Kleopatra: :     Kleopatra was walking.
    It was evening and the sun colored the sky rose and purple, silhouetting the mountains with halos of light and shadow. The lush, green foliage filled the air with a strange, moist freshness, and for a moment the brown-colored lioness found her mind wandering from her duties. But the moment she realized this, her head physically shook, blue eyes wavering and growing serious. She quickened her pace, gaze lifting to focus on her area of destination--the dwelling place of her Lord and Lady.
    The Historian would visit the Lord and Lady quite often to share news of the pride--to show them information she had gathered, and sometimes receive information in turn. She was more than happy with her job, and the times when she could gather up knowledge and then rush to deliver it to the Lord and Lady were some of her more, well, "contented" times--For Kleo was never really happy.
    Tail brush twitching, the lioness's ears folded at the sounds of someone approaching. Odd, considering no one else had any reason to be walking on that path at that time of day. All had duties elsewhere. Of course, Kleo had no reason to feel threatened, for the West House was very well guarded, and the lands so hidden that danger never found them. However...
    Kleo felt her pulse quicken.
    Head lowering and ears folding solidly, she kept her gaze forward, on her path, on her goal, on her target--trying to focus--trying not to lose herself in doubt. All she could think about was, "What if the they see past my make-up and notice my scars?" Thus was always the way the lioness thought whenever someone approached. It was why she distanced herself--why she had no friends. It was why she chose that time of day to see her Lord and Lady.
    So why, now, was someone coming to ruin it all?!
Lu Xun: :     He had spent the majority of the last few months familiarizing himself with the pride. The terrain, the culture, and (from a distance) some of the members. While he had been given a very basic explanation of the pride's culture, but he wasn't one to take a spoken word as fact. What he saw for himself, what he could connect between similar stories was fact. It was, afterall, part of his job to keep himself informed and educated.
    He walked quietly, his head held high and his eyes forward. He wasn't exactly an intimidating individual. As far as lions went, he was downright puny. His features more lean than anything.
    As he rounded a boulder he froze and lifted his ears. Apparently, he'd nearly cut someone off their way.
Kleopatra: :     Kleopatra didn't freeze at the sudden, but expected sight of a lion crossing her path like the male did. In fact, she was so startled that she jumped, despite having sensed someone was close by. She instantly recognized her slip of composure and seized a breath, limbs stiffening and expression withdrawing from any clear emotion. And for a moment, she stood still. For a moment, she just stared at the ground ahead, saying nothing.
    Her lips parted silently, no words coming out. But after a swallow, she muttered quickly, "Excuse me," and continued on her path--albeit slower than originally, so as to seem more composed and polite, as usual. This was a mere disguise to hide her racing heart and panicked thoughts.
    She would continue on her way to see the Lord and Lady...and the male would go on his way. Ahhh, she could breathe a sigh of relief...he wouldn't get close, and she wouldn't have to converse with him out of sheer politeness. She could avoid social activity--no, had already avoided social activity. Now she could just get back to her--
    What in the name of...
    Was that the sound of pawsteps...?!
Lu Xun: :     He tipped his head as the female jumped. In his mind, such nervious behavior often meant one of two things- an especially paranoid individual or the guilt of being caught. He gave the female a quick look-over. No sign of aggression, in fact she was outright submissive. Her fur laid flat against her, she kept her eyes anchored to the ground.
    He smiled pleasantly and dipped his head. "I beg your pardon. I am...sorry but I am not familiar with you. Are you...from the outside?>
Kleopatra: :     Affronted for a brief instant, the lioness closed and opened her mouth before tossing a casual glance in the male's direction. She didn't stop walking. She seemed to be pondering what sort of reply to give him, if any at all. Finally, in a polite tone, she spoke.
    "Originally, yes. But I've lived in the West House for some time now."
    What was he asking her such a question for, anyway? Small talk was now Kleo's strong suit. She was better fit to quietly observing--memorizing and learning. She did not ask any questions back to the male, fearing that doing so would drag the small chat on for longer than was necessary. Oh, but it might seem rude of her not to ask a question back. Curse her politeness.
    "And where are you from?" she asked in turn, realizing only afterwards that the question sounded quite dim-witted. Oh, it didn't matter anyway, she didn't have time for this. She had duties to attend to and...well, that was more important! Not small talk with some gaudy male with his...face and...well, there was nothing very wrong with him to insult him for, but the fact remained that Kleopatra did not wish to speak with anyone. Oh, and if he came closer...no, that would be horrible. She knew the apothecaries supplised her with the best colored ointments to hide her scars, but an extremely close, scrutinizing gaze at her face, and one could see the faint traces of missing fur under sweet-smelling spices.
    Silently, the Historian offered a prayer to whomever was listening to make the male go away.