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PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:53 pm

"Moving Past the Past"
Zyanya's Story

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I've been meaning to develop a very indepth plot line for Zyanya's new discoveries in the new world. Being a foreigner, she needs to discover her new home, and find a cure to her ailment that's slowly imparing her sight, and will eventually take her life from her and her children, if she ever makes it that far. I want her to not only discover the land, but also, herself. Zyanya has long since come to terms with who she's become, however, I want that to change. Since foalhood, Zyanya never had any doubt about what she was doing and who she was. I want someone to firstly, create these doubts (which will be very difficult), and cause Zyanya's life to turn around. This can be done in a passive or aggressive manner. Also, along her journey, I want someone to discover her ailment, and perhaps, cure her eventually. If you're interested in Zyanya's long journey, please check it out and offer 83?

I know it's stupid to ask, but this is a very involved plot I'm setting up for Zyanya, who is the one Soquili I'm aiming to bring to elderhood. I don't want to chase people down for tags and have the RP die on me, and thus needing a NEW role filler. Please please please, if you need to, we can do RP over an IM or in-thread, and just log it, but DO NOT leave me stranded. I have color coded the titles of the chapters to let everyone see the estimated lengths of them, so if you can't handle a long RP, please don't offer for a red titled one, or learn to handle it before offering.

Also, please do not expect any of these RPs to end up in a breeding. Zyanya is one, too young at this point in her life, and two, already has a future mate lined up, who will be particiapating in this plot.

Short RP
Medium RP
Long RP

1 | A Warm Unwelcome
2 | A Real Welcome Wagon
3 | My Travels Join With Yours
4 | A Harmless Prank
5 | Savior Becomes Victim
6 | Daring Darling
7 | Ailment Revealed
8 | Forcing On Failure
9 | Finding Yourself Again
10 | Living A Nightmare
11 | The Cure
12 | Remember Me
13 | This is Home
PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:54 pm

Our Mare

Alittle on our protagonist, just to give others a good backround of Zyanya's, as well as a snippit of her personality. Taken from my plot thread ~

User Image

Name: Zyanya
Alias: Zya, Nya, Yaya, Zeze, Zyanny
Gender: Female
Breed: Regular
Temper: Cryptic
Generation: First
Obtained: Ameh's April 2k10 Customs
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: Too Young
Offspring: Too Young
Stages: Mare
RP Color: LightBlue
Personality: Zyanya tends to be very quite, very lax, and very mysterious. She doesn't say much, but manages to communicate well normally anyway. Very hard to make angry, and very hard to provoke, Zyanya roams freely and has a respect for all. She does not judge before meeting people, nor does she speak unless spoken to. She's reserved, but polite, and uncaged. While Zyanya has no wings, there are moments where it truly seems such a mare.. could fly without them. Athletic, rich in health, and always free, Zyanya possesses an air to her that practically announces her spirit. Unchained by the past, unafraid of the future, Zyanya pursues her goals without hesistation, and will do anything to those she deems worthy to be loyal to. A friend to her, is for life.

Rest of personality to be worked out in RP.
History: A foreigner from distant lands, Zyanya's tribe was from the ice caps of frozen over lands. Her home was cold, and bitter, but it was always home. As a foal, all her memories were filled with snow and bits of hail. Sun was a rare, and strange sight in her land, and foliage was just about nonexsistant. Zyanya's tribe had learned to long endure these harsh areas, two-leggers having driven them away from their warmer climated home up north, and none of them were willing to return to find what had happened. Scouting for the rare foods and digging under thick ice and snow were key skills in survival. A foal had to learn independence as soon as it was able to stand on its own, and a mare or stallion without courage did not belong. The delicate barrier between life and death were what this tribe preserved, in their own struggle just to stay alive.

Zyanya had been born to a lonely mare in the tribe, who had lost her mate to a brutal disease that had haunted the stallion's lineage. Raised by her kind, but soft spoken mother, Zyanya had the image of her father painted on her coat and mane, but her personality was of her lonely mother. She grew up speaking rarely, having nothing to say, but a ton to do. As a filly, Zyanya immediately showed strength and leadership skills as soon as she was taught to run. She quickly became the swiftest of her tribe, even the fastest stallions fell behind her hooves, as she galloped across the ice. The constant pressure on her for taking care of her lost mother, as well as the absence of a father made a profound effect on Zyanya. As she became a mare, Zyanya's mother perished to the same disease that took her father from her, and Zyanya was left alone in her tribe, the last of her line. Showing no grief after she buried the corpse of her mother under the snow, Zyanya covered over her worries, and reopened her eyes to a new world. She knew that neither of her parents wanted her to live in agony, and thus she left her past behind.

