User Image__________[basics]>>>
Full Name: Katiyana Akitla
Nicknames: Kitty
Notable Title: Lady Katiyana
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birth date: 4-29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nation: Northern Water Tribe
Rank: Northern Water Tribe Chief

Elemental Affinity: Water
Specialized Bending: Water Bending
Weapon Class: Dagger
Weapon Name: Issumatar
Weapon Description: A sharp dagger made of whalebone.
Weapon Location: Strapped to her left thigh

Extra Items-
Name: Aquarius
Description: Water pouch on left hip attached to belt
Name: Pisces
Description: Water pouch on right hip attached to belt

Name: Atka
Species: Polar Bear Dog

Name: Too many to name…
Species: Turtle Ducks!


Water Manipulation
Snow Manipulation
Streaming the Water
Water Whips
Water Jets
Water Bullet
Water Walls/Water Shields
Water Temperature Manipulation
Water Pressure Manipulation
Ice Spikes
Ice Claws
Ice Spear
Ice Creeper
Ice Shield
Ice Discs
Breath of Ice
Water Knife
Water Cloak
Water Filtering
Ice Dome

Fighting Style [Name]

Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 125 lbs.
Build: Athletic and curvy
Hair Color: Golden Brown
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Complexion: Olive
Outfits: links or descriptions are just fine.

Personality: Katiyana is an easygoing and kind ruler. She prefers to think things through thoroughly before taking action, and gives great attention to detail. However, she won't hesitate to let people know when they have wronged her. She is often found in her specially heated garden near her bedroom in the Chief Temple, tending the flowers and watching over her beloved turtle ducks. Though it is not apparent until one gets to know her very well, Katiyana is a hopeless romantic, and hopes to settle down some day and produce a suitable heir to watch over the tribe when she is no longer able to. She greatly dislikes rude people, although she herself can be a bit standoffish at times. Katiyana is an excellent strategist, though her council sometimes refuses to listen to a woman's view.
Relations: Close personal friend of Korata Aurra, the Avatar
Take on battle: “One must fight with the mind before the body.”
Theme song: “Love Dance”-Cirque du Soleil
“Bittersweet Symphony”- The Verve

Food: Egg rolls
Drink: Tea
Color: Green
Animal: Turtle Ducks
Food: Tomatoes, onions
Drink: Grape Juice
Color: Yellow
Animal: Vulture Wasps


Katiyana was the only child of the Head Family in the Northern Water Tribe. Her father, wanting her to receive the best education possible in water bending, sent her down to the Southern Water Tribe frequently for training. It was on those trips that Katiyana became steadfast friends with Korata Aurra, and realized her true potential as a leader. Aside from trips to the South Pole, Katiyana's family made frequent trips to the Fire Nation in accordance with the requirements laid down in the peace treaties, and it was there that Katiyana met her first Turtle Duck. Instantly falling in love with the creature, Katiyana became obsessed, and vowed that upon her reception of her father's position of power, she would personally build a pond for Turtle Ducks within the Chief's Temple. Despite her childlike obsession with Turtle Ducks, and frequent trips to other nations, Katiyana still pays great attention to detail, and will continue her training as she continues to rule the North Pole with a gentle, yet stern hand.


whatever you wish