Name: Croix Rosenhale (Croy Rose N Hale)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Captain Rose, Captain Hale, Captain Croix, Captain Rosenhale (He doesn't which he is referred as), The Silver Maned Shadow

Physical Description: Croix is a taller man who is a little on the broad side but is very slender and lithe. His hair has the same silver sheen as the steel of a blade and its kept in superb care. The eyes are of the brightest green, akin to emeralds. As for clothing he can be seen wearing the usual shihakusho seen by normal Shinigami with a slight difference. Its more of a tighter fitting uniform similar to those of Squad 2. They billow out slightly at the ankles. As expected he wears his captains cloak but not as usual Captains do. Around the chest its similar to an tight fitting coat and then as it lengthens out it billows out similar to an Arrancar's {think Ulquiorra} jacket. It doesn't cover the front of his legs in the slightest. Covering his feet is a pair of tabi with some getu, but they are strapped tightly to him. Croix also wears a pair of spectacles that have more of a use then enhancing his eyesight.

Age: He appears to be around his late twenties. He ended up dying around the end of the conflict years earlier against Aizen as an 'accidental' casualty.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Amaterasu is the Spirit of his Zanpakutou and its appearance is of a beautiful woman whose skin is tanned. Light appears to radiate off of her immensely as if she was a source of light in her own. The only person who can actually grasp her whole appearance is of course Croix. Everyone else only see a bright light when looking upon her form. Underneath the light is a long flowing elegant gown that is of the darkest black. It billows and flows behind her.

Zanpaktou: It's unreleased form is that of a ninjato. A bit longer then usual ones. What's odd about it is that no matter what happens the blade always appears to be perfectly polished and reflective. The guard is an oval shape, that looks similar to a mirror. Its perfectly symmetrical.

Shikai Release: Senkaijuu Terashimasu, Amaterasu {Enlighten the World, Amaterasu}

Shikai: Nothing about the weapon actually changes initially but the shine from the blade glows brighter. It has the ability to nullify any reiatsu based attack if it is struck with the blade itself. This doesn't include another's zanpakutou directly but any 'projectiles' from it would count. In his shikai he can manipulate the form of his weapon slightly mimicking his opponents weapon shape for a few moments. Not gaining any abilities beyond that.

Bankai: The weapon itself doesn't change yet again at least at first but from it a large light orb is projected creating a sort of 'Anti-Reiatsu Zone' advancing the ability of the Shikai into a large sphere. All reiatsu based attacks are limited yet again, while Croix's are still capable of being used which disables the Orb. During his Bankai he can manipulate his weapon into different shapes based on his own thoughts.

Special Accessories: His spectacles which analyze everything he sees and compares it to the Squad 8 records as well as analyzing various other things such as reiatsu levels and other things.

Skills: Croix is immensely fast and intelligent.

Hadou's 1-4 and Bakudou 1-62
Eidetic Memory
Amazing Comprehension and Intake of Knowledge
Comprehensive Analysis of People
Above Average Captain Level

Personality: Croix is a very relaxed, very intelligent man. Dedicated to his work he treats his squad with respect. He is laidback and doesn't actually get angry at his Squad or the other captains at all. The only time when he is actually serious is when he's in a battle. Generally because he has the nagging voice of Amaterasu in his head telling him to deal with the situation like it was work which generally gets him going. People find him irritating though because he doesn't lie to people. He is upfront and honest.

Biography/History: Croix was a normal man during the time of the Arrancar invasion in Karakura town. He had a happy life with a wife and child and worked as a part of the military. Mainly he worked in the tactical area's developing ideas and strategies for the people who actually did the fighting. He lost his life, as well as his families life during the time when Aizen invaded Karakura with his Arrancar. They were right outside the barrier, where there home was, right outside town and so when the real town was replaced with the fake one they didn't get taken with them. So they ended up being in the middle of the destruction and lost there lives in it. Due to his strength of will he managed to keep his sanity but his wife and child he watched turn into Hollows and get themselves slain by a few Shinigami. He didn't understand but it was eventually explained to him before he was purged, the truth about the invasion, the hollows and everything. Knowing this he found himself wanting to join the Ranks of the Shinigami. Now he is the Captain of the Central Intelligence Squad 8 and works dilligently for his Squad, as well as the rest of Soul Society.

Signature/Patented Technique: In Development

Guild Status: Captain of Squad 8, Crew

Online Schedule: Every night accept Friday's and most Saturdays.