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The earth is our domain, but we must take it back from the darkness! 

Tags: Literate, Dragons, Knights, Delmore, Fantasy 

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*Koma's profile (ex-13th squad captain)

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Hoarfrost Dirge

Dangerous Raider

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:21 pm

Name: Koma Nagura

Aliases/ Nicknames: None

Physical Description:
-Koma is just short of being six feet tall and has a well lean, cut body type. Because of his very slight tanned body and dark, rough edged looks he can easily pass for the “bad boy type” that some girls desire. His irises are mostly green along the outer half, starting at a dark emerald and fading to a paler jade color. Near the pupil he has a golden brown coloring that surrounds the iris, and in thin vines, will creep through the paler green to some of the outer edges of the iris. This unique mix shows a root like appearance to those that look closely to his eye coloring. His hair is a plain darkish brown color when he is inside or out at night. Sunlight, however, will easily bleach out some of his hair to have the extra color blending of a lighter brown tone within the darkness. His mostly straight hair is slightly long and is naturally spiky to a minor degree. For the most part it is smoothed back, out of his face, leaving lots of loose yet sharp looking locks pointing cascading behind and down his head. All hair for the most part falls to a point about at his collar line, with a very slight wave effect to the full length of each strand. Near the center of his forehead a lock or two, and few stray sections on his sides will stay near the front of his face. He can’t do anything to correct this and just lives with it. On the upper half of his left shoulder there is a tattoo that is a tribal thorn like band that wraps around to make a ring around the biceps and triceps.

- His wonderfully average, occasionally sleeveless, shinigami uniform is the usual plain black with white belt color scheme. Koma finds it easier to move with the upper half of the uniform loosely on him, leaving the opening wide enough to expose a large central line of his upper body that gets wider as one looks farther up his chest. His exposed chest and abdomen show no real markings from combat, only the lightly tanned skin of the shinigami.

-Other than his version normal uniform and on the rare occasion, Koma will wear some form of punk or dark manner of outfit, usually with jeans. Leather and denim seem to be his favored materials to wear in his human attire. It is very rare to see him in dress clothes, usually only very formal parties and human “high class” occasions; even then the outfit will still be very dark in its coloring and style. Also he will always only wear one of three types of shoes when roaming the world in his humanistic attire. Those types are a pair of black leather dress shoes that are well shined, black steel-toe boots, or pair of skater shoes that do not look new but also not quite like trash…yet.

Age: Koma is 210 years old, thus making him look around age 21 physically. He died on July 21, 1800

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
-Spirit Name: Zennyo (Name for a rain/storm making dragon spirit in Japanese legends)

-Sprit Appearance: Zennyo is a very sarcastic spirit with a vast amount of knowledge, and has a bit of an attitude issue. He will constantly tell Koma what he needs to hear, even if he does not want to hear it. This storm spirit has sharp yellow eyes that are shimmering like topaz. These eyes seem to have a few random flashes behind them from time to time as though lightning is going off in the spirit’s eye sockets. On a human scale he appears to be about 25-30 years of age. Height wise he stands taller than Koma at six foot five inches. He has a body that looks larger and more muscular than Koma’s. His jet black hair that is slightly longer than Koma’s and reaches past his shoulder blades; it is always kept in a ponytail bound with white cloth or left untied to fly in the wind freely under his sugegasa (Japanese straw hat). His manner of dress is very relaxed, wearing a simple and loose, blood red kimono with black trimming. Under the kimono He wears a pair of black short pants that reach to about his shins. On his feet he always wears geta sandals and wears the same sealed katana that Koma has only he wears it on the opposite side of his body because Zennyo is a left hand dominant spirit. It was from Zennyo that Koma learned his basic left handed combat skills.
Zennyo also has another form that he will occasionally take when Koma sees him inside of his spiritual plane. That is the dragon form, which is a 4 story tall serpent like dragon that has one nasty temper. The dragon has blue scales and sharp yellow eyes and a grayish white underbelly region. His claws are bone white and stain with blood very easily. Both have the same skills, but the dragon is the full form of Zennyo and thus has a bit more power and raw physical strength.

