he definitely wasn't functioning properly, given how long it took him to sit up. That was enough of a 'sign' for Tonkareta to move ever so -slightly- closer, sitting on a good arm's-length away from the stranger while she looked him over better. Yeah, he was more beat up than anybody she had seen lately.

"Where what? Here?"

She had almost pushed a few buttons with asking him if he was looking for -someone- rather than what was a rather straight forward inquiry.. but she never knew. However, for the ease of the situation, she'd go with the most straight-forward solution in this case.

"You've reached the Eastern territory of Tianxia.." she paused and furrowed her brows together, still analyzing the male. No, those weren't accidental injuries. The extent of them said he -had- to have done something to earn them. At least if her experience with such things said anything.

"Will you be needing to.." she paused, pondering his state of being before she would actually think of taking this stranger to Yua... Hmmmm....

"Can you move, or will I need to be asking for a healer to be brought to you?"

... Did their house even -have- a trained healer? Maybe she'd have to ask Yua if he could get one from another one.....
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:30 pm
He felt his head bob down, a flood of mixed emotions filling his chest. So he was safe. For the moment. But as he knew so little about this pride and how it functioned, he didn't know if he was still going to be safe. Oh, he knew that the violet male wanted to kill him, but probably not as much as Rhy wanted to do it himself. Regardless, he knew he would be playing with fire if he attempted that again. Perhaps so for even mentioning it.

Why didn't Nia tell him what to say if he ran across someone else in the pride? She was only thinking about herself, again, and making sure that she wouldn't feel guilty about anything.

He pushed the bitterness out of his heart; that would only make him dead at this point, if not from another lion, than from starvation and exhaustion.

"I am ok," he lied through his teeth, feeling his body relax with relief that he had been able to get himself just out of the border. "I..." what should he say? He froze, really trying to examine what he should say at this moment.

"I escaped the West," he finally admitted. He was probably going to die either way, might as well make it the quicker of the two.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:55 pm
.... 'Escaped'. That was a highly interesting choice of wording, if Tonkareta had a say in the matter. In fact, it ruffled her enough to prompt her to sit up a little straighter and giving him an even closer look. That was putting his injuries into a different perspective!

"I assume that means you're in some spot of trouble with the Western territory?" she asked critically, frowning in something that was laced with disapproval. Hmmmmm. How was she to think about this? Objectively, this male didn't seem threatening, but she also wasn't familiar with the Western Lord and Lady.. or most of their members.

So who had he angered, exactly? Tonkareta rose to her feet to walk around the male, as best as she could, to appraise him. She could at least tell he was quite physically capable, given that he had made a run for it with such injuries to him. But now.. he wasn't exactly so robust after a marathon. Even Xidorn would have been able to kill the male in his condition.

She sat back down again after a moment of consideration, having allowed her initial statement to settle.

"However, I have no reason to return you back to the West unless my lord is asked to return you." she said after a moment of appraisal.

"And with as high up as I am, nobody has mentioned any query to return anybody to Lord Zahi."
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:00 pm
Rhy was too tired to really care about what she was asking. He figured that something dramatic would happen soon, what with all the rules and laws and regulations that would probably make his head spin if he even tried to understand them. What happened to just simple living?

He twitched at the name Zahi, remembering Mio's voice when she had called out to him. b*****d. He swallowed a growl, not wanting to make it seem as bad as it actually was.

"Nia said that I would be okay once I was outside of the border," he mentioned, scratching at his stomache. It was a lot of work for him, but man, some of these bugs he just wasn't used to.

"I hope she keeps her word." Though he did still want to kill the b*****d.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:13 pm

Nia Nia Nia Nia Nia Nia Nia Nia....ummmMMmmm..... yeah.. she wasn't exactly placing the name, however, it seemed he at least had a connection to the figure, so she would ask either Cadenza or Gulo later. If neither of the siblings knew the answer, then perhaps the best result would be.. to ask Yua.

But that was only in a last-resort.

"....." Tonkareta sighed deeply at the rather talking-to-self statement the male made, before she rose to her feet, reaching out with a paw to pat one of the male's legs, frowning at him with the same unimpressed expression at his attempts to look big and strong.

"Hoping while lingering as a bloody mess in our territory isn't the most productive use of your time. Unless you like looking like that. Though I do think that the smell of your blood would chase away any potential dinner from you."


Was she offering to feed him? Or at least get him fed?

"Or you can reject my offer, sleep here, or out in the lands, and make one of our guards mistake you for a dead something-or-other when the buzzards are attracted.

Honestly, it's all the same to me. You can't accomplish what you were apparently attempting.." she paused and again looked at his battered appearance, "if you get eaten."
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:36 pm
Wow, she was harsh. Still....

