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Ketsu Eki Cappyton of squad 'leven

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Awesome Sensei

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:54 pm
Ketsu Eki

While he real name is Ketsueki, he has changed it to Ketsu Eki for the sake of having a last name. The only personal nickname that he possesses is Ketsu, although some close friends refer to him as Kets. Captains and lieutenants are allowed to refer to him as Ketsu as well, yet none under third seat may call him anything besides captain without permission.

Physical description:
A young man, looking to be around to be the early twenties, perhaps late teens, his overflowing confidence is reflected in his appearance. With long grey hair, only long enough to cover his eyes, and flow behind his hair, it is very well kept. Standing at a six feet five and a half inches, he is above average height, with average sized muscles, with over average strength. Constantly smiling, his pearly white teeth glow faintly at all times. With dark blue eyes, they have intense emotion within them, some have wept after seeing a tear fall from them. Having a light tan colored skin, scars cover both arms and legs. A large scar covers his chest, hidden only by clothing. Across his gentle face is a scar, reaching from the top of the left eye down to the right cheek, cutting over the nose. He looks handsome, yet the scars that cover him often scare those who might find him appealing away. He is a neat person, with a rather feminine smelling fragrance upon him. Those who make jokes about it usually find a blade to their neck. For some reason, his right hand is usually resting against his sheath, which sits on the left side. The long black sheath is very well kept, holding his zanpakutou within it. He is left handed, although fights with his right, an advantage for his opponent. He is always wearing a pearl necklace, which flows down to his chest. Its purpose is known only to him.

When in the soul society, he is usually wearing a sleeveless black undershirt, which is very thin, his muscles showing through it, with a sleeveless haori over it. The squad eleven symbol is displayed proudly over this haori, which is also almost skin tight, flowing gently with his hair in any breeze. He still wears his hakama, so he can look slightly professional, yet it is not as baggy as most. He has made pockets within his hakama, in which to place a flask, a dark grey color, his favorite alcohol always contained. With each drink he cringes in the intensity, although he has never revealed what was inside.

If in the living world, or even in a social event, in which casual wear is acceptable, Ketsu will completely neglect wearing anything showing his status. He makes sure his hair is constantly out of his eyes, and will wear a grey undershirt instead. With no haori, he usually keeps is hands in his pockets, his flask no where to be seen. He wears two matching wristbands on each arm, each black with the symbol for squad eleven in white. With unusually dark red shoes, he looks very fashionable, with his black sheath hung over his shoulder, so his right arm can get easy access to it. He is still wearing his red pearl necklace, yet he folds it up over his left arm, like another wristband.

Reiatsu: With a Crimson color reiatsu, he has little control over it because of the restraints that he places on it. He has such a massive amount of reiatsu that he does not care how much of it he uses, and with the help of his zanpakutou, when in shikai it restores on its own. With an almost unlimited amount of it, he does not worry much. If fighting, he can control his reiatsu better, the reason is unknown, yet he gets a better feel of his body when in combat, allowing him to control the flow of reiatsu from his body. The less amount of reiatsu he uses, the less control he has over it, to an extent.

Zanpakutou: Hateshiganai (eternity)

Hateshiganai has the appearance of a demon. It is a large beast, about nine feet tall, and covered in blood, constantly dripping from all parts of its body. It is humanoid, having no features, yet still definable limbs and size. With pure dark red eyes, it makes sure that it is known to Ketsu as it constantly assists with training. Where a heart would be, a mass of black blood is contained in the area. Whenever Ketsu unleashes any amount of Hateshiganai’s power, his eyes glow a dark red color. The more power he uses, the redder his eyes become, and if it continues, his eyes will turn entirely red, and sometimes will start bleeding.

Sheath: The sheath of Hateshiganai is longer then the blade, allowing for easy drawing. The black sheath is shined and cleaned constantly, and when Ketsu is in anger, some see blood falling over the sheath. It is strapped perfectly, and is known as a very elegant sheath, and with such a brutal blade, most wonder why such elegance is used to hold such craze and hate.