-Internal realm: A deep blue sky holds many floating stone islands that are wide and flat at the top and then become sheer cliffs out into the air before becoming stalactites on the bottom. The white clouds that infect this area can become storm cells at any given moment. There is no end to this sky of floating rock and cloud no matter which direction you go in.

-Koma’s katana is just about three feet in total length, making the sword a daitō (long sword). The tsuba (guard) is a circular shape with what looks like two round and horizontally stretched out letter H’s as the only metal portions other than the outside ring not directly touching the rest of the sword. (Think two pieces symbols on opposite sides of a ring of metal) The Saya (sheath) is solid black and has no real design to it. The Tsukamaki (hilt wrapping) is a deep blue while the Same (diamonds formed by the hilt wrapping) underneath are a thick charcoal color. The Koiguchi and Kojira (Metal portions along the sheath) are silver. The sword is held on Koma’s left side by a blue cord at his waist.

Shikai Release: ”Let it rain, Zennyo!”
-At the release command, a drop of shimmering water seems to hit the blade and expands and washes over the entire weapon to reveal the new weapon. The tsuba is washed away entirely as this transformation happens.

Shikai: (achieved)
-This new sword is slightly lighter than the sealed form and yet it is just as long. The blade now is a long blue needle that is so dark it nearly looks black unless one looks closely. This needle gets wider as it reaches the handle of the blade where just before the handle a white section is cut out of the blade in a almost circular shape. This functions as a guard and sword break edge as well as an energy focal point in the blade. The black spire of a blade is decorated at both polar ends with an intricate red design. The bone white handle leads to a large metallic ring that is colored the same as the blade. On this three silver rings jangle as they hand there on the end of the hilt. Whenever Koma enters Shikai or Bankai, the sky will automatically gain thick dark clouds, making it appear as though rain and lightning will begin to fall from the sky at any given moment.

*Noncombat abilities:
- Ame(Rain) At the command “ame” the darkened clouds will begin to spill forth their abundant contained water. This rain will continue until Koma stops the rain, returns his sword to its sealed form, or if he is out of reiatsu and can no longer fight. At the word “yameru” (must be shouted) the rain will cease to fall, the storm will wait overhead still until called upon again.

*Combat abilities:
-Suikiba (Water fang): This water based attack will summon streams of highly pressurized water from Koma’s blade. He can manipulate the path of these streams in various ways. Such as surrounding his blade to make attacks stronger, or launching arcs or high powered jets of water and reiatsu to rip through an opponent. This attack can smother fire attacks in gushes of water as well as slice through a target.

- Onishuurai (Demon’s lightning strike): This attack is similar to Suikiba in that it manipulates in the same way. However instead of water, Koma manipulates streams of lightning that he can fire in the pulses, bolts and arc attacks. Since this is an electrical attack it can not only rip through flesh, but it can also damage the nervous system of the opponent

- Tama denkou (Ball lightning): This attack is very similar to Onishuurai in the sense that it is an electrical based attack. This attack gathers a large amount of crackling, lighting energy into the blade and condensing it within the core of the sword. Once the lightning is fully condensed a swing of the blade will launch a large super condensed ball of electricity that moves much faster than Onishuurai and Suikiba. If this attack makes contact with a target it is 5 times more likely to cause nerve damage than an Onishuurai.

- Ensaname (Acid rain): Koma uses his own kidou mastery and knowledge of chemicals to create a new attack from the sky. This spell can only be used when shikai or bankai is released. This is his own fusion of kidou and chemistry knowledge, used with Zennyo to convert the falling rain into fluorosulphuric acid, this and is so corrosive it will eat through just about anything it makes contact with. This skill is a bit of a risk because it will damage the enemies but also, will hurt what Koma may try to protect at the time. However Koma is able to remain unharmed by this acid by his and Zennyo's will.

**Bankai: (achieved)
-Koma’s blade is enveloped in a large wrapping of crackling yellow energy, thus making the blade look as though it is four times wider in all aspects. Koma then grips the oversized enveloped sword and pulls the weapon in two different directions. The mass separates evenly and becomes two blade masses of crackling energy. The water like substance then washes the sizzling mass down past the handles, where that electrical mass transforms into the long chain that binds the two shikai style blades together. Whenever Koma enters Bankai from either Shikai or his sealed form the weather will be affected. The sky will automatically gain thick dark clouds and rain will begin to fall as lightning will fall in large streaks from the black sky. This storm, when called upon, will be much more violent and the rain could now fall in sheets around the battlegrounds as winds reach up to a minimum of 60mph.

