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Nanashi was...content with the pride he had chosen for his family. It would protect them, they would be cared for and no long would his brothers have to worry about where the spent the night and whether they would all be well in the morning. It was a safety net, the pride was, and it was perfect.

Or rather, it had been. Nanashi was the Boss, able to take care of his family. Both Baride and Bugie took place of Fighter Currency, and Aiko? Sweet innocent little youngest, only girl of the family, spoiled little...thing? Consort.

Nanashi had been furious when he had heard what position his baby sister had taken within the pride. Sure, it suited her. In fact, it was almost a perfect fit but damn it. She was still young! She should not be a...a...Entertainer. Not that there wasn't anything wrong with the profession it was, simply not for his family. It was wrong.

Nanashi had stormed from his and Nyoka's den, intent on finding his baby sister and talking some sense intoher. Entertainer? Really? Nanashi would have no Entertainer in the family.

Oh, she was going to like it here!

Aiko padded in a small circle in the den, filled with excited energy. No more lonely. Not now. She wouldn't need to give her brothers the slip and roam across the endless world to find a bit of special company before trekking back. Oh no, now her company could come to her!

She grinned from ear to black spotty ear as she finally flopped down in the middle of the den, rolling on her back and giggling like a cub as she waved her paws in the air. So much better! So much better here! And Dysi was here! She'd known she would find him again, she'd known she would.

Because they were meant to be.

But that didn't mean should couldn't have a little fun. Fun. Fun. Drat. Her eyes picked out the form of her stuffty eldest brother as Nana strode in through the entrance of their den. Even upsidedown she could tell he wasn't smiling. He never did that.

"Hey Nana," Aiko purred, rolling back to lay rightside up, her tail curling in lazy contentment. She knew he was here for a reason...but she was so not going to back down!

Nanashi had told himself that he would keep calm when he approached his baby sister. She probably just didn't understand what the job was about. Which was utter crock because if anything, she knew more about the job details then he or any of his brothers did. The scowl grew deeper on his face at the thought, and he growled inwardly. Great. He had just gotten himself more angry about it all.

Entering his sister's den, he spied her rolling on the floor like a cub. Great. Even more reasn to think she wasn't prepared for this job.

Calmly, he told himself, and took a deep, steading breath. “What do you think you are doing? Entertainer? ARE YOU CRAZY?” His voice was not loud, but it was angry.

Wonderful job keeping calm, Nanashi, he thought to himself, but his scowl stayed on his face. “Why not a fighter? Or, for heaven sake, A NANNY? Why choose something so utterly disrespectful to not only yourself but your family too!”

Aaand, here it came. Fabulous. Why wasn't she allowed to just be happy?

"You do know most entertainers are performers, don't you? You should hear some of the beautiful talents, and I do mean beautiful, my dear brother." Just because she had something else in mind didn't mean should couldn't point out the norm. "It's a perfectly respectable position. I'm even...ah...'currency' was it?"

Of course, her performances were not going to be something as simple as a sweet little song and dance. But he'd no right to judge her either way! At least here she'd be in a safe place all the time. She'd had a few scrapes and near misses out on the rogue lands. Here, everyone was pride. And she'd only belong with the upper class sort too. But, then again, she was the very best. Where else would she belong?

"...Well, I mean...I can totally fight. But I like being pretty. No scars for me, no way. And if I'm going to look after cubs, then they'd better be my cubs and not some lazy bum's neglected little brats."

Well, she did have a point, Nanashi admitted but that wasn't the reason why he was upset. Not all entertainers that, but that dind't mean she wasn't going to be exactly like that. He knew her. How he didn't but he knew her. “You're not the normal, Aiko,” he pointed out, voice barely above a snarl but his eyes were cold as he stard at his sister. He had spent his life trying to keep her in line and she goes and throws it all away.

He tossed his head, scowling at her. “So? They would still be respectable professions. You will only harm yourself by taking on something as entertaining.” She was a smart girl. She was strong. Hell, she could have been one of the fighter currencies right along with Baride and Bugie, though it wasn't her style to fight outright, but still, it would have gained her respect.

"...but that's beside the point..." Aiko muttered when her brother pointed out that she wasn't normal. Thanks Nana. Really. She was soooo touched. "Maybe I could work in subterfuge. No one would ever suspect me. Would that be good enough for you, boss-man?" Aiko asked, her voice taking on that irritating playful cant that started up when she started to grow annoyed, "You know that Consort is the step below Geisha, isn't that respectable enough for you?"

He'd better respect that rank at least! It was difficult to earn your way there, and she knew she could do it. Just because her stupid controlling sibling couldn't understand why she loved it so didn't mean anything. Narrow-minded people, they thought they knew everything and had the power to force other people to obey against their.

