Dont like the rules? evil
Punishment for rule breakers:This varies depending on situations;
➀ 3 warnings and you will be banned
forever➁ If you impersonate a moderator you will be
banned immediately without warning and you
will be reported and dealt with by GaiaOnline Moderators
➂ If you share hacks or attempt to hack/scam our guild members you will be banned immediately without warning and you will be reported and dealt with by GaiaOnline Moderators
A Psychosis Edit: By the way for you little slick ones who think we don't see things... We do.. And for those of you who think you will get away with mischievous behavior should take this little note deeply into consideration. We have a very special Moderation Team here at gOMG that was set up for very specific reasons. You don't need details but you do need to know we have been around a long time and therefore are very close with certain Gaia Online Staff members and certain Global Site Moderators and we WILL NOT TOLERATE repetitive BS... We are going to stay a public Guild so many people have access to our Guild through multiple accounts. That is where our connections come in. I am trying to be fair in telling you this because we had an incident the other night with a user who decided to go and post spam in all of our threads. Then insist in arguing the matter. This user could not be Guild banned because they were not a member. FYI that user is now PERMABANNED from Gaia Online by IP address. Don't be like them... Thank you ~Psychosis_666