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Reply [IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]
[PRP] [Mtima & Sikilizana]

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Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:40 pm
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Had she not seen it a thousand times, the harsh white that dripped and flowed from the sheer, gabbro cliffs would have left her eyes burned. Instead, the cold seeped through her skin and traveled up, vanishing before it could do harm and make the world unbearable.

On top of the world, some of the mortals call it. There would be no concept of time or creation here. All the secrets would be revealed; the god's knowledge surpassed all others. Spirits, wisdom, and a menagerie of other imaginative ideas.

They were wrong.

And as Sikilizana stood there, bored, her eyes trying to peer through the thick mist to the world below, she wondered what it must have been like to live a life in such foolish naivety. Far darker, and the more important question, Sikilzana asked herself how naive her own mind was and what great fantasies and obsessions traversed her own head nevermind the minds of her fellow god.

Climbing higher still, her path was on-route to the great golden gates. Mortals went there and gods were reborn. They could not. The price to pay for passing through those gates was eternity. It seemed like a simple thinking to give up when you already lived forever. What was eternity but just another day? But, when you went through there, you lost a most important thing. Its name was choice, and so she lingered in the realm of the living where she could choose whether or not to die.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:50 pm
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If little Mtima'safi had any obsession, it was the gates into the afterlife. This was where the souls came when they left the mortal world, it was where she was most responsible for them. It was here that she guided them, made sure they were whole and healthy- in whatever way a soul might be. She was small again but she never seemed to lose her power over souls, it was too important. It was her only real job, her purpose for existing at all. So that was where she spent a great deal of her time, especially since starting over. Death was the official guardian of the gates but he didn't seem to be around and so Mtima had come out of her distant hiding spot to get a better look.

"Too bad he's so scary," she muttered to herself, pacing up the length of the gates thoughtfully. She was glad to have a good close up look now and then. It was nicer up close despite the morbid implications for mortals.



Magical Apprentice


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:59 pm
It took only a few long steps to pull herself up and over the last, sheer boulder and shuffle her way towards the bright, looming appearance of metal.

Here, it seemed to always sunny. The clouds occasionally made it to the peak, shrouding everything in darkness and leaving snow in its wake, but mostly Sikilizana felt a never resilient pounding of light on her skull.

The voice of someone else reached her before her eyes had focused. It should have been no surprise to see another lingering in the area and certainly no surprise that they'd display such brash colors. Never the less, Siki found herself surprised and intrigued at the sight of another goddess.

One she'd seen before, and like most of them, had never bothered to speak to. As a child she had not been welcome to. Before she'd begun to realize she was not her mothers property.

"Hey!" she called out, skipping any formality that might be required and changing to exactly what she wanted to know. "Who are you and what do you represent?" That was the most applicable way to say it, was it not? They all seemed to represent something. Her footfalls quickened in pace as she closed the distance between them at a trot.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:09 pm
Distracted as she examined the edge of the gate, surprisingly tempted to see what would happen if she tried to reach through despite knowing better than to actually do it, she was started when she suddenly heard a voice calling out to her. She looked up, not able to get a good look at first but whoever it was sounded friendly enough.

"Uhh, I'm Mtima'safi," she answered loudly, though she wasn't sure it was loud enough, "Goddess of souls. Who are you and- and what do you represent?"

Had she said that right? Why was the other goddess saying it like that anyway. It was kind of weird. She watched as the goddess got closer and closer.



Magical Apprentice


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:28 pm
It had been loud enough for Sikilizana to pick up on. Dipping her head low, she turned the trot into a canter and finally was within normal speaking distance.

"Sikilizana," she breathed out as she'd gotten close. Her eyes scanned over the other lioness and she squinted a moment before looking away.

"I represent Obsession." There was a slight smile as if she'd said something particularly bad or devilish, but it changed into something more friendly as soon as it had come. Souls? It was an interesting domain. At once, Sikilizana was scanning the area for any dead that might have passed through.

Was it a worthy thing of being Obsessed over? The dead? She wouldn't see them again after they passed through the gates.

A long pause, then she turned back to survey the youth more discreetly.

"Is it something you enjoy, watching them all pass by?" she asked.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:43 pm
Mtima had no idea what to think of Sikilizana, even when she was close enough to see clearly. She didn't look outright dangerous, physically or otherwise, but she looked.. interesting. Intermediate, maybe. But either way, that wasn't as dangerous as someone who looked outright bad.

