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Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:27 pm

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:28 pm


Page 1:
-Heftige Gottheit des Mutes
-Ikenna "Abraham"

Page 2:

Page 3:


Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:29 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [cub] [Juvenile] [Adolescent] [Adult]

Info: Obi is a brave and kind hearted lion whom would go out of his way to help anyone in need. Courage is on his side through everything that he does. He will do everything in his power to ensure that his friends are safe.

History: Obi was originally from a pride long wiped from the face of the planet. His mother brought him to the mist weavers with her last breath. Obi was found by the former king of the mists, Maji, and taken under his wing. He was taught to write, read, and anything else needed for survival. Above all else Maji taught him to be just and pure. For the most part, he grew up in the safety of the mists.

After the Mist weavers were taken by an evil force Obi traveled with Maji, until they were tragically separated. Now he is on a quest to find Maji and a new home.

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:
- Maji | Played by: Thalion | Maji served as Obi's adoptive father after he was orphaned along the Mistweaver boarders. He was one of the very few lions that Maji privileged the knowledge of writing to.

- Kisulisuli | Played by: Thalion | Suli was kind of a big brother to Obi. The large Mistweaver cub taught Obi how to fight, get his paws dirty, and served as a sparring partner as the two grew. Unfortunately, Suli feels it's his duty to remain behind and wait for the old Mistweavers to return- as unlikely as that may be.

-Man'tah| Played by: Nova Cracker | Obi meet her while searching for Mwali.

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:31 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [cub] [Juvenile] [Adolescent] [Adult]

Info: Afzal is a kind hearted former FireKin. After his encounter with the god of peace he has found a new meaning to life and has vowed to uphold his new beliefs in the name of peace. He still has a little edge to him at times, but he is quick to cool from a temper.

History: Afzal was once a lord of the firekin pride. All he wanted was to take his father's place and horde many women to his side to preserve his string blood-line. As a cub he traveled with his, in his mind, less competent brother Sinbad. He dwelt on nothing more than his training as a fighter and lord. As he grew older so did his ambitions. He wanted to expand the firekin territory.

For all his boasting of his skills, his brother was actually first to have offspring. This sent him into a constant bad mood. How could someone so dense be further along?

Afzal would never get the chance to carry on his bloodline within the pride. The pride was overrun by non-traditionalists and he was forced to become a wanderer.

Afzal wondered the African pains for months seething with hatred and plans for revenge before he ran into Lei Wei, the god of peace. It didn't take long for the affects of the god to set in and his eyes were quickly opened to his errors. After the encounter Afzal set out to right his wrongs and changed his name to "Ferid" as a symbol of his new life.

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

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Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:41 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [Adult]

Info: Meyrle is over protective and a bit of a twerp. She can be very friendly, but get on her bad side (or Vahn's) and expect the rude treatment. She loves shiny objects and she loves to steal things for the fun of it. Especially shiny things.

History: Her mother was a member of the EnGedi originally, a rival to the Aba Horaki clan. During times of little, the Aba Horaki would often invade the fertile territory of the En Gedi to survive. In one such raid, Meyrle's parents were killed. Rather than killing her on the spot, the raiders collected her and presented the young cub to the royal family as a gift. The royals gave the cub to their youngest heir, Vahn, as their eldest, Fulkin, already had two servants of his own.

While much was expected of him, Vahn was hardly the warring type. While he put up a touch guise, Meyrle was able to see through it. Aside from his brother, Meyrle was the only one that Vahn allowed to come close to him.

In front of the tribe, Meyrle was the perfect, humble servant. In private, she was Vahn's equal and companion.

As Vahn and Meyrle grew older together, Vahn was forced more and more to go off to train with the warriors. While Meyrle was treated well and kept healthy in his absence, it was difficult for her to be away from her friend. When Vahn returned from his training, it became habit for the young lioness to fling herself onto the princeling and welcome him with an onslaught of kisses. At first the pride frowned on the behavior, but over time it became a common sight.

