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Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:22 pm


welcome and post away-
Strongest Muse atm: ---

***RP LOG:

Not Normal -(Decaya+Zul'brin)
Finally another mare -(Setsumi+Indah)
Peacful Meditations -(Maramu+Tranquility)
You're family, so who am I?-(Manjii+Zhen)
So much orange-(Manjii+Niki)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:30 pm


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A mare of great strength and determination, Nhekayla is truly an impressive soquili. With her sense of focus and dedication to success, this mare takes no nonsense. Perhaps that is her greatest downfall, in that she can never tune in to her softer, feminine emotions. To her, that is a distraction and embarrassing curiosity.

Available for Breeding?:
1. reserved with Gunju
2. open
3. open

1. Calling all warriors!- Well not all warriors. Since rp time is limited for me, I have to limit just what warriors she meets. I'd like for her to have a sort of 'Master' that she takes all training from. As if being the sword to one's teachings. Another warrior would be a rival of hers, someone who always brings up confrontations for strength and power.

2. It's WoW, of course!- The friendship/company/romance? of other WoW creatures. Though Nhekayla is of a hardy stock, so she'd most like the presence of other capable soquili that won't make a waste of time. Others that have lessons to learn that any warrior spirit (or tough female) should know.


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Setsumi is a mare that makes 'silence can be so loud' a way of life. She is a very shy individual because of her life spent mostly in solitude. When it comes to meeting strangers, she becomes a mess of tied-tongue and whispered statements. These embarrassing actions leave her flustered and rushing back to the cover of her forest home, to not be judged and pestered by 'outsiders' for her lack of social skills and odd feathered pelt. As much as she enjoys tales of adventure and beautiful far lands, don't expect her to go rushing off to discover such things. Setsumi enjoys taking things slow to fully understand and appreciate everything she can. The few individuals that can successfully wait up at her pace are the ones she considers true friendships. But don't be fooled, Setsumi can only be pushed so far. Anyone daring to peer pressure her into quick action while get a snort and perhaps even a good biting. She doesn't appreciate her boundaries being threatened, no matter how kindly she'll flex them.

Available for Breeding?:
1. lifemated to Rokhan
2. lifemated to Rokhan
3. lifemated to Rokhan

1. A Life or Death encounter- For as mature and cautious as Setsumi is, life can still throw hard blows. I'd like for Setsumi to come across a mean-blooded mare or stallion that rather enjoys violence for no reason. She will obviously get battered around, but no death will happen.

2. Adoption- If there is a baby soquili out there in need of a family, or at least a kinder mother figure then this is the plot. Setsumi will take in any little soul, even if it's just as a momentary guardian role or a deeper bond.


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Decaya is a lady that....well, doesn't really comprehend that she is a lad. In fact, she hardly notices gender roles in living creatures, and she roams the lands like a carefree but frightful cloud. As fluffy and soft as she may appear and behave, she too can loose herself to bouts of stormy tantrums. But those are far and few in-between. Most of the time, Decaya even ignores the company of others, always showing more favor and respect to her hungry 'panda' friend. Not much of a talker, it takes a very creative individual to understanding her low mumblings and mantras. Let alone catch her attention enough to keep company before she prances off again into more mysterious mischief.

Available for Breeding?:
1. Reserved for Peep
2. open (must be dark/grim stallion)
3. reserved

1. Princess Party?- Another mare that Decaya crosses paths with. This mare would be ultra-feminine, and would try to doll Decaya up with manners and beauty tips. Sadly, it'd be a chaotic case since this green mare hasn't the slightest care to personal appearances.

2. A Dark Guardian?- Think of 'Daddy' from Bioshock. Some grown figure that's like a ghost in her life, that is simply amazing and awe-inspiring in her eyes. Someone who has their own set of quirks/oucast features like herself and that she could rely on to keep her safe/company.

3. Open Plot- Surprise me with something?


Shy Seeker


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:32 pm


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Soul Lexis is truly one unique character, if one can ever pinpoint it. While being a Kalona has it's perks, Soul doesn't always live up to the title. He's not bloodthirsty and nor is he violent....well, not like most people believe Kalonas to be. This male is the type to be seen leaning against a wall, observing everyone else and smirking at their antics. Should he find a crack in the system, he loves to slide his way in to work havoc on other peoples emotions. Acting like a friend or a mentor, even an admirer, Soul is suave when he makes his appearances. But be careful, there is no justice behind that grin of his. He has no concern or guilt for one's fate, and will easily throw others to the predators if it ensures his survival and entertainment.

