Name:Iu Hana

Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description: Iu Hana Kuchiki is a giant of a man, standing over 6'5, and bearing the muscles of a titan. His hair is the darkest black, with his eyes being a peircing red color. They say that when people look into his eyes for too long, they begin feeling a sharp pain in their chest. The tone of his skin is slightly tan, but nothing too dark. Though he has amaing muscles, he isn't extremely broad. This symbolizes that he was once very slender and lengthy. However, he has yet to give anyone reasoning behind his choice of physical change. One of the more apparent scars on his body is the long scar on his neck, showing that he had escaped death narrowly. As well as many more scars, his body also contains more art than a museum. On his left hand, he has the work PUNK tattoo'd across his fingers, his family's name on his forearm, and what looks to be a barcode under his right eye. Once again, he doesn't give any reasoning to anyone who asks him about the art. On certain occasions, he is seen to dawn a lip ring on the right side of his bottom lip.


Sealed: A seemingly normal katana. The legth is of the standard zanpaktou, the hilt is covered in a very light blue cloth, serving as a kind of warning to those who are about to fight him. He doesn't try hard to hid the element that he is the master of.

Shikai: (Kuro Jigoku) Jigoku is a light blue blade that shimmers in any kind of light that can be produced. The guard is pitch black and spiked, sometimes cutting into Iu's hands. The cloth continues the theme of black, along with the actual hilt. On the butt of the hilt, a small chain dangles freely, with a small orb charm at the end of it. This orb is filled with a very small amount of reiatsu, purely for cosmetic uses. However, it could easily stun a lesser soul, if need be.


Hitofuki Hatsuyuki: Hitofuki is one of Iu's more basic, and overused, attacks while in his shikai. Reiatsu forms at the tip of his blade, releasing into a giant wave of ice and reiatsu. Originally, it was just an attack of ice, but after he gained more control over his reiatsu, then he was able to infuse reiatsu into the blast, helping it against its weakness to anything hot.

Kanki Kasumi: Kanki is a very special ability that shoots out in the form of a very think mist. If this mist hits an object or person, any mist that is still in the air will stick to said object, slowly freezing it. This attack isn't hard to break though though, and is used mostly for distraction, intimidation, or interogating someone.

Hyouden: Iu's version of the attack called Hano's Void. After releasing a very large amount of reiatu, Iu and his opponent(s) are engulfed in a giant ice dome. This is done to make sure they aren't running around too much while Iu is fighting them. The walls themselves may look like ice, but are mostly comprised of a giant source of reiatsu, using the ice as more of a defensive measure to make it extremely difficult for them to escape, even fire users. Iu can also seep into the walls and floor, going into another dimension to attack from different angles.


Stage S: This stage is based on strength. The blade turns to what is called a Dragon Blade, The head of the dragon is spewing out the blade and the wings are used as a guard. The tail is wrapped around his hand to ensure he doesn't drop it.

Stage A: Instead of the power, Iu trades power for speed and takes on 2 daggers, which he always holds pointing the blade down.

Both stages use time manipulation techniques that speed up Iu's body to the point where to him, everything seems "slowed down". Iu can only do this for 20 seconds and usually is used as a last resort. He also has a technique that is kidou based which sends little spark like figures around the target and explode when uses to command "Fin".

Special Accessories: N/A

Skills: Iu is only good at a few things. He can think his way out of most situations, he can cook well, and he is very good with killing people. He has been known to use these traits to kill a target, if not paralyze them.

Abilities: Iu's body is balance in traits. He is as fast as he is strong, he is as smart as he is fast. Defense sometimes can be a problem for Iu, but he usually uses his speed to get out of situations... so he doesn't worry about it. His body is tough, so a shallow cut wouldn't slow him down at all. Iu has been taught to fight until the last drop of blood leaves his body.

Personality: Iu's kindness is something that cannot be measured with words. Though only a select few get to see the true extent of his kindness, most people can see that has a very strong opinion on life, and is usually the first to spare someone he feels doesn't deserve to die. With that though, he also has a very strong sense of hatred bottled in him. His opinion of you will never change, if you actually can reach his bad-side. Iu has an extremely hard time forgiving those who betray his trust, but he tries his hardest every day to work on that. Iu is very protective of his underlings, and will almost never let them get hurt, if he has the power to change it. However, he sometimes feels that the pain will teach them valuable lessons. Even then, he is very hurt to see those he is set to care for, are in pain.

Biography/History:Coming Soon?



1. Restrain
4. Crawling Rope
9. Strike
58. Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows
61. Six Rods Prison of Light
63. Chainlike Desert
75. Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars


1. Thrust
4. White Lightning
31. Shot of Red Fire
33. Blue Fire, Crash Down
54. Waste Flame .
63. Thunder Roar Cannon
73. Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down .
88. Flying Dragon Striking, Heaven-Shaking, Lightning Cannon