Because of his frequent trips away, and his frequent returns with injuries, Meyrle became clingy and over-protective of him.

Vahn's older brother, Fulkin, was said to have abandoned the tribe during his rite of succession trial. The ordeal drove Vahn to train harder and recluse himself further. Following Fulkin's death, Vahn's father took a mortal wound and eventually passed. Grieved by her loss, Vahn's mother stopped eating. She, too, eventually passed away, leaving Vahn in the care of his mentor and his servant. Meyrle was his only shoulder to cry on.

With Vahn as the only royal remaining, his work load became more and more demanding. He trained constantly with Meyrle watching from the side. Many of Vahn's men had come to calling Meyrle "Lordling's Shadow" as she was ever-present beside or behind the young prince.

As the time for Vahn's trial neared, Meyrle became more aggressive with her protection and care of the young leopard. She took on the previously unacceptable habit of getting into the faces of even Vahn's mentors and tutors to tell them when Vahn had suffered enough training for the day. She'd spend hours grooming Vahn's fur and tending to his injuries.

She waited along the boarder from the moment Vahn left for his trial and was the first to celebrate his successful return. Meyrle stood behind Vahn as he was named the king of the Aba Horaki. Just moments after his succession, his brother, Fulkin returned with a force of rogues and rebels from the outside lands. The Aba Horaki fought to the last warrior, but in the end, the warriors were felled.

The general of the Aba Horaki pleaded with Vahn to save himself and return to avenge them. Meyrle suspected the only reason Vahn submitted to the request was to save her. The two managed to escape with their lives at the cost of the remaining clan members.

Forced to a life of a nomad, Meyrle remained true to her duty. Vahn refuses to let her call herself a servant since the attack on his home town left them as equals- refugees.

RP Logs:
-[JRP] I might be small, but I bite! (Tasuki x Meyrle)(In Progress)

Romantic Relations:
- Vahn | Played by: Thalion | While she's not actually voiced any romantic interest, she's made her intentions painfully clear in other ways. Whether or not Vahn 'gets it' is still up in the air, much to her frustration. Meyrle knows Vahn better than even his parents did.

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:42 pm


User ImageTheme: n/aUncert: [Pup][Juvenile][Adolescent][Adult]

Info: Je'Ome is a wild and ambitious hyena. He loves to fight when the opportunity arrives. However, he is ( or tries ) to be a lady's dog. That said, he can be quite the flit...

History: Je'Ome was always causing trouble with his identical twin brother. If ever there was a time they could run off, he took it. He would always get into trouble for shirking his training and be punished by 'make up' training.

As he grew older he took his training a bit more seriously, even arriving early for some practices. It was a welcome sight to see him fall into line -finally-.

Now as an adult Je'Ome is less of a troublemaker and more of a seasoned soldier. He works closely with his brothers in arms.

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

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Other's Art Work


Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:43 pm


User ImageTheme: [Lizard Dance]
Uncert: [Adult]

Info: ---

History: ---

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:44 pm

Heftige Gottheit des Mutes :____________________________________________________________

User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [Adult]

Info: Heftige Gottheit des Mut is a cold and seemingly uncaring person. He doesn't say much and really will not hang around anyone if there isn't a reason to. ( Which is why Mut doesn't have very many 'friends'. )
Mut will only bless those who he deems worthy of the courage blessing. He shuns fear and the fearful.

As a side note, never touch his hat...

History: It is said that Heftige Gottheit des Mutes is the manifestation of the souls of many brave heroes. It is said that each of these heroes were so great and had so much courage in them that they would never truly die. Even when their bodies decayed away into the earth their souls would ascend into the great beyond, greater than any mere mortal could ever hope for.

Most of these heroes were also said to have come from Germany ( or in the area ) which is why the deity was named "Heftige Gottheit des Mutes" which is German for "Fierce Deity of Courage".

