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Full Name: Hoshi Tenma
Nicknames: Star
Notable Title:
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Birth date: 3/20
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nation: Northern Air Temple
Rank: Air Bender

Elemental Affinity: Air
Specialized Bending: (( Must be trained, IE. Metal Bending, Lightning Bending, Sand Bending, Plant Bending ))

Weapon Class: Glider
Weapon Name: suta-guraida
Weapon Description:
Weapon Location: Hand held

Secondary Weapon Class:
Secondary Weapon Name:
Secondary Weapon Description:
Secondary Weapon Location:

Extra Items-



Air-[planning to learn these if I can not have them upon acceptance]
Air Manipulation: By using circular, evasive movements, Airbenders build up massive inertia; this buildup of energy is released as massive power. It also allows for wind-based counterattacks that knock opponents off-balance, mimicking the sudden directional shifts of air currents. Attacks vary from simple gusts of wind to miniature tornadoes and cyclones, maintaining the circular theme. Even a simple movement can create an air gust, and Airbenders increase the power of their moves by performing larger sweeps and spins, using the momentum of their movement to simulate larger gusts. This is also demonstrated with their use of staffs or fans to increase or create precision within the air currents.

Air Barrier: This is a more powerful defensive technique where the entire body is surrounded by a dome of air that deflects attacks from all directions.

Air Punch/Kick: Another more offensive move than is typical of airbending discipline, air punches or air kicks are small, compressed formations of air that can be fired off the fists or feet of an airbender. This is similar to the air blast yet in the sense that it involves the firing of compressed or solidified air at an enemy in a non-continuous fashion i.e. the bender does not create a single great stream of air.

Enhanced Agility: Air movements can also be used as a levitation aid. Airbenders jump high and far by riding on strong gusts of wind and can slow or deflect falls by creating cushions of air. The constant movement required by this art makes airbenders naturally flexible and agile. Even without actually bending they can easily maneuver around an opponent by ducking, jumping, and side stepping, appearing to flow around their opponents without expending any energy at all, letting the opponent tire themselves out and create exploitable openings. This conservation of energy combined with high stamina gives them an advantage in prolonged combat.

Fighting Style [Name]

Height: 5'10
Weight: 172
Build: Semi-Muscular
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Mystical purple
Complexion: Chocolate
Outfits: The average air nomad clothing when at the temple.

When traveling he is wearing something similar to that akuma wears.

Personality: Hoshi is very friendly and loves all things. He is a bit headstrong but very productive. He is also very industrious when it comes to work. He loves fighting as well and is a bit of a pervert.

Relations: his grandfather

Take on battle: "fighting is only necessary for self defense and even then negotiation is possible.

Theme song: Ludacris and SUM 41 - Get Back

Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches
Drink: Soda
Color: SkyBlue
Animal: Winged Lemur
Food: Anything with meat in it
Drink: Liquor
Color: Black
Animal: None


Hoshi was born in the southern air temple to Kyohaku Tenma and his wife Tsuki Tenma. He grew up learning the ways of the nomad always peaceful and care-free. His parents were ravaged with disease when he was 7 and died a year later and he was left with his grnadfather Tenmaru Tenma. He grew up always curious and decided he wanted to leanr air bending seeing as he did posses the gift. he is now fourteen still training to become an air bender.


whatever you wish