Honestly though, when had Nana ever 'won' against her?

Nanashi frowned at her, the idea of subterfuge was a good idea. It would suit her. She was damn sneaky enough. He couldn't count the amoutn of times she had snuck away when they were out in the rogue lands, without any of the boys noticing. It had been frustrating, but at least now it was unlikely to happen.

He tilted his head up, staring down at his sister in annoyance. “When you get to geisha, then I will think of you as respectful.” He shook his head and eyed her suspiciously. “Subterfuge? What would you want in return? I know you well enough to know you won't do it for nothing.” He sniffed, looking more annoyed. It would help her become a Geisha, sure, but Aiko was the type to do only what suited her best.

A sudden thought struck, and his face darkened. “No. No amount of subterfuge would make me give you Dysi.” It was what his sister wanted most of all, in the pride at least. It had to be what she was after

Well, he couldn't argue with her stealth. Not the way she always slipped off on him, and Bungie and Baride too. He didn't know much about the secrets she could keep but then, that was the point of a secret wasn't it. So shush.

Still, she should have known he'd drag some other issue into play. Should have known that he'd find some way to nitpick. Well, frankly, she'd had enough of this. She'd been happy right up until he walked in to yell at her in her own new den!

"Aww, but he's so pretty!" she whined, ears laying back as she pouted. Hah! As if anything Nana said or did would stop her!

Nanashi hated now entranced his sister was with Dysi. He was dangerous, to them all. A threat to their very life in the pride and if she continued to seek him, it would be a huge problem. His scowl deepened, until it looked like it had been carved there.

“He is Nyoka's consort,” he snarled. “You do not mess with the Queen's toy, at any point, or she will make your life hell. Entertainer or not, I do not want my baby sister-” that term was usually said with affection, but made it sound almost insulting how he spoke, “-because she can't keep her paws to herself and stay away from other people's toys.”

He hoped it would get through her thick skull. He loved his family, but he was not powerful enough to protect them from Nyoka, should she become enraged. He hadn't come this far to loose them all because of Aiko's sheer...boneheadedness.

Oh, as if she'd ever let her brothers suffer for her mistakes! Not that she ever really made any. But still. He had some nerve suggesting such a thing. Besides, she'd picked Dysi before stupid Nana even met Nyoka! What right did he have to govern her life? If he said it was 'cause he was older, or the 'boss' she'd really whack him one!

"Oh, don't worry Nana," Aiko purred sweetly. Apparently he wasn't to be reasoned with. Fine. Messing was easier. And more fun. Besides, who knew, maybe she'd actually do it this time... she sometimes did. It was amusing at times. "I was planning on letting Nyoka play with us too. She is quite something isn't she? Oh wait, sorry, forgot you hadn't slept with her yet..." For a second, just one, Aiko looked sympathetic, but then it was gone. Fake emotions, turn 'em on, turn 'em off. So easy. "Don't worry, I'll be sure and share how she likes it~"

She was quite aware that this could get her into trouble, unless Nyoka was actually interested, or at least open minded, more than she could say for Nna. But, in the privacy of her own den, who would run and tell? She neither heard nor scented anyone but herself and the stupid stick in the mud here... safe for now. Her senses were sharp. Very sharp.

Nanashi was very close to attacking his sister. Not to kill her, or seriously hurt her, but just to beat some sense into her, but he knew that it would be useless to try. His sister had no sense to speak of, and it couldn't be beaten into her, though how he wished it could!

“I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that,” he growled, his voice low and dangerous. He wouldn't purposely hurt any of his siblings, but his sister was always the one who would push him close enough to try it. Damn it. Didn't she see he was trying to protect her? “Why would Nyoka wish to share with you? She has Dysi all to herself. You are the interloper.” He sneered.

She would only get herself into trouble, trying to place herself between the two love-birds.

Aiko actually laughed, the sound bright and almost genuine rather than a scornful snort in response to his sneer. ”Oh…oh brother…you talk so big but understand so little…” she chuckled, rising and moving to rub against his flank with a low throaty purr like velvet thunder in the distance. ”I understand if you don’t want to share…or is it that you don’t wish to be left out, hm? Tired of looking like the boss but never backing it up? Poor poor little Nana…”

Pushing buttons? Why, yes, yes she was. Violet eyes took on an oddly seductive cant for a ‘conversation’ between two blood relatives. She let the tip of her tail flick across his nose, a teasing little motion, as she half sauntered, half prowled in a slow sensual motion to sit with her back to him, and the entrance to her den.

