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Full Name: Ryujin Ichina Huri
Nicknames: Ryu
Notable Title: The White Tide
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birth date: 9/9/1991
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: South Water Tribe
Rank: South Water Tribes Chief

Elemental Affinity: Water
Specialized Bending:

Weapon Class: Pole Staff
Weapon Name: Otohime [Princess of the Sea, Daughter of Ryujin]
Weapon Description: A plain looking staff that has been infused with Chi making it near unbreakable
Weapon Location: In hand, or laying close by at all times.

Secondary Weapon Class: N/a
Secondary Weapon Name:
Secondary Weapon Description:
Secondary Weapon Location:

Extra Items-
Name: Water Gourd
Description: A gourd of compressed water on his back allowing him to bend even when in a desert. Aprox. 30 Gal

Name: Fudo
Species: Falcon



➢ Water Manipulation: Almost all forms of Waterbending involve moving and shaping a body of water to the Waterbender's desire. By simply levitating a large mass of water, Waterbenders can move water anywhere they wish, even parting it under the surface of a lake or sea, allowing them to walk along the bottom of a basin without the need to swim. These large bodies can also be used as weapons, either by shaping them into gigantic whips, swung repeatedly at a target as a snake-like body, formed momentarily into a razor-sharp edge that can cut through even metal, or simply dropped onto an opponent to smother them or put out a fire. On the sea or ocean, Waterbending can be used to create giant maelstroms.

➢ Snow Manipulation: A move that pushes and levitates snow for attack, shielding and defense. Living on the poles of the Earth, Waterbenders are accustomed to living in the snow. The snow is used as the first source when waterbending. They are able to compress the snow together, in order to slice through objects, even metal.

➢ Streaming the Water: It is a move that draws water from a source that waterbenders move around their bodies.

➢ Water Whips: The most frequently seen move involves creating a lashing tendril of water to swipe at an opponent. The shape, size, and length are all determined by a Waterbender's control. More powerful benders can create larger whips or ones of greater finesse. Due to water being incompressible, a whip can be sharpened into a blade that can even slice through metal with relative ease.

➢ Water Jets: High pressure jets can be used to force opponents back or even blast clean through a target if focused enough. Water jets are primarily used if the user has intent of severely hurting their opponents.

➢ Waves: By moving a large mass of water without separating it from its original source, water benders can create waves of nearly any size. They do this by using an upward movement and after raising the source, they send away in their desired direction. This can be used to sweep opponents away or even as a form of transport, with the bender surfing on the crest of the wave. This same process can be used to propel waterborne crafts.

➢ Water Bullet: The Water Bullet is a move where a Waterbender bends a large amount of water and sends it in a forceful blow towards their target. It is similar to a Water Jet, but its more for a quick use since the jet takes more concentration. It is seen numerous times throughout the series and is basic yet useful because it takes little time to perform and has a significant effect on the target.

➢ Water Walls/Water Shields: Water can be molded into a variety of shapes and can be used to deflect an attack, trap opponents in a viscous body, reshaped and propelled at attackers before they can recover, or solidified into a shield of ice. This diversity and ability to swiftly change to suit the situation is what makes the waterbender's defense so adaptable. Although it is protecting, the shield needs some type of compression or else the shield won't be effective.

➢ Water Temperature Manipulation: Waterbenders also possess hydro-thermokinetic powers and abilities regarding their element, meaning that they can alter the physical state of the water they manipulate (between liquid, solid and gas) at will. Changing the phase of water allows for multiple techniques in the course of a battle, from encasing an opponent in ice to hiding behind a wall of mist. Ice and steam/fog can also be molded in a diverse range of shapes. Ice provides a degree of hard lethality since it can be molded into spikes or blades to pin down or impale opponents. Steam or mist can obscure a battlefield and mask movement. A Waterbender can easily superheat and boil water and other liquids to scalding temperatures.