There is also another belief that the god of courage is the ascended form of a single hero who saved his entire country from a great evil. He saved countless villages and people on his quest to vanquish the evil that plagued the land. The hero eventually vanished from his home lands without warning or notice.

When another evil plagued his former home he showed up once again to slay it. This time he came in the form of a golden lion with a white mane and piecing eyes. The evil did not stand a chance.

Some say that in the time he was gone he had found the god's heaven and was welcomed as one of their own for his many deeds. He was given a form of a lion to show his great courage outwardly and to strike fear into his enemies eyes.

The villagers gave him the name "Heftige Gottheit des Mutes" because he fought so fiercely that the evil itself was terrified of him. His fearless behavior became a symbol of the village. Many more heroes were born and raised by his example in that same village over the decades. Mutes visits each child when they reach a certain age and blesses them with his courage if they are deemed worthy. Or so goes the legend of the village. He has never told anyone the true story of his origin.

There was once a pride of Lions that followed this ritual. However the pride was wiped out by an evil lion and his minions. There was but one survivor, a cub, who was taken to the former mist weavers and raised by their king.

(( still working on this ))

RP Logs:
-[META] Peace, Courage, and Duty(Complete)
-[PRV] The Courage of Individuality (Mutes & Cael)
-[PRP] Of Lions, Leopards and gods (Mutes, Zakumi and Dez'i)
-[AIM] Peace of Mind (Mutes, and Li)(Complete)
-[AIM] Courage meets Egotism ( Mutes And Rama )(Complete)
-[AIM] Meeting again (Li, Cael, & Mutes)(Complete)
-[AIM] Last one Standing (Jelani & Mutes)(Complete)

Romantic Relations:
-Cael| Played by: Kijani| Just something about this goddess makes him feel at ease...

Friendly Relations:
-Li Wei| Played by: Thalion| Mut has always protected the god of Peace and appointed mortals to protect the god as well. Though Mut can hardly tolerate the lions childish tone Mut likes to be around the young god as he creates a sense of... well... peace. If it were not for that Mut would avoid the naive god.

-Squall| Played by: [Radical Dreamer] | Mut put this mortal in charge of protecting Li. He senses great potential in this one and has decided this lion is worthy of the blessing of courage. Other than the appointing of his task, Mut has not interacted directly with this lion much. He keeps a watch and is usually not far from him.

-Obi| Played by: GunSniper | Mut used to be the patron god for Obi's biological parent's pride. Before Mut got to perform the blessing of courage on the pride it was destroyed. Mutes protected Obi's dying mother and guided her to the Mist weaver lands where Maji found Obi. When she passed on Mutes burred her and her mate under the stone where the blessing of Courage ritual was performed. Unknowingly to Obi, Mutes still watches over the cub as a favor to his parents. .

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:
-Rama| Played by: Thalion|From the beginning of their encounter Mutes had a dislike for the god's arrogance. The dislike went a bit further when Mutes found him to be somewhat cowardly.

-Jelani| Played by: Thalion|Mutes confronted this Jelani when he tried to kill Li Wei. Ultimately he scared him off before he could do too much damage.

Current Plots: n/a

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Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:48 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [cub] [Juvenile] [Adolescent][Adult]

Info: ---

History: ---

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:54 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [cub] [Juvenile] [Adolescent] [Adult]

Info: Choco is quite the wild lion. She loves to roughhouse and play, but she can be very strict when she needs to be. When it comes to meeting new faces she is always happy to meet someone new. However, if they prove to be untrustworthy, they will earn her hatred. Once trust is lost it is hard to get it back with Choco. She can remember quite a bit.

Choco loves her family and would do most anything for them.