Available for Breeding?:
1. reserved
2. open (must have Kalona blood)
3. open (must have Kalona blood)

1. More Kalonas:- Interactions with all types of Kalonas. From the pure blood to the none, from the passive ones to the darker personalities. There can either be alliances, rivalries, or deadly romances that result from these encounters.

2. A Willing Slave:- A non-kalona (or perhaps a weak-willed Kalona?) who falls under Soul's interest. Anyone going in this role will no doubt face mental abuse as well as physical torment. (nothing fatal, more like an annoying snack for Soul)


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The son of a bashful mare and a free-spirited Troll makes for a very confused individual. While Jumanjii' holds great pride from his father's blood, his mother's temperance has played an important role on his behavior. Manners is a must, no matter what the situation! However, Manjii' will not let that hold him back from speaking his mind and doing things as he sees fit. Thing is, he has a poor way of doing so in a considerate manner, usually coming off as ignorant to anyone else opinions. This was never a problem as a colt, being allowed a wide range of freedom to be rough and blunt with his equally challenging siblings. But with age came the awkward adjustment of what's considered appropriate and rude. It's this boundary that Jumanjii' still finds himself unable to understand, especially under the (vastly different) presence of male and female individuals.

Available for Breeding?:
1. open (very picky)
2. open (very picky)
3. open (very picky)

1. Stubborn Fights- A stallion friend to argue and banter with casually. Though they'd become friends after having a severe fight, realizing later that it was dumb and they actually make quite a team.

2. The One- Manjii' still has so much to learn about the ladies. While he used to be impatient and agitated in the presence of fickle females, he has since mellowed out and may be balanced and prepared to befriend a lovely lady. Maybe.

3. Deadly fight- Can be completely decided by luck of dice rolls. Either way, this will be an offensive all out fight, with good reason to do so. ((to be discovered during rp)) In the end though, Manjii' will lose an eye in the battle soooo...yeah. ^_^


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A sweetheart through and through. Maramu is one dependable and friendly mini pony that would never say no to someone in need. Though don't expect him to be the life of the party, since Maramu suffers from insomnia and often is half-awake during the day.

Available for Breeding?:
1. open
2. open
3. open

1. A Group of Small fries:- A start to a Usdia herd, tightly knit like a family. Anyone can join here, young to old, male to female. And while there are no official ranks, everyone will be recognized for some task/talent they are good at. Maramu will likely be a storyteller. 83

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:34 pm



Shy Seeker


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:47 pm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:40 pm

Ok, I have a few I'd like to offer up to you for possible plots.
So I dont TL;DR you with a bunch of text I'm just gonna link you to second page of my tee-pee which has small blurbs of personalities.

First for Jumanjii's first plot, I'd like to offer Syon. He's still not quite over his prejudices, so an encounter with a headstrong male would most definietly end in a fight. XD But he's certainly on his way, especially after taking a half-breed cerynei as a mate, so potential for snarky friendship is there.

For Decaya's second plot I'd like to offer up either Quirrel or Sariel. While Quirrel certainly looks much odder with the feather mane/tail Sariel has a much darker posessive/protective personality and more or less chooses to live at a distance from other soquili.


Shy Lover


PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:00 pm

X3 I'd like to offer LittleWind for Decaya's foal interactions ~ Windy is no where near shy and would happily approach Decaya if she saw her. She works well with almost any personality type 83 Mostly because well o-o She doesn't care and simply just loves everything and everyone. If Decaya can stand or like an overly chatty and hyper filly, they could easily become best friends too X3 If not well.. it'd probably still be an interesting experience X3
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:11 am

For Jumanjii's plot I say bring it on. xD Though they both have their levels of snarkiness, I'd like to see how well they fair after an arguement. Whether it will leave them friends or bitter rivals is an idk at this point. 83 And for Decaya, how about Sariel? I kinda like that moody streak to him, unless it will drive Dacaya away? 8o But maybe Quirrel could prove to be just as interesting as Decaya hardly minds 'boring' peeps.

Foal rp would be great! I'm sure Decaya could learn some girly/feminine traits from Windy. ^_^


Shy Seeker


PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:04 pm

X3 That may not be too likely, but it's very possible. Since Windy's always hanging around her brothers, plus the fact somehow in every RP I have her in so far she's the only female o wo she's picked up a semi-tomboyish streak, but she can definitely have her girly ways XD Heck maybe they could teach eachother more feminine styles. Would you like to start or me 83?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:49 pm

Always shoot for the Moon...

Hey Zheadeos may be a boy doesn't mean he acts full-on naughty little boy styleish. He's just quietish which is the same both genders. -Pats Zheadeos- If more Foal rp is desired I have Zheadeos the grey/white little one below to offer as well.