Moving on with the herd, Zyanya quickly rose in ranking due to her skills that she had hidden as a foal. Boundless courage, speed unlike any other, untouchable stamina and quick mind, soon brought her into leadership of the tribe. Zyanya led the tribe well, and through the many difficulties that they faced. It could be said that with Zyanya, the tribe had conquerered the icelands.

Disaster however, was not absent from the tribe's lives. A year without mother nature's blessing quickly wiped out the tribe. Brutal snowstorms, hail, predators after tender flesh all aided in the downfall of Zyanya's clan. When all hope seemed to be lost, mother nature decided to simply kill it off in one last calmity. A difficult climb was on the clan to seek a new home and the mountain too, was against them. A thunderstorm, which was also unusual in the area, quickly brought down the last of the clan.


The crushing snow brought the end of Zyanya's tribe. Whoever was not swift enough or strong enough were crushed beneath the wave of snow, and those who did make it scattered in all different directions. Zyanya had survived, with brutal injuries to her neck and back leg. While she recovered in a small cave, Zyanya reflected on her past after years of ignoring it, and wept for the last time, for her parents, her tribe, and her loss. Survival, was the only thing left for Zyanya. She would survive for them, those lost in the year of destruction. Their memories would live on in her.

Moving on again, Zyanya turned her back on the icelands that had taken her childhood from her. She would find a new home, a new place, and restart her tribe. She'd give her tribe a new future, one free of cold and ice. Yes, that was her resolve, and with a swift gallop, she turned north, and found the lands of the Soquili..



PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:55 pm

Our Journey Begins | Section 1

Zyanya's basically only just arrived in the Kawani lands, and she needs to experience it and it's inhabitants before going far with her journey. She's very in tune with her surroundings, but is very unsteady and feels strange without ice and snow under her hooves. She needs to get a footing in the Kawani lands, as well as learn about what's she's coming in for.

Chapter 1: A Warm Unwelcome
More here for my reference than yours, this plot was basically Zyanya's first encounter with a rather.. Less than welcoming fiend. She gets attacked, sustains light damage, but escapes with her hide, and a new foe that will most likely appear again, maybe sooner than Zyanya realizes (Check Chap 6)

A Warm Unwelcome

Chapter 2: A Real Welcome Wagon
Someone who will drag Zyanya out of her nasty thoughts on her first meeting, preferrably with a flamboyant flair, but anyone who can show her around abit and pick up her mood, even if they won't stick around as a travel buddy.

Chapter 3: My Travels Join With Yours
In basics, our journey buddy! Every Soquili needs a companion right? Apparently Zyanya's no different, no matter how quiet. I want someone of any breed or personality type, to accompany Zyanya along her insanely long journey, hopefully till the very end. If they do, then they will have to become CLOSE friends (Check Chap. 9, Plot V. 2) They will meet up after Zyanya parts ways with the Soquili who particiapated in Chapter 2.
PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:56 pm

Mayhem and Mishaps | Section 2

Exactly like it says, Mayhem and Mishaps, mostly accidents though. Zyanya simply needs to have a few unlucky encounters. Afterall, there's no such thing as a perfect Soquili ne? Unluckiness taunts all!

Chapter 4: A Harmless Prank
To start it off gentle, I just want a foal, or perhaps a tricky Soquili, to try and prank Zyanya. Depending on how sneaky the Soq is, she will either fall head long into it, or find out, and humour the Soquili by falling in anyway. This must be HARMLESS, like the sort of "chalkboard eraser on the slightly open door" kinda thing. It will show her gentle side, and make her more in tune with fun.

Chapter 5: Savior Becomes Victim
Someone need some saving? Then put Zyanya up! Zyanya needs someone to save, someone to rescue and she herself, to fall into danger by doing so. Here, she will be separated from whoever she's saved, and her travelling buddy, and get injured quite badly in the process.