"Neat," she murmured after a pause to consider if the goddess looked friendly or not. She didn't know much about obsession, but something told her maybe she should. Maybe it was something else she'd forgotten, but what could she had been obsessed with before that she didn't remember?


"Oh yes!" she exclaimed, cheering up when asked about watching the gates, "Once they go through here I know they are safe, it's my job to make sure they are! Not that anything usually happens to them." There were some instances of trouble but it was usually by another god and she couldn't think of any time she couldn't fix it. It might be much harder on her if she tried now, of course.



Magical Apprentice


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:57 pm
Neat? What a strange way to say it. She supposed that 'neat' didn't really qualify as an approval or disapproval either way. In response, Siki let out a soft snort through her nostrils. It escaped and trailed away in a white, steaming cloud.

At the word here, her attention turned once more to the gates. The more she looked at them, the more she loathed them. They made her feel insignificant in a sense. It was perhaps the awe-inspiring ideal of their presence that left her with such derision.

The little thoughts about her that lingered and were soaked with the word 'obsession' kept tinging at her mind. It happened with nearly everyone, strangely less so in a few mortals, and Siki kept opening her mouth to ask the next question, to feel the next little pull on her body like the world needed her.

"What do you mean?" she asked after a time, honestly perplexed. The 'usually' had alarmed her. Even she worried that her soul may not be safe. Perhaps it would be wise, for the future, to be friends with this one.

"What can happen to a soul if you don't watch over it?"
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:17 pm
Siki didn't make it very easy to know exactly how the conversation was going, she didn't seem terribly upset but she wasn't exactly being cheerful and chatty, either. It was almost upsetting but Mtima's defense for it was to be more cheerful herself. You couldn't be upset at someone who was just trying to be happy, could you? Maybe it would rub off on her or something. Unfortunately, the subject wasn't going to make it easy to stay cheerful.

"Well, other gods can do things to souls," she explained, looking considerably less cheerful, "It doesn't happen a whole lot, I guess. Some curses leave marks but sometimes things are actually done to the soul. Like one goddess I know can take pieces of souls, I make sure that they have them back before they go through the gates."

She was talking about, coincidentally, Sikilizana's mother, Ubuge. That particular goddess had a tendency to convince mortals to trade away bits of their souls. Mtima had never liked it but she couldn't really stop her. It was what Greed was, she supposed. Had to have everything you could, even someone else's soul. The nearest example she had of a damaged soul was much more complex than what she described, though. Before her death she had healed the soul of a god, but she did not remember it. It slipped by as immortal souls cycled through lives, never making it through the gate. Not that she knew of.



Magical Apprentice


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:30 pm
Other gods could do things to souls. The words tasted bitter in her mouth. Of course, she had assumed this to be true. In fact, she should have already known of this fact. A goddess in her adolescent years would have picked up on enough, but her mother had shrouded her well.

The continued topic left Sikilizana silenced. There were a few moments where her brows furrowed and another where she clenched her teeth.

A name had not been directly mentioned, but Sikilizana knew more about her mother than she cared to believe. Due to the lack of general knowledge she had obtained about everything else, the words that Mtima spoke could mean nothing else than her own. . . even in her head, Siki refused to say mother.

"Greed does not part well with her petty things," she muttered once, under her breath. It was hissed enough that perhaps her soul-protecting goddess would catch it in any case.

"And what price do you pay to get them back?" she spoke with a more urgent tone. That lesson, Siki had learned early. This mortal realm was like a trading game. You had to give something to get something, and Ubuge's price was high. For now, Siki refused to mention any relation. It would be better if no one knew.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:48 pm
Mtima's ears perked when Siki hissed, almost certain she heard the word 'greed'. But that would mean Obsession was aware of the work that Greed did. It shouldn't surprise her, you'd never know who everybody else knew.. except she seemed so oblivious to things happening to souls. Either way, the question was more urgent than pondering the sudden display of knowledge.

"I don't pay any price, at least I don't think I ever have," she said thoughtfully, trying to think back to the very first time such a thing had happened before, "I guess they lose their value once the mortal they're attached to dies, at least for her. And I don't need permission to take them back or to fix what other gods have done, it's what I'm supposed to do. I can't stop it but I can fix it."

If she wanted, she could have gone around trying to heal damage as it happened but her fear of some of the other deities held her back. Ubuge wasn't terribly scary but she was kind of disturbing. One had to be fairly manipulative to manage taking bits of souls, plus greed itself was an unsettling behavior in Mtima's eyes. And then gods who did purposeful and serious damage.. well, they were just plain terrifying. And she couldn't think of any god that would appreciate being told what to do (or not do).