"I don't want to die out here," he grumbled. He really didn't...want to die. He was only realizing that now. What if that b*****d had killed him? How would Nia have felt? Or even Mio? She claimed that she didn't love him anymore, but she certainly wouldn't want to see him die.

"And...I...no need to worry about any more attempts," he said sadly. He knew that it would be hopeless, and he probably wouldn't survive the next time. That house would be on their guard, now.

"I don't like being covered in dried blood...that's mine, either."





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:25 pm
Honestly, one would have to imagine the daughter of the goddess of pestilence to have a lack of silver-linings when it came to 'ways to die'. Then again, she wasn't radiating her family history in any method to be had. Either way, once he'd gotten the knock of 'Do you like living' thwacked into his head, Tonkareta was at -least- satiated.

Or maybe her harsh tongue would come back to lash him later.

"At least you've gotten your sensibilities about you." she said flatly, rising up again to turn away from him, pausing in a mid-round before she again looked to him, before jerking her head in a sort of 'follow me' motion. "Our house is small, I'm sure there is an available den you can be situated in while you recover.

Then I will discuss with Lord Yua what should be done with you. If he questions why you were chased from the Western territory, he will seek out an audience with Lord Zahi to find out what happened."

She paused to give him a moment to allow her statement to sink in.

"Unless you'd rather discuss it with him yourself."
PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:46 am
(I sense great rp possibilities developing. XD)

Rhy followed meekly, his pace a little slow, his movement painted the picture on just how sore he was. Marching through all that unknown land to save his skin hadn't done much to help him in anyway, and some of the scrapes and bits of fur missing along his body were from the plants as much as the fight.

He wondered what he should do. It sounded like either option would be a bad one for him.

"If possible, speaking to..." Was he really going to say this? "Lord Yua myself might be the best approach." Ahd hopefully the less painful of the two options before him.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:57 pm
As long as he was still moving, Tonkareta wouldn't get impatient over his limping. To walk with a limp when one was injured was a rather reasonable expectation. Even the house's consort had done it himself -- though Deiwei's problem had been less self-made than the way this boy's situation was being formed in her mind. She'd have to wait and see what exactly happened when he spoke with Yua.

However, it seemed that self-preservation was in the picture this stranger had in mind for himself. That was also reasonable, she assumed.

"Lord Yua is a reasonable man, if it were myself, I would have chosen that as well." she said, her voice lightly praising and betraying her confidence in the man. He was more like a mass-father to the house, really. Sung Dynasty, if one had to compare to him to a human-reign.

"However, first I will allow you to settle in somewhere."

It wasn't exactly a long walk for her to find an available den to open up to the st-.. well, he was more like a visitor, for now, stepping inside one that wasn't far out of the way from the rest of the hub of activity. She gave it a good look-around making sure there was nothing that needed to be chased out it, before nodding with approval.

"You can stay in here. You'll be within call of most activity, so you can be kept after until you've cleaned up."

She didn't intend to sound to authoritative, but it was important for him to be watched until Yua could sort things out....

"Would you prefer to rest now, or should I go ask the Lord if it has a free moment to come and speak with you before you get too comfortable?"
PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:36 am
He settled himself down, thankful that he could have a place to rest and not worry about something jumping on his back. At least, for the current moment. He still felt restless and fearful, and wondered if he was indeed making the right choice in everything. This was a true test of his values and mind. Was he going to pass? Or would he pay with his life?

'Before you get too comfortable.' He shuddered at those words, reminding him that he wasn't safe, even here. "If the Lord has time for me," he answered, trying to be as respectful as possible. He felt so low and useless, helpess. Ugh.

"Hopefully I will be able to get cleaned up...before then." Maybe just clean his face up a little, morelike. Oh well, it was better than greeting this "Lord" still looking like a stale, dried bloody mess.





Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:00 pm
It wasn't as though she was trying to threaten him into a situation he was very uncomfortable with. Tonkareta was simply being honest about the situation at hand. After all, it would have been unfortunate for her to make him comfortable, just for Yua to tell him to leave..

Even if she had a suspicion that the old man's fathering nature would get the best of him instead. She wasn't going to get his hopes up, however.

"Very well then. I will go speak with him... and allow you some time to get yourself presentable, at the very least. If you can do that before the sun has gotten too far into our territory," so into the afternoon, it sounded, "I will have had time to speak to Yua."

She paused, before motioning with her head out of the den.

"There is a water-hole not too far out of this area. If you're inquired upon by a member..." she paused, seeming to debate on a proper course of action, before sighing, "I'll claim responsibility for you. You can tell them you're in my company...."


"Which would require you to at least have a name. Tell them you're with Tonkareta." It certainly wasn't her pridal-name, but until she knew whether or not the male was staying, she wouldn't be giving him that.
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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