-In Bankai, Koma gains a twin sword to his shikai. There are only two identifiable differences between the two blades is on the hilts. The first hilt has bright silver characters written in a single line of text down each side. Above and below the silver text, there is a ring of golden lightning around that section of the handle. The characters say, 雨と浄化しなさい (purify with rain) on the first. The second blade’s the grip’s text is golden and says 雷を用いる隘路 (defile with thunder). Also Instead of bands of lightning on the second sword, there are two bands of silver curving in a rippling line that represent water. Now the two blades are connected by a seven foot long steel chain, it is attached to the center of the three rings at the end of each blade.

*Noncombat abilities:
-Amesouhou (Rain touch): Koma now has an optional mental link with the entire storm cell above his head when it is raining and can feel each drop hitting any surface and produce a mental image of the basic landscape and persons within it, very much like sonar. This enables Koma to spot hiding targets and fast enemies, it also makes a great tool when he is blinded or needs to keep track of his allies on the battlefield. However this sense is not perfect and he can only tell if what the water hits has reiatsu, some of the target’s body shape, and an average speed of the target along with any obstacles in the way of him or his target.

- A slight speed boost is given to Koma while he is using his bankai.

-Zennyo grants Koma with an added effect that increases Koma’s already strong and efficient reiatsu control, enabling him to use his reiatsu more accurately and in a less wasteful manner.

*Combat abilities:
- Koma will still have access to the attacks he used in shikai, only they obviously are more potent now.

-Sanshio (Acid tide) Koma can generate the super acid from his Ensaname attack only now as an optional alternative of Suikiba.

-Denkouori (Lightning cage) A Tama denkou attack becomes a large cage as it is struck with a large lightning bolt from the sky. If a person tries to escape this cage there will be a large explosion of electrical energy around them as the energy is all released at once, the cage can have bakudo added to it to further seal an opponent inside. Or Hadou may also be added to make the cage more deadly if escape is attempted, damage of the main cage structure is nearly impossible without causing a violent explosion so it is advised to not try and break it unless you know how to not nearly die in the process.

- Ryuu no raiu (Dragon of the thunderstorm) [A last resort attack that Koma rarely will use because of its price]: A few drops of blood are needed to start this attack. The blood will expand and create a large summoning circle, the more blood the faster the circle will appear. From the circle a large, black, serpent body type, dragon will be summoned that is around the size of a four story building in length. This dragon has a massive reiatsu that rivals its masters. This dragon acts as a total servant to Koma and will fight with him using its black fire breath and sharp claws as it moves through the air. This dragon will last for 3 of Koma’s posts including the post it was summoned in. The summoning and use of the dragon has a price that must be paid by Koma at the end of the dragon’s appearance. Koma must take just over half of the damage the dragon took while in combat. If the dragon is however killed in battle by an opponent, Koma will only take half of the damage equaling the time before the dragon died.

Special Accessories:
-He will almost always be wearing some pendant and/or wristband that he has pulled from his vast collection of such items.

-Learns kidou at a faster rate than normal and has abnormally high control over his reiatsu that comes naturally to him. (the control doesn't greatly exceed those of his rank, it is just at the least enough over the average for that rank to be noticeable, When/if captain class it is highly noticeable however.)

-Eishohaki: a technique that releases Kidō without a spirit chant. While it decreases the time needed to release the Kidō, it drastically weakens the spell. While anyone well versed in Kidō can use this technique, it is most effective when done by a skilled practitioner, otherwise the spell could utterly fail. The most skilled experts are capable of using this technique to amazing effect.

-Double Incantation: The user of this ability is basically mixing the incantations of two or more Kidō spells together to save time and confuse ones opponent.

-1. Shō (衝, Thrust) Pushes the target away from the caster.[32]
*Incantation: unknown.

-4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning) The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger.[33]
*Incantation: unknown.

