Kimura (last) Rei (first) [Keemurah Ray]

Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description:
Rei could be considered a non-intimidating girl. She is thin and appears to be far too active for her own good. She has hair that is long and unkempt, showing a style of a girl who simply has no time to deal with silly things like hair and makeup. Her face is set in a wide smile all the time. She has a femenine figure, although the loose clothing of her shinigami and captain outfit wouldn't allow one to see it very easily. Her dark red hair is slightly curly and could be smooth and silky and luxurious... if she bothered to care for it. Her eyes are a pale blue in color.

Age: 280 (died December 4th)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
Name be Usagi-Maigo

Usagi-Maigo's blade looks like a relatively small tanto with two rabbits on its dark sheathe.

Shikai Release:

Shikai: (achieved/not achieved, include description)

Bankai: (achieved/not achieved, include description)

Special Accessories: (if any)




Biography/History: (A must have)

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status: (Rank or Level)

Online Schedule:
EST- 4pm - 10pm (usually, weekends are all day)