Okay so there are a couple things i should probably put out there now before people get confused, about the role play area.

1. every one can make there own thread (as long as it follows these lines.........it has to be something regarding the current role play, so lets say you decide to put in a casino or a house for your character thats fine. Now why is it fine because.... it isnt a different role play or story line so its still within the boundarys of this role play guild.)

2. Absolutely no cybering i forgot to put that in the rules which i will get around to, but in my previous guild i had a small incident with that and got a warning from a moderator please i do not want to loose my guild so no cybering.

3. The last thing is try to keep the posts at a minimum of a small paragraph (so like 4 sentinces((i think i spelled that wrong not sure)) )

okay thats all if their are any questions ask them away.