...because even if you miss you'll land in the stars.

Strait Jacket Girl


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:57 am

*pokes you* Foal RP? xd *pushes Zul'brin towards Decaya*
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:25 pm

Heeeeeeeeey! I have some ponies to throw at you. <3

If you'd like, Manjii can meet up with any of my ladies to hopefully gain a little more insight into the female psyche (though I can't promise anything he learns will actually be helpful). I have:

Celandine, playful and borderline childish most times; she knows that light and dark exist in equal parts, but firmly believes in finding your own happiness and following it, so she tends to be on the brighter side of things. She's pretty easy-going, but comes with a hawk familiar who is quite grumpy and sassy, and would probably provide some amusement. She's good for being a sister-ly type figure, and she always needs more pals.

Isriel is independent and friendly, someone who won't hesitate to inform you if you're mouthing off, but is for the most part easy to get along with. She can be a bit bossy, and would probably need to be shown her place from time to time, but she and Manjii could have an interesting dynamic in that regard; she's not the softest of females herself, and is generally more headstrong and domineering than she ought to be.

Indah, steady and stable. She's the quietest, most serene of my mares. Not much seems to phase her, and she takes life as it comes, quietly and gracefully. She's very protective of her family, though she'll generally reprimand with a sharp look or word more than anything else. She would be especially likely to befriend Jumanjii if he ended up fighting/befriending Einarr, who is becoming more laid back as time goes on.

Syrea, Isriel's daughter, full of wide-eyed innocence for the world, and very gullible. She has self-esteem issues that she tries to mask by being over-bright and bubbly, and has a good heart at the core of it. She's on a journey of self-discovery, though she's not sure what she wants to be discovering, and has always been more comfortable around males as bros than she has females for friends, so she'd probably approach him and pal around.

Virvatuli, whom Soul has met. xD She's a personality that's wavering between good and bad, and has a lot of confusion mixed up in there. She's fickle with her moods, and though she won't outright pick a fight, she's not against one if it comes up. She's been in kind of a grumpy mood lately since she's fighting with her childhood idol, and though I'm not sure I could see her and Manjii getting along exactly, it could be interesting?

Einarr is also up for whatever! He could be a snarky bro of Manjii's, or he could end up forming an adorabibble bond with Decaya. He definitely would not knock around Setsumi, though, so I'm afraid I can't offer him for that. :C He doesn't have a lot of patience, and tends to snap at kids to keep them in line, but he's getting better now that he helped raise Tuli and Syrea, in a manner of speaking. He's gruff and awkward, but if he begins to feel protective of someone, he's pretty much on their side forever.

THERE ARE ALSO MORE but I feel like this has gotten long enough. Let me know if you want to plot and/or rp with any of my Soq, ever. <3


Anxious Prophet


Fashionable Mage

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:09 pm

Foal roleplay/ plots?
/Pushes my Enzo to your Decaya.
Maybe he could also fill the role for A Dark Guardian? He's more of an outcast really, he annoys his family and most others. (Mostly by choice.) So he knows whats it like. And after Decaya breaks through that hard shell around him then he'll be very protective over her. And if anyone dares to mess with her he'll go kick their butts so hard that they'd be knocked into next week!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:11 pm

I can start that lil rp, then pm you the link. ^_^ Maybe Zheados can join that rp?

Yes please! Can you start that one and pm a link?

zomg big selection is big! xD Um, but to keep my muses from being fried I'll take it one at a time. I don't know which one I'd like first, but it'd be cool to see Indah become friends (acquaintances?) with Setsumi while at the same moment Manjii' and Einarr become tough buddies? If at all ic possible? Or for the female psyche Manjii' can have his first kalona encounter with Tuli? He'd learn alot of both that race and gender I imagine. xD

Enzo sounds like he'd be fun. 8D But since he isn't an adult, I don't quite think he'd fit that Dark Guardian role. Maybe a guardian junior, most definitely with his attitude! ^_^


Shy Seeker


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:16 am

Oh dude, one at at a time is definitely the way to go. xD I just wanted to give you options because I'm not sure just what you're looking for, so I figured I'd hurl them all out there!

I think it'd be great for the moms to become buds while the sons become tough buddies. That would be adorable. xD Indah definitely needs more friends, and she's a pretty peaceful person, so it's not too tough for her to get along with most. I think she and Setsumi would get along, and it would definitely be good for her.

And after that, or before that, or whenever, I'd love for Tuli and Manjii' to meet. That should be an interesting encounter. xD
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