With such a amazing looking sheath, the blade itself is nothing of the elegance and flare. The hilt of the blade has a grey colored wrap for the grip, intertwined with another set of black wrap making a checkered pattern. It is made perfectly for Ketsu’s hand, allowing him to hold it any way he wishes with no trouble. This matches the sheath, giving it a look of elegance, yet as soon as the blade is pulled, everyone sees the true nature of the weapon. The blade is large and jagged, the tip of the weapon being serrated, with both sides having edges. The blade is a darker grey color, instead of the average light grey of steel. It is very heavy, and matches the captain perfectly. The blade is a bit longer, and a bit wider, then an average zanpakutou. Ketsu will usually resist going into shikai, for he likes this blade far too much.


*Shikai release incantation* "Bleed! Hateshiganai!"

Description: The size of the blade is very large, a two handed blade, while maintaining its same color, it grows much larger in both length and width. The guard of the weapon turns into blades, each side pointing upward. Four blades stick up instead of having a guard, yet they can still act in the same way. The black and grey wrap that are on the hilt flow behind the weapon, collecting stray reiatsu from Ketsu as it disperses from his body, to be used if he ever gets low, which barely happens, for his massive amount of it. There are multiple microscopic holes in the blade, making it slightly lighter, and yet giving it massive leverage with the orb on the bottom of the blade, which collects any blood lost from fighting. The holes are constantly absorbing reiatsu from the air. They can also blast blood from them allowing Ketsu to slash much faster, or to stop a powerful strike with what seems like ease. Hateshiganai creates blood during fighting, and also has a large reserve at the beginning of the transformation, which takes a couple hours to restore. He has enough blood to last against a strong enemy, yet if there is more then one, he would need to get there blood, or neglect using attacks. It does not take blood to maintain the transformations, although it takes it to use attacks. While in shikai, his eyes are constantly red. If desired, each slash can cause a large blast of reiatsu, intertwined with Ketsu’s blood. If and when the attack hits, the blood instantly evaporates, and reappears within Ketsu. This does not take Hateshiganai’s blood and can be used constantly. The attack acts as an average slash of blood attack.

Shikai abilities:

Akuma Keiteki: (devil's Acid) this is a much more powerful form of the slash of blood. Ketsu swings his sword with a powerful slash, forcing the blood on his weapon to launch forward with the reiatsu that is combined with the blood. This attack is a very large wave of blood, which consumes and devours the enemy that confronts it. When the blood hits, it destroys the flesh of the enemy burning like acid. It makes a cut across the ground, with the physical strength of a strong slash, the true power lies in the blood itself, and burning the flesh of anything it touches, being deadly. This attack works wonders on multiple enemies.

(more added later)


*bankai release incantation* "Flood the Earth with Blood! ketsuken Hateshiganai"

Massive power, massive speed, intensity, and the sensation of blood, those are all things contained in Ketsu’s bankai. While in this form, Large dark red spikes launch from his arm that is holding the zanpakutou. It can switch which arm the spikes have if needed. The spikes go all the way up to the shoulder, where a single gigantic shoulder piece of solid blood forms. The blade grows far longer, and the blade curves randomly, small spikes pertruding where the serrated edges were. It has a very demonic look, and yet, it is still extremely long and wide. The guard stabs into the skin, of the wrist, which causes the spikes to appear. They cause Ketsu to create massive amounts of blood, although do not cause any permanent harm to him, it does weaken him if he uses this skill to a certain extent. His eyes turn black in this form, and the blood in his body, as well as Hateshiganai, are black. It causes intense damage upon striking, and gives him much more power. His red pearl necklace also turns black, if it is still being worn. While in this form, Ketsu’s hair turns a bright red color, and he becomes far more acrobatic. He does not hold back with his skills anymore, and is unusually calm. This is only the beginning of his transformation of bankai, for if he releases hateshiganai’s power further, his bankai causes further change.

After continued use, Ketsu’s skin begins to bleed, and his entire body loses all features, looking much like his zanpakutou spirit, his body becomes blood entirely, allowing him to use his skills without worry. Attacks can still harm him, as underneath this veil of blood he still has his regular body. His dark red spikes on his arm still show, and his shoulder guard is outside of the blood. With pure black eyes, and black blood, the red blood covering his body creates a feeling of dread to anyone nearby. When Ketsu shunpos, a stream of blood follows behind him, almost like an illusion. It makes it difficult to find where he was during and after the shunpo, especially if he takes long routes to go where he wishes.

