User Image__________[basics]>>>
Full Name: Akiko Katsumi
Nicknames: what ever people choose to call her
Notable Title: The Gentle Storm ( the gentle is supposed to be ironic )
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthdate: 24 of August
Sexuality: Straight
Nation: Air
Rank: Head Sister (Eastern Air Temple)

Elemental Affinity: Air
Specialized Bending: none yet

Weapon Class: Bo Staff
Weapon Name: has none
Weapon Description: Unlike most bo staffs it isn't a simple straight poll. Made of the same material as the others it is more lagged like in apereance and less roundish giving it similar look a gust of wide. Some of the edges are sharper being able to cut and scratch but not like a sword would. Inside the staff there is a secret compartement which contains a hang glider. ( in picture)
Weapon Location: On her back or in her hand

Secondary Weapon Class:
Secondary Weapon Name:
Secondary Weapon Description:
Secondary Weapon Location:

Extra Items-

Name: Miri
Species:Winged Lemur

Name: Sora
Species:Air Baison


Air Manipulation
Air Shields
Air Barrier
Air Blast
Air Punch/Kick
Air Swipe
Air Funnel
Air Suction
Breath of Wind
Enhanced Agility
Multiple Target Attacks

Master Level
Air Vortex
Air Wake
Air Blades
Air Spout
Air Concussor

*striked techniques are the ones she hasn't acheived yet

Fighting Style [Name]

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 135 Lbs
Build: Slim and fair
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Sky blue
Complextion: White
Outfits: appearance picture.

Personality: Kind and caring Akiko is typically soft natured having no desire to fight, though it doesn't mean she won't. She has a playful and somewhat mischevious side enjoying pulling pranks or just having fun but when necessary she is a very serious person. Very rarely has she ever been angered but when she is it can be deadly.
Take on battle: "I'd rather not but don't think it means I'm going to hold back."
Theme song:
( subject to change in future )

Food: Everything! Especially sweet and/or spicy food
Drink: n/a
Color: sky blue and orange


There isn’t much to say about Akiko’s life, it was a normal one for an Air Bender except for a few things here and there. Born and raised in the Eastern Air Tempe from an early age began her training and after few years the monks came to the conclusion she was somewhat of a prodigy being able to capture concepts and learn techniques easier and faster than the others allowing her to rise higher into the ranks. By the time she was around 14 years old she had mastered the basics of art bending.

When she was 16 the Head Sister feel deathly ill dying a few months afterwards leaving Akiko to take her place. Many of the other monks disagreed with the choice thinking Akiko was still too young and inexperienced but in the end they agreed. Only time would tell if she indeed was suited for the job.

Now 18 she has been Head Sister for two years and has been doing a good job, of course it isn’t just all work for her. Akiko still likes to pull the casual prank here and there despite what the older monks may think about it. She is kind of glad to be Head Sister due to it giving her the opportunity to travel to the other temples when ever needed, which she commonly takes advantage to explore the world small parts at a time but never for too long. Her duties don’t allow it.


whatever you wish