Hello, and welcome to the crew area.

These are the forums where we can discuss ways to improve the guild, etc. and other crew member stuff!

Obviously, if you want to stay in the crew, you have to respect the guild and follow the ToS.

If you don't follow the ToS, you are at HIGH, and I mean REALLY high risk of losing your rights as a crew, or even worse, getting kicked out of the guild altogether *GASP!*

Anyways, the point of the special crew subforum is for the crew to be able to share their thoughts on ways they can make this guild a happy place.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! ^^

(Please "sign" before making any additional posts in this subforum, so we know that you actually read this!)

EDIT: By the way, I donated the gold it cost to make this forum, so you don't have to worry about me just taking money from the guild's account, because I paid for this forum with my own gold!