After fighting for an even longer period of time, Ketsu can unleash his strongest skills, in which the blood that protects his body turns black, and his sword attaches itself to his arm. In order to use this, his blade must be in his left hand, and his pearl necklace must be deactivated. It causes him to use his strongest skills, yet if he continues to fight in this form for long (around 5 posts) then he will die, unless he can cause opponents to bleed constantly, it is very difficult to maintain for longer then that.

Bankai abilities:

Destruction of the true blood: Blood surrounds Ketsu's sword and they launch around the area, they follow the enemy to a certain degree then explode with multiple blades of blood. This is like an enhanced version of his average slashes he uses in his slashes of blood.

(more added later)

Special accessories:
Having a dark red pearl necklace, it was created by top scientists in order to hold back the overflowing amount of reiatsu that is contained within Ketsu. With a modification by Ketsu, it also holds blood that Hateshiganai is not using, so if the reserve of Hateshiganai is gone, the pearls blood may be used. Although not very large, the amount of blood possessed is extremely intense. He also wears a ring on both of his hands, helping him with his flash slash attack. This gives Ketsu an advantage, yet he does not use this unless needed. These rings also contains blood and holds back reiatsu, it is not to the degree of the necklace. The color is still dark red, although it is a band, with no gems on it.

Accelerated Probability: With this skill it allows him to analyze attacks and dodge or block based upon this, He only uses this once he feels that he is facing a stronger foe and for that reason, has yet to master its full potential. This attack can dodge otherwise fatal attacks, and is a slower, yet well placed shunpo.

Flash slash: with the intense amount of reiatsu that Ketsu possesses, he can focus it into his hands to use a flash slash, which is a shunpo instead of moving the feet with extreme speed, he can use it to move his blade and arms with extreme speed. It takes much strain on the body, and he can only do it a limited amount of times, because of his reiatsu control, yet he learned that if he focuses it correctly, he can also place reiatsu into the rings on each hand, which seems to regulate it on its own. With this, he can do the attack as much as he wants, as long as he has the reiatsu to be able to. The rings help control the flow of reiatsu, stopping Ketsu from overpowering the slash, or causing it to move to slow or fast.

Kidou destroyer: Ketsu does not believe in Kidou, nor does he like the concept of it, so he developed his own skill to stop it. Because of his skill in reading the reiatsu of his enemy, he can usually match the amount of reiatsu placed into a Kidou with his own reiatsu, focus it onto his blade, and then slash forward as it comes at him, he has to make his reiatsu equal or greater for this to work. This attack destroys the Kidou instantly. Although not a attack, it is a perfect defense for those who use Kidou. This attack will not work against some Kidou, not have a visible form or physical attacks.

Slash of blood: Most shinigami have not mastered there zanpakutou’s to the level that a captain has, and because of this, Ketsu has learned some attacks that most shinigami would never be able to do outside of a release. Because of his massive bond with Hateshiganai, he can use his signature attack outside of shikai, with only the slightest influence of power from Hateshiganai. It is obvious when he is using this because his eyes are glowing a fierce red color. With a flash of reiatsu, Ketsu can slash forward with massive strength, and blood will launch from the edge and the tip of the blade, forward in a solid wave, sharp as a blade. If it connects, it creates an actual cut, and is extremely lethal. Depending on the amount of reiatsu used, the strength of the slash can change. Ketsu can also stop the wave from slashing outward, and keep it on his blade, and slash close range for extra power.

Psychotic Shunpo: Shunpoing instantly, back and forth, Ketsu can do a above speed shunpo, in a shorter distance. This does not take much Reiatsu, allowing him to use it for dodging and fighting at close range, with much efficiency.

