i am a pretty good poet so im told and i need money so here goes
my poems dont ussually rhme but i can make them
i will write any kind love, hate,sadness,anything except explicit stuff i dont do that. um just tell me how much you will give me here is one of my works (please dont steal)
i dont no what to call it and i need to redo the very end but ya

Dark, cold, lonely
My heart is so empty
No more light shines
through to it
Its frozen over
A permanent ice age

But then suddenly
A single ray of light shines through
And my frozen heart begins to thaw
I looked up and there you stood
Looking at me
A nervous smile resting on your lips

I felt a tingle run up my spine
And at that moment
The light broke through
Melting all the ice
My heart was once again warm and filled
With my love for you
The hole from him
Completely filled
never to surface again