➢ Water Pressure Manipulation: Waterbenders are also able to manipulate water pressure, allowing their techniques to grasp other objects or cutting through without simply parting around them. Since water is incompressible, it can be used as a semi-solid while being able to move and flow like a liquid. Water can be pressurized to such a level where it can slice through metal. Waterbenders can also use this to avoid sinking in water, effectively being able to walk on water,

➢ Ice Spikes: Waterbenders can shoot small shards of ice at their opponent, or cause a giant spike to protrude from a body of water. The Northern Water Tribe employs these as a primary defense at their homeland when enemy ships are sighted.

➢ Ice Claws: Ice Claws is a move where the bender draws water around their fingers and freeze it. They can also be sent forward, shooting them at an opponent. A Waterbender can also use this as an advantage, being small and unnoticeable, they can hide them in their sleeves. Also assumed that they can make ice gloves

➢ Ice Spear: The Ice Spear is a Waterbending move shown to have been used by Southern Waterbenders. It involves freezing a stream of water and then sending the frozen result flying at the target.

➢ Ice Creeper: A Waterbender can send a ray of ice on the ground, speeding at an opponent to freeze them. This technique freezes a trail of water beginning with the waterbender performing the move and ending with their targets freezing.

➢ Ice Shield: A Waterbender can freeze an amount of water in front of them, creating a shield of ice.

➢ Ice Discs: A Waterbender can create a cylindrical column of ice and proceed to slice razor-sharp sections of it off and send them at an opponent. They are sharp around the edges but all very thin

➢ Breath of Ice: A Waterbender can use their breath to rapidly freeze objects, such as metallic chains, or an opponent. For a more advanced version of the technique, the user takes a deep breath and exhales the air as a cloud of freezing mist.

➢ Water Knife: The ability to shape water into a super-sharp edge or point for a split-second. Due to water's highly incompressible nature, it enables a Waterbender to cut through metal, wood and stone.

➢ Water Cloak: A Waterbender can use their water as a form of armor with tentacle-like arms. The bender can use these arms to grab objects, whip enemies, blast enemies with water and freeze them. If a Waterbender has less water available, he or she can simply form the arms instead of the entire cloak.

➢ Water Filtering: When working in concert with an Earthbender, a Waterbender can purify polluted water. The Waterbender suspends the polluted water in the air while the Earthbender removes the pollutants and sets them aside.


➢ Water Drill: A high-pressure, rotating column of water. Capable of exerting a significant amount of pressure upon a solid surface, that allows the action of a drill. The move takes mastery of Waterbending since the motions to create a constantly twisting body of water takes bending skill.

➢ Maelstrom: In a large body of water, a Waterbender can create a gigantic whirlpool.

➢ None

➢ None

➢ None

Fighting Style [Name]
➢ Tame Za Kyokudo: Master

Height: 5'6
Weight: 146
Build: Slim
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Tan
Outfits: User Image .

Personality: Ryujin has a calm, realistic outlook on life. He takes his potion as the Water Tribes leader seriously and has put many long nights into solving disputes between his people. And when he has a free moment studying the politics, history's, and cultures of other nations. He wears
the mantle of leadership well though he has his share of enemy's looking to damage his reputation among
the tribe. When it comes to personal relations he has few. Most people just don't gain the type of trust
needed to get him to open up. And as a result he has more acquaintances than confidants.
Relations: The New Avatar Korata Aurra.
Take on battle: A thing to be prepare for but never eager to engage in.
Theme song: ??
Fight song: ??

Food: Sushi
Drink: Green Tea
Color: White
Animal: Penguin
Food: Steak
Drink: Sake
Color: Brown
Animal: Killer Whale


Born to the southern water tribe, Ryujan spent a normal childhood amongst the glaciers.
He hunted seals for the tribe, gathered special plants, traded pelts with travelers, an learned water
bending. As is typical at age 14 he took the rite of passage "Ice dodging", after three harsh days he successfully guided
he an his father through the glaciers an back to the tribe earning the standard forehead marker stating he was a man and full fledged member of the tribe. From then on he took on a permanent hunter role.

After 2 years he prove his worth to the tribe by repelling a assault by a group of fire bending mercenary's by himself.
This lead to his appointment as Chief, since the previous die just ays later of the "cold fever". Since then he has work
tirelessly to ensure the safety an prosperity of the tribe as well as keeping a special eye on the new avatar.
