Name: Mizu Koushaku
Aliases/ Nicknames: none


Physical Description: Mizu

Mask fragment:On the back of his neck. Like a Neck-guard. It is about half a foot. The fragment spreads to the side of the neck. On that part there are teeth like that of a hollows(obviously). It might resemble a large headphone resting on one's neck.

Zanpakuto: Furo-, Muerte Oceano[flow, death ocean]Meurte Oceano


Mizu turns into the dragon above.He gets more armor on his body and on one of his hands there is a large spike.It is used for defending and attacking. There is layers of hollow armor under the main one.He also has an axe at the end of his tail. He goes as tall as 20 feet and his size is big but he sure is fast.

Torbellino this attack creates a large whirlpool on the ground sucking the opponent into the whirlpool then smashing him on any nearby objects.
Agua endriago this attack forms a group of water dragons to attack the enemy for him.All the dragons have masks. There are about ten dragons. When one is destroyed, it's water particles go into the other making them stronger.
Meurte espira this attack is activated when Mizu points out his finger and a spiral is constructed.This spiral will cover the enemy and crush him. The spiral is 10 feet long and 5 feet wide from the middle
Meurte lluvia This attack causes the sky to darken and emit acid rain over a large area. The clouds that rain the acid are 20 miles both sides. Mizu is untouched by the acid. The cloud follows whereever he goes

Special Accessories: The book that was given by his grandfather.It causes him to increase his reiatsu.

Skills: Martial arts artist

Abilities: Able to use Cero and Bala.And spit acid. His hierro is perfectly strong. His sonido is fast.

Personality: Serious and tempered man.He never likes to get annoyed by others.

Real world Mizu was the evil father of Kassen Harunomiya.He killed many people in the real world like his wife.He was one of the most craziest men on the planet.He was a drunkard, always beating up people, obviously Kassen was the first one to get beaten up, but then he died.Soon the police arrived and executed Mizu.His crimes, killing more then 74 people includin his wife and son.
Soul SocietyMizu started fighting with others in rukongai and caused real havoc there, he killed another 50 people.Running from shinigami was a great sucess.Mizu always used to hide from people who knew him.That was why he wore a hood while walking in rukongai.But afterwards he was cornered in a bar fight and stabbed to death by the shinigami.