So, I have noticed some new members had been asking for help which had not bee promptly provided for them. I apologize in advance. (*bows for forgiveness*) So here is a simple jump start plan to get you fast into the RP experience.

1. First read the rules of the guild. Failure to follow those rules can eventually lead to banishment from the guild and you do not want that.

2. Now, create a profile for your character(s) in the profile subforum. Futher rules and explanations are listed there.

2.5. (Optional) You can also introduce yourself in the Out of Character subforum if you wish.

3. In the Dormrooms forum, sign up for the room/ rooms for your character(s). They can have a single or double room, and can board with someone currently without a roommate or in a new room awaiting a roommate. Once your room is decided, you may create a new post for your room or begin RPing in the room you had been assigned to. Be patient if you are not immediately assigned to a room. Just RP in another forum (like the Beach, a classroom, the Café, etc.) until your room is made.

4. In the School subforum, go to the appropriate forum and post the classes you wish your charracter(s) to take. Again, please read the rules further explained for that forum, AND look at the classes actually available. And again be patient if you are not immediately put in the class(es) you want.

4.5. You may also post club activities/ jobs for you character(s) in the appropriate forums. They are not all in the same subforum.

5. Please follow your school schedule for your character(s), even if it isn't posted plainly for you. For example, if you see people posting in the Music room, and your character(s) are signed up for Music class, obviously they should be going to Music.

(I am still currently working on these tips, so please check back later for more updates. Also, these tips are subject to change in any circumstances to adapt to the needs of newcomers.)

I hope these are helpful and any further questions are accepted in this forum. Welcome to the guild! ~<3