-11. Tsuzuri Raiden (製本電, Bound Lightning) Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.
*Incantation: unknown

-31. Shakkahō (赤火砲, Shot of Red Fire) Fires a ball of red energy at a target.
*Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!" ("君臨者よ!血雨の仮面·万象·羽ばたき·ヒトの名を冠す者よ!焦熱と争乱、海隔て逆巻き南へと歩を進めよ!")

-33. Sōkatsui (蒼火墜, Blue Fire, Crash Down) Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to #31, but over a wider area and with more power.
*Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws." ("君臨者よ!血肉の仮面·万象·羽ばたき·ヒトの名を冠する者よ!真理と節制、罪知らぬ夢の壁に僅かに爪を立てよ!")

-54. Haien (廃炎, Abolishing Flames) Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.
*Incantation: unknown.

*63. Raikōhō (雷吼炮, Thunder Roar Cannon) Fires a massive wave of yellow energy at a target.
*Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" ("散在する獣の骨!尖塔・紅晶・鋼鉄の車輪 動けば風 止まれば空 槍打つ音色が虚城に満ちる!")

-73. Sōren Sōkatsui (双蓮蒼火墜, Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down) Essentially a doubled version of #33 (labelled as #73 in anime yet is 63 in manga???), this spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single-shot variety.
*Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens." ("君臨者よ!血肉の仮面・万象・羽ばたき・ヒトの名を冠す者よ!蒼火の壁に双蓮を刻む 大火の淵を遠天にて待つ")

-88. Hiryugekizokushintenraiho (飛竜撃賊震天雷砲, Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon) Fires a gigantic electricity blast of spiritual energy resulting in an truly enormous explosion. Its full strength is however unknown since Aizen used Splitting Void before it could hit him.
*Incantation: unknown.

-1. Sai (塞, Restrain) Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.[5]
*Incantation: unknown.

-4. Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope) An energy rope entangles the target's arms.[6]
*Incantation: unknown.

-8. Seki (斥, Repulse) Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.[7]
*Incantation: unknown.

-9. Geki (撃, Strike) Engulfs the target in red light, completely paralyzing them.[8]
*Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!" ("自壊せよロンダニーニの黒犬!! 一読し・焼き払い・自ら喉を掻き切るがいい!")

(I know this is a double number however it seems on an online site there are two number nines as well as two number sixty threes. So I just listed the newer spell just in case I can use it, if not then I will remove and act like it never existed)-9. Hōrin (Disintegrating Circle) Causes an orange hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns to erupt from the users hand and attempt to trap a target. the end of it remains in the hands of the user allowing them to control the path of the tendril before and after capture. The Kidō is able to connect with another one of itself if both have captured a target and bind them together
*Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!" ("自壊せよロンダニーニの黒犬!! 一読し・焼き払い・自ら喉を掻き切るがいい!")

-21. Sekienton (赤煙遁, Red Smoke Escape) Creates a blast upon activation and is used like a ninja's smoke bomb.
*Incantation: unknown.

-26. Kyokko (曲光, Curved Light) Hides the target from sight, by bending light. The spell has the ability to totally hide the presence and reiatsu of the user or specified object.
*Incantation: unknown.

-37. Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star) Creates a star-shaped cushion of Spiritual Energy, which anchors it to nearby objects with "ropes" of spirit particles. It can stop falling objects, acting like a safety net.
*Incantation: unknown.

-39. Enkosen (円閘扇, Arc Shield) Summons a shield of condensed reiatsu to block opponents' attacks.
*Incantation: unknown.

-58. Kakushitsuijaku (摑趾追雀, Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows) Tracks and locates any spiritual force the user focuses on. To activate it, the user must draw a circle on the ground, cut into four parts with a specific character in each. The incantation animates the circle, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set seems to be a variation on longitude and latitude.
*Incantation: "Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain." ("南の心臓 北の瞳 西の指先 東の踵 風持ちて 集い雨払いて散れ")[17]

-61. Rikujōkōrō (六杖光牢, Six Rods Prison of Light) Summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a target's midsection, holding them in place. The target is then unable to move any part of their body including the parts that were not struck by the beams.
*Incantation: "Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" ("雷鳴の馬車 糸車の間隙 光もて此を六に別つ!")