The pixie magic that is all Kidou is, and because of that, Ketsu refuses to use it. He was required to learn the first 40 in order to be a captain, and when he learned that, he instantly ripped the flesh off of the one who told him that, uttering only that a squad eleven member does not need anything besides a sword. Ketsu knows Kidou numbers 0 through 0, meaning that even if he wanted to, a blast of lightning could not exit his fingertips, no byakurai for him. When a squad eleven member uses Kidou, he will automatically attack them, no matter what he was doing. This attack is an auto godmod, yet it is not going to kill the person, just teach them not to use Kidou under the captain.

A strange man, often seen looking off into the distance, seeing things that others would not. He has a look on his face at all time, like something is missing. Always clenching his sheath, he seems to be waiting for something to come to him, the intense calm that he has while doing this is almost eerie. He is fatherly though, and very stern when it comes to training. He will spend days, even weeks, training without leaving. He takes training to the utmost seriousness, and if someone wants to train with him, they had better not hold back, because while training, he will not use his restraints. In battle, he is slightly cocky, often teaching others what they did wrong in the middle of there actions. Not much of a flirt, Ketsu is often afraid of his appearance, because of the scar on his face, not many find that attractive, even with his amazing teeth and smile. He tends to look away when he sees someone of attractiveness, unless they are in squad eleven in which he would treat as a daughter, and make sure they are strong. He does everything in his power to appear powerful, and because of that, he is known as one of the hardest and meanest people around, a very wrong assumption.

The reality of the world that they live in is almost unbearable, pain, famine, and insecurities within the people, out of them all, a single man was in the thick of it. At the age of 3, Ketsueki, a boy with little to his name was abandoned. Knowing little besides his first name, he could not even remember who he was, therefore, he began to wander from place to place. He did not know how to do much, but what he quickly learned was wits, and how to fight. By the time he was fifteen, he had already beaten a man to death, using his own fists. Survival was his only goal, no home, and no real life he was still inferior. This was until he met a man, with no name. This man told Ketsueki that if he wished to have a purpose, then he should be an armed guard for the yakuza. An offer like that, it was a once in a lifetime offer. Given a suit and a sword, Ketsueki quickly climbed the ranks, his only purpose was serving the man with no name, and survival. With no real interest in anything else, he was ignorant about the world around him, only knowing of the corruption that was around him, believing it to be how the entire world should be. He lived that way, in excess of drugs and sex, and still, only wanting to survive.
After he reached the age of twenty one, he was made a personal body guard of the boss. His skill with a sword had gotten far better. When someone would try to hurt the boss, they would be cut down almost instantly. With his deep blue eyes, and black hair, Ketsu was an amazingly handsome man. He was the fear of the entire mafia, known by all as the “red death.” Still innocent on the inside, Ketsueki did what was the best for those who cared for him, never knowing of the dark dealings of those around him. That was his life for the longest time, until he was invited to watch over him during one of his meetings.
It was important that Ketsu remain silent, and those around him were afraid, they knew who the red death was. The boss was laughing, and Ketsueki became afraid. He watched in horror as a man in his mid fifties walked into the boss’s office, crying, asking for his daughter. The man was doing nothing wrong, this was not one of the boss’s enemies. Why was he doing that? These thoughts filled Ketsu’s mind as the boss brought out a young woman, who had been badly beaten. With a sinister smile, the boss brought his sword down on the daughters head.
Only to be stopped by Ketsu. The red death saw enough pain. The boss had quickly slashed down again, cutting across the face of Ketsu. He screamed out in pain. Allowing both the girl and the man to escape, Ketsu ran with them, all fearing to get close. Once they left, the red death gave every cent that he had to them, and sent them off. He walked back into the bosses office, and questioned his motives, it was at that moment, that the red death really looked like a devil, as from fear, his black hair turned grey, almost in an instant. He thrusted his own blade into the Boss’s heart, and smiled as blood covered his face. It seemed like an ocean of Yakuza members entered into the office. Ketsu only smiled, as they surrounded him, and began to kick and hit him. These were his friends, those he grew up with, and could do nothing, as they slowly took the life out of him, attacking and killing him.
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:29 pm
Somewhat approved, tone down your power please. You may be the 11th, but your profile is practically dividing by zero.

Vice Captain

Awesome Sensei

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 8:51 pm
alright bud, what exactly is needed to be changed?  
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