”Poor brainless figurehead…” she sighed, her tail curling delicately around her forepaws as her shoulders shrugged faintly. ”I can reach everything I want now but you…poor brother, you’ve nothing at all.”

Nanashi scowled at his sister. The seductive movements and expression was disturbing, but it was as easy as breathing for the female cheetah, so he tried not to let it effect him. As she stepped closer, he stepped back, pointedly sneering at her. “Me? Left out,” he scoffed. “It will be you who is left out in the dirt, dear sister. I will be replaced, some day, with that disgusting leopard you and Nyoka favour, but I will still maintain a level or respect. You? You'll have nothing, if you push yourself somewhere you're not wanted.”

He tossed his head, sending a frowl towards her back which he was presented with. “I am not a brainless figure head, Aiko. I simply know better than to bite the hand which feeds me, feeds us all.” He tilted his jaw up. He knew that his sister would never understand why he was doing this, but he knew. He was doing this for his family.

Ah-huh. Well then, someone was getting full of himself. Clearly he was in a mood then. No chance of getting him to see reason. None at all. Frankly, she was tired of arguing with someone who refused to see sense.

"Nana," she sighed prettily, her shoulder shifting slightly with the movement, subtly drawing attention to the soft beautiful black pattern across her back. She was enjoying playing her seductress self with him more than she'd thought. Best way ever to disturb him.

"I've known Dysi for longer than you've known your precious lady, your 'mate' who carries someone else's cubs and holds you shivering in cowardice with the claw of one dainty little paw..." Ah, but wait, that might be too rational for her brother. "Besides... how hard would it be to turn on someone everybody loves? I understand that having friends that are so completely devoted to you that they'd actually step up to defend you is a concept foreign to your prudish bigoted little mind. But I've friends, and I'll have lots more. I hold more sway already than you ever will, dear icon." There was pity in her voice, rather than the anger and scorn that made her heart beat with rage.

“Your friends-” the word was snarled, like it was a dirty word, rather than an affectionate term “- will not last forever, dear sister. You think you can hold their attention so long that they would help you, when Nyoka is so furious at you that you should be thrown from the pride? She will get angry. You know she will, if you dare to touch what is hers.” He scowled, getting to his feet and stalking to his sister. His moves were graceful, but nothing like hers. There was no poised seducation in his moves, simply a means to an end, getting to her side where he could meet her gaze firmly.

“If you get thrown from the pride, for your own stupidity and seflish greed, then I will do nothing, nothing, to stop your removal from these lands.”

Aiko let her brother catch her pitying purple eyes, a mournful expression on her face along with a soft tender ‘I forgive you anyway’ cant to her head. ”Oh Nana…I never asked for you to try to run my life,” she sighed, rising to her paws in a single fluid motion. ”You admit yourself you’re still in no position of power enough to control me.” Namely because there was no such thing.

”What remains, regardless of your foolish arguments, is that I have everything while you have nothing. I have friends, family, and a place that pleases and adores me. All you have is your stuffy dignity and a limited time offer before your ‘mate’, who already has someone else’s cubs, lied about who the father was, and cares nothing for you, decides she doesn’t need a figurehead anymore. And where will you go then, brother dear? Will your dignity survive the shame?” she asked quietly, her words soft and gentle, the same apologetic tone a parent would use to explain to their small child what death was.

Nanashi scoffed, but her words hit home. He was on his feet, staring into her eyes. She was soft, and still reminded him of how she had been when she was younger, when he was still allowed to protect her. He had loved being a big brother, but his brothers did not need him anymore, and he didn't know if they ever did. Aiko had been protectable, when she was younger, not anymore. “I am not trying to run your life, little sister.” He told her bluntly. “I am trying to protect you, whether you acknowledge it or not.”

He pushed passed her, towards the mouth of the den. “I know my uses will be up, as soon as Nyoka tires of me. I will leave, when she pushes me away. This isn't about my dignity, or my pride. It has always been for the family.” He didn't look back at his sister. She always brought out the worst in him, and he didn't know what was left to say between them. She would take her position in the pride, as a entertainer well below her worth, and he would be forced to sit back and do nothing. He left his sister's den, a tired scowl on his face and feeling as if he'd lost.

Aiko's soft pitying expression never wavered, never changed as he spoke. She was sorry for him sometimes, she really was. Just because she was pissed now didn't mean she was going to yell and scream. That might prove his point.

She watched, with that same 'I pity you' expression until he passed out of her den. Then she sighed, rolling her eyes and muttering, "Pompous arrogant fathead," before rising to her feet with a stretch of languid luxury. It wouldn't do to be in a bad mood, not when she had an appointment tonight~