-62. Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence) A rod formed of energy is thrown towards the target before it disintegrates into numerous short rods which are used to pin the target to the surroundings and render them immobile.
*Incantation: unknown

-73. Tozanshō (倒山晶, Inverse Mountain Crystal) Creates an inverted pyramid-shaped barrier around the caster.
*Incantation: unknown.

-75. Gochūtekkan (五柱鉄貫, Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars) Summons five incredibly tall and thick pillars which are connected to each other by chains to pin a target to the ground.
*Incantation: "Walls of ironsand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end." ("鉄砂の壁、僧形の塔、灼鉄熒熒、湛然として終に音無し)

-77. Tenteikūra (天挺空羅, Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air) Transmits messages mentally to anyone within an area of the caster's choosing. In addition to reciting the spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to convey the messages. The messages can be spoken either by the caster or by another within the vicinity of the caster.
*Incantation: "Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly though the heavens." ("黒白の羅!二十二の橋梁 六十六の冠帯 足跡・遠雷・尖峰・回地・夜伏・雲海・蒼い隊列 太円に満ちて天を挺れはし)

-81. Danku (斷空, Splitting Void) Creates an energy barrier in the form of a rectangular wall. According to Byakuya, it is capable of stopping destructive spells up to #89. This is seen also when Aizen uses it to block Tessai's Hadō #88.
*Incantation: unknown; although Tessai hinted that it has an incantation when he fights Aizen.

-He is usually very relaxed on most subjects and will seem to be lazy at times, usually when paper is stacked high on his desk. He honestly doesn’t care what others think of him and his attitude. He will not take any flack from anyone about how he is or how those close to him are. He will jokingly flirt with girls as ice breakers, even though he really has feelings for someone else and will go farther than flirting with them only. His flirting with anyone but the one who he is attached to emotionally is a game and just a way of keeping a conversation interesting or used for gathering information, he of course means nothing by it and holds little interest in any real relationship at this point. While he seems to not care much about others, he does have a little bit of a soft side that may once or twice show up in its own weird way through his actions.
He is a perfectionist when it comes to Kidou and some other random things he does. Usually he is prone to not seeing what others deem as the obvious from time to time and sees a lot of things differently from the general person. This perception is both good and bad for obvious reasons. He can still predict a person’s movements and can apply it to a mental image of attack. However attempting to explain how he got this or the thought process he went through to get the answer may leave others confused or temporary stuck on deciphering his wording of stuff, this is probably because Koma is a dominant imagery style thinker.
Koma also has a habit of, when he actually does getting fully involved in a conflict, usually blasting all moving, usually non-friendly, targets he can see to bits until his side wins while protecting those he wants to, if he remembers them. This means that it is usually a good idea unless you know what you are doing to stay out of any possible line of fire when Koma gets in the combat zone and begins to fight.
At one point in his life he was an introvert and a very shy and quiet person, the idea of even flirting was odd to him when he was much younger; time for the most part has seemed to erode that old silent Koma into what he is now, majority of this change began when he entered the shinigami academy. While he lives in a much more open and wild life than before, today even, he still enjoys silence from time to time he can now easily talk with others and be open and frank with them without worrying what others view him as for his thoughts.

Koma was not named Koma during his human life. He died in the year 1800 in Ireland, no he does not retain that accent he once had. His manner of death was by scarlet fever. At age 17 he caught the disease from his younger sister who he, against the doctor's orders, cared for as she was ill. She recovered fine, however, a week later Koma began to have a sore throat. Thinking nothing of it he continued with his daily life until the pain and swelling became worse, eventually a red rash formed along his neck and his temperature was one hundred and two degrees. This made it clear that he had the same illness his sister once had. For the next few weeks he struggled against the toxins entering his blood from the disease, but showed no signs of improvement. He died in a final coughing fit late at night with no one else around him. After his death he peacefully woke up in the streets of rangukai where he grew up as a sly yet very silent and shy child. Over time he worked up the nerve to try and join the shinigami he admired. Surprisingly he was admitted into the academy without much hassle. After completion of the training he now is a shinigami.

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)- None so far

Guild Status: New Thirteenth Squad Captain

Online Schedule: I will usually be on or reachable from 6-9ish(Mountain Standard Time), and for the most part I am reachable randomly through out the weekends.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:11 pm
accepted dawg  

Awesome Sensei

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