Magical Apprentice


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:01 pm
The lack of a price relaxed Siki's tensed muscles. The intense look she'd been giving the air changed to its original, neutralized state.

"I guess they do," she repeated with an airy voice, her mind mulling over the simplicity of what this youth had told her already. Age, however, seemed to mean nothing in the face of wisdom.

Towards the end of Mtima's speach, Sikilizana's back legs seemed to give way and she sat with only enough grace to keep from harming herself. Her focus was on the steep downward direction and she squinted to catch any view of the mortal realm she could. Every now and then, there was a faint glimpse. When the clouds parted enough, and the sun was just right, did the mortals look up, catch a glint of gold and wonder?

"And," Sikilizana pressed as she turned her head to regard the other once more. "What do you do if someone takes part of your soul?" It was perhaps rude and it was certainly not a pleasant conversation piece, but Sikilizana had to know. Every bit of knowledge was something that could be used against her, and every piece gained could be used.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:21 pm
OK, neutral and sitting were both good signs. Or .. ok signs. And Mtima was perfectly content with that, there were worse ways to carry out a conversation. She didn't take a seat herself, though, she was just too short in comparison to the other goddess. And part of her wondered if she dared to get comfortable that Death might reappear by the gate. She made a face when Siki asked a very good question, one that Mtima wasn't really prepared for.

"I guess it depends on what they do with it, if you can still control most everything you do you could try to find me," she answered thoughtfully, "I can usually find someone who needs my help, broken souls stand out more because they're the ones that really need my help. Mortals are always OK by the time they come here but if it was another god it'd be harder for me to find, I think. Gods don't go through the gates, I'd have to find them or they'd have to find me, I think."

Of course, Mtima did have experience with gods and broken souls- she just lacked the memory of it. It made sense, though. She just knew all of the souls that came through here that needed more than guidance from her, they were rather rare. But she couldn't help a god that way, their souls didn't move on. Mtima had never yet heard of gods and mortals trading places, though.



Magical Apprentice


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:04 pm
It wasn't quite the answer Sikilizana had been looking for. That much was obvious by the way her ears traveled back to her skull and she listened only half-heartedly to the information that came forth. Siki was still too naive to believe anyone could possible steal her soul. Afterall, she was a goddess, and she'd seen more than her fair share of trickery from her mother. What could possibly touch her?

"No, no," she whispered with the picture of impatience written all over her face. "I mean your soul." The word your was said firmly, and Obsession gave a long look at Mtima as she said it.

"What do the rest of us do if you can't do your job?" The idea of souls, in fact, was more than confusing. To think that you could have two parts or even more than two parts according to mortals. Three, four, five pieces of yourself in some cases.

"Haven't you ever wondered what would happen if you were trapped, your essence caught and suddenly that portion of life stopped existing?" From the look on her face, it was obviously a question that had been on her mind before.

"I don't get it, Mtima. We might as well be mortals handed abilities and allowed to live forever. I am dying to pass through those gates, and it's such a mortal emotion to regret." A look behind her was accompanied with a scowl. Once she'd escaped, found her freedom in knowledge and individuality, Sikilizana thought the world would appear easily, with great knowledge.

There was nothing new. Other than being able to change the direction of her feet when she willed and exert choice, nothing had changed. She was frustrated at the lack of life's revelations. Perhaps her mother had taken a part of her soul.
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:37 pm
Mtima frowned when Siki corrected her and clarified the question. The little goddess had thought that first but she purposefully hadn't answered it. She didn't know what exactly would happen and she didn't want to try to imagine what might happen but.. she couldn't really avoid the question now, could she? Part of her had to wonder if she had known the answer at some point, that might be something she'd try to forget.. someone stealing some of her soul.. but then it was valuable information too!

Ugh, it made her dizzy trying to think about it.

"Uhhhhhh," she said, "If- if I can get back other people's souls, I should be able to keep mine safe. Unless it was a lot or something really big or something." She frowned again, it wasn't a very good answer but.. if someone threatened her soul, she'd absolutely fight for it.

"Our souls aren't really that different from theirs," she murmured, not sure how to address someone wanting to go through the gates. She didn't know what happened once you went through there and that was worrisome but she had to believe once the souls went through they were safe again. She wouldn't just let them go somewhere they weren't safe.



Magical Apprentice

[IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]

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