History: ---

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work


Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:59 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [cub] [Juvenile] [Adolescent] [Adult]

Info: ---

History: ---

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:00 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [Adult]

Info: ---

History: ---

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work


Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:05 pm

Ikenna "Abraham":____________________________________________________________

User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [Adult]

Info: Ikenna is a caring old lion, but has his own way of showing it. To most of the pride he is seen as a senile old bat with a good deal of wisdom. He loves to tell stories of his golden days and hopes that each story provides a good deal of wisdom for the cublets. Ikenna is also very quick to punish when he sees a cub doing something wrong.

History: Ikenna has been in the same pride all his life. He tied the knot with his lovely mate, had a few cubs, and for the most part lead a quiet life. One morning, while his wife was out hunting, a rogue lion appeared and tried to steal the lionesses hunt. When the rogue caught sight of her beauty he tried to take her as his own. She refused and rogue tore her apart before the other females could aid her. When the hunting party returned with the news Ikenna grew furious. He tracked the rogue down and took revenge for his mate.

Not but a month latter three of his four cubs fell very ill and passed away. Struck with grief Ikenna clung to his last cub, Olukayode, and raised him on his own, refusing help from the rest of the pride.

The young cub grew into a gentle and kind adult whom was very adamant about helping the pride. He found a beautiful mate very young. Sadly she was unable to have cubs, she was an infertile Cheeton. One day while out hunting on his own he found a cub, a young Squall, and brought him back to raise as his own cub. Ikenna was convinced that the cub was Olukayode's own offspring. A 'miracle' child and a blessing from the God.

It was not long after Olukayode had found Squall that his mate fell ill and perished.

Olukayode himself fell ill with the same sickness and weakened. While defending the pride from an attacking rogue he was gravely wounded. Upon returning to the pride he died at Ikenna's feet. Before his death Ikenna promised Olukayode that he would watch Squall and raise him as his own. Olukayode never told Ikenna that Squall was found and adopted. To this day he is still convinced Squall is his own.

Squall was Ikenna's only remaining family and he clung to him as he had with Olukayode.

(( Working on this ))

RP Logs:
-[PRV] Back in my day! (Ikenna & Remie)(Complete)
-[ LOG ] New faces (Asher, Zubin, & Ikkena)(Complete)
-[ META] Hate's Curse (Pride Meta)

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:
-Squall| Played by: [Radical Dreamer] | Squall is Muts grandson. (Unknowingly Adopted grandson) Once Olukayode, his only son, passed away Ikenna raised the young Squall on his own. He cares very much for him, even though he is quite rough on the lad.

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

My Art Work

Other's Art Work
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:22 pm


User ImageTheme: [Game On]
Uncert: [Adult]

Info: Zakumi is a fun-loving leopard with a love for the game. He loves to play, run, and chill with friends. It takes a lot to get this leopard angry, unless its along the lines of foul play. Zakumi -hates- foul play above most things.

History: Zakumi was born and raised in south Africa. He left his parents when he became of age and wondered the coast lines in search of friends and a good game. Not long after he left his parents he came across Taban while he was in search of the wind goddess. Zakumi was so inspired by the cheetah's motives and determination he joined Taban and has been with them ever since.

(( Still working on ))

RP Logs:
-[PRP] Of Lions, Leopards and gods (Mutes, Zakumi and Dez'i)

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:
-Taban| Played by: Thalion|Zakumi meet Taban a long time ago when the Cheetah was chasing the wind goddess. Zakumi admires the Cheetah's determination and sees him as a good friend.

-Je'Ome| Played by: GunSniper|The Hyena's got some good game. Zakumi enjoys competing with him as he is a tough opponent. Even though he has yet to win a game against Zakumi, they still have fun.

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

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Blessed Prophet


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:38 pm


User ImageTheme: n/a
Uncert: [cub] [Juvenile] [Adolescent] [Adult]

Info: ---

History: ---

RP Logs: n/a

Romantic Relations:
- None

Friendly Relations:

Neutral Relations:

Unfriendly Relations:


Current Plots: n/a

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Other's Art Work
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