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Full Name: Yuzi Kasaino
Nicknames: Faiā neko
Notable Title: Fire Lord
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Birthdate: May 6th
Sexuality: bisexual
Nation: Fire
Rank:Fire Lord

Elemental Affinity: Fire.
Specialized Bending: Magma

Weapon Class: Bare Hands
Weapon Name: Cat Claws
Weapon Description: Specially made to withstand the intense heat of the Fire Lord's fire bending, these claws help give Yuzi her nickname as the Fire Cat
Weapon Location: wrists

Name: Taiyo
Species:Mongoose Dragon


Fireballs: a basic ability; jabs and punches produce miniature fireballs and missiles of flame. These can be charged up (refer to Charged Attacks) to create larger slower bursts, or swift repetitive strikes to keep opponents off balance.

Fire Streams: another basic firebending ability, Firebenders can shoot continuous streams of fire from their fingertips, fists, palms, or legs. These streams can be widened to create flame-thrower like techniques. Fire Nation soldiers are often seen using this technique to damage or destroy villages or towns.

Blazing Rings & Arcs: Spinning kicks or sweeping arm movements create rings and arcs to slice larger, more widely spaced, or evasive targets.

Fire Bomb: A more short range attack, a Firebender can create a flame at the end of a limb, and thrust the flame down in a explosive burst.

Fire Daggers: Creating blowtorch-like jets from the fist or fingertips to use as close range sword-like attacks. These lack the ability to actually block physical objects though.

Fire Whip: An extension of a fire stream, this continuous stream of flame can be used as a whip.

Fire Blade: A more advanced version of a blazing arc, Firebenders can narrow their fire arcs to create thin blades of fire that they can launch at their opponents.

Fire Lashes: An even further extension of the Fire Whip/Stream, Firebenders can create a long lash of Fire, and bring them down on their enemies

Shield of Fire: Creates a protective fire shield around the front of, or the whole body of, a Firebender that can deflect attacks and explosions. May be a less powerful version of the Wall of Flames.

Heat Control: Certain advanced Firebenders appear to have the ability to control heat. Using this technique, Firebenders can heat liquids, like water or tea, heat metal to scalding temperatures, or melt ice.

Blocking Fire: A skilled Firebender can diffuse and extinguish an oncoming fire blast from another Firebender with a swift kick, jab, or defensive movements, allowing them to stop attacks.

Fire Disks: A whirling disk of flame, used at long range.

Wall of Flames: One of Firebending's few defensive abilities, either a situated explosion or controlled inferno, this wall concentrated flames acts as a barrier to incoming attacks. It may be a more powerful version of a Fire Shield. It not only protects against attacks, but when used right, can be used to stealthily escape from foes.

Fighting Style

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120
Build: Aerobatic
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gold
Complextion: fair skinned.
Outfits: Yuzi follows Fire Nation tradition in her wardrobe, wearing the usual military outfit.
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Personality: Yuzi is usually very formal, being raised in the palace. She has a strong sense of duty to her father and the Fire Nation. When she gets the chance to have fun, she takes it, delighting in small parties and beach goings.
Relations: Elderly father.
Take on battle: "Aggressive negotiations are sometimes applicable when other means have failed."
Theme song: Break

Food: Pasta
Drink: Tea
Color: Red
Animal: Dragon
Food: Radishes
Drink: milk
Color: Yellow


Yuzi was brought up in the Fire nation palace by a multitude of nannies and tutors. Forced to study constantly, Yuzi quickly mastered Firebending. As her elderly father's health declined, she was forced to take on more and more responsiblities, finally being crowned Fire Lord when she was 13.