A/N: Alrighty folks! We have here a good ol' Character Deconstruction! From the //GU Novels, what if when Haseo and Atoli first get talking (and she gives him flowers, talks about Sakaki yadda yadda), Atoli was very... un-Atoli like?

Un-Atoli Like

How does this always seem to happen to him? It's not like he was about to win, not with his level down to what it was. What was he at anyway, 2, 3?
Only 136 left to go. he thought bitterly as the PK, Rebakah from Kestel parried off every move he threw with almost bored ease. Haseo was the one struggling with each jarring, frustrating skill. He couldn't lose, there was too much at stake. Without a Party, Ryou Misaki could lose even more that he'd worked for. He could lose Haseo.
A flash of green raced across the screen. Quicker than he thought possible, he watched as Rebakah collapsed backwards to the ground. Just as the PK was about to get back up, a green slipper slammed into her chest, pushing her back down, a Harvest Cleric stave pressed to her throat.
"Where is she?" the Cleric demanded. A girl, or a very good voice changer, Ryou guessed by her voice.
Taking a closer look, zooming in his view- it was that shy-looking girl at Sakaki's side, from Moon Tree! The one that looked like Shino. The one what was nothing like Shino.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Rebakah barked, still pinned by the Cleric.
"Bordeaux. Where is she? Or if you're willing to give up the location of your 'fearless' leader, Kuhn"
The PK was thoroughly confused, "Kuhn left Kestrel ages ago"
"I'm not stupid, I know you still keep tabs on him. So answer me." she growled, putting more pressure on Rebakah's throat with her stave.
"Bordeaux was last at the Kestrel HQ Area, but she might've left by now. As for Kuhn, you'll have to ask the Boss" she just managed to choke out.
"Speaking of the Boss, you'll have to remind him that he owes me my cash if he wants me to keep my mouth shut. When someone comes to revive you, I mean." The Cleric shot out coldly.
"When someone comes to-?!" Rebakah's words were cut off by the stave jammed into her neck, PKing her to gray.
Ryou was speechless. How could someone look so shy and so innocent, a member of the preachy Moon Tree be so powerful, so forceful?
"I know you're still there" she practically replied, drawing her stave from its spot.
"You're the girl from Moon Treeā€¦" Haseo uttered stupidly.
"Sure. Let's go with that."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Kid, I hate Guilds. There's a reason I'm with Moon Tree, stuff I don't wanna get into" was all she offered, as she turned for the Chaos Gate out of the Area.
"Wait! If you're a Harvest Cleric, how did you PK that girl?"
"That girl is Rebakah, one of the best in Kestrel, their secret weapon. I got this character model from the Camoflage event, which also disguises my second-job Pole Arm weapon as a stave."
That would mean she had to be an Adept Rouge! He had so many other questions-
Wait. Where'd she go?