Chapter 6: Daring Darling
V1: Zyanya is about to do some daring things. With injuries that were far worse than what she recieved when she first got here, she now meets upon another vicious Soquili who's after her hide (preferably Kalona)! She will sustain further damage from this event, but will escape with her life, though just barely.

V2: Zyanya meets up with the skinwalker from Chapter 1, and they get into another fight. Result is really the same for Zyanya, just another option, in case.



PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:59 pm

Opening Old Wounds | Section 3

Zyanya's life hasn't been very pretty, and I want it to go through a few more loops before the flower blossoms.

Chapter 7: Ailment Revealed
After getting injured from her saving and second encounter, Zyanya needs a Soq (preferably a Unicorn/Uni Cross/Half Uni) to heal her and help her nurse her wounds. In the process, the Soq will discover Zyanya's ailment, which is slowly taking away Zyanya's sight in her left eye, as well as her other senses, though not as severely. The Soq may choose whether or not to help her (Check Chapter 11), but will advise her in treating her disease before continuing her journey.

Chapter 8: Forcing On Failure
For this, we need a very manipulative and sadist Soq who wants to break someone. Zyanya needs to have her heart played with, and a 'friend' betray her. She needs to open up and tell someone about her past, and then have her ideals crushed infront of her eyes, to force her to doubt. Basically I want someone to twist her past out of her, and then insult, taunt, provoke, and stomp on her dreams until she snaps or gives in.

Chapter 9: Finding Yourself Again
V1: Zyanya is basically a mess inside right now, even if she refuses to show it. She's stuck deep in her thoughts, and she needs to be rescued. She meets up again with her journey companion, who had searched for her, and they help her reshape her life.

V2: Zyanya meets another Soquili who is kindhearted and wants to help Zyanya and heal her open wound.
PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:00 pm

Moving Forward | Section 4

The last stretch of Zyanya's quest. She will become a new mare afterwards, with a new view on both life, and the Kawani lands.

Chapter 10: Living A Nightmare
V1: After getting her heart healed, disaster strikes our protagonist once again, and she falls victim to the underlying affects of her illness. Her sight blackens and Zyanya becomes blind in her left eye, which will be a huge shock for the mare as she realizes the sudden change in her disease. I need someone to discover her sudden lack of coordination is due to her blindness and slowly dying senses, and force her to get some help.

V2: Her journey companion version of this. Basically the same plot but with her journey companion.

Chapter 11: The Cure
V1: For this plot, I need a Soq (preferably Uni/Uni Cross/Half Uni), to discover a cure for her disease. I need them to force her to accept their help and find the cure, which while it will not restore her lost sight, will stop the disease from killing her.

V2: This plot can also be with the Soq from Chapter 7.

Chapter 12: Remember Me
Zyanya finishes her journey after finally being freed of her long ailment that had been sapping her strength. Without her sight in her left eye, she'll discover it's a lot harder to tell depth and distance, however she will be strong, and discover that she can still see without her sight. She will thank the Soqs that have helped her on her journey, particularily her journey companion and the Soq that found her cure here, and give them gifts from her. The others Soqs will then give her parting gifts (that I will hopefully get edited onto Zyanya someday). What does this have to do about a new Soq to meet? I'm not so sure myself. Offer ideas?

Chapter 13: This is Home
Zyanya decides to finally part ways with her companions after reaching the mountains. The nostalgia they gave her with the snowcaps and the tough terrain made her feel like home again, and she thanks the Soqs that helped her once more. She will see them off, but stay behind in the mountains to explore abit more, and discover that while she is weary from her travels, and misses the ice and snow, that the Kawani lands are now home. For this chapter I need a Soq who often is in the mountains to introduce her around and perhaps become a new friend and guide to her home. They will part, though preferably not forever, and Zyanya will see her new home better.



PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:04 pm

Role Holders

1 | A Warm Unwelcome: Dardanos
2 | A Real Welcome Wagon: None
3 | My Travels Join With Yours: Rainbow Swirl
4 | A Harmless Prank: None
5 | Savior Becomes Victim: None
6 | Daring Darling: None
7 | Ailment Revealed: Azzinoth
8 | Forcing On Failure: None
9 | Finding Yourself Again: Zheadeos
10 | Living A Nightmare: Rainbow Swirl
11 | The Cure: None
12 | Remember Me: None
13 | This is Home: None
PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:07 pm



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