Hilo, I need help...with accomplishing my dream avi(:

here is my current avi:
User Image
Total Value: 1,302,709 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Jenny Doll
Pink Nosey Face Tattoo
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Nitemare Headband
Colonial Bonnet
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Pink Bunny Slippers
Tiny Pixie Wings
Elegant Snowy Leggings
Demonic Anklets
Iced Sugarplum Puff Sleeves
Thick Pink Winter Socks
Pink Strapless Bra
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Dress of the Swan
Coal Tavern Wench's Cincher

If you guys could hellp donate any of these items, or even a little bit of gold..that would be great(: message me, if you wanna help!