The day was hot and sticky, which made lying in the dens a useless act. Of course, being outside meant the sun could hit against your fur, and when you were as darkly coloured as Nanashi, it was not a pleasant experience.

Sprawled out under a protruding rock, which he was keeping a careful eye on, as he didn't quite trust it to stay put, Nanashi allowed the coolness of the shade to wash over him. He had chosen a rock halfway up a hill, so he could watch the pride interact. They were growing in numbers, it seemed, and it was a wonderful thought. His eye lids lowered in delight as a steady pur worked it's way free of his throat. He was tired, and hot, but he was happy. The pride was going to be wonderful, some day.

He lowered his head, still keeping watch of the rock, and allowed his eyes to scan the lands. So perfect. Nyoka had really built a wonderful place, even if some of the members did not quite fully appreciate it's beauty yet. But they will. Of course they would. How could they not?


Dysi hadn't slept well that night. Vailea and Tsura had been fussy and hadn't wanted to sleep, so he had stayed awake and kept them out of the den, thankful it hadn't been a cold night, until they were tired so they would not disturb Nanashi and Nyoka, but he had a feeling he may have failed, because Nyoka was a little grouchy that morning. He sighed to himself, having left the girls playing by the den and with Enzi, so they should have been safe, especially because the heat was keeping them quite mostly.

Spotting a dark figure on the hillside, Dysi changed his course and started towards the figure. It was Nanashi, he knew, from the colour, and wanted to appologise for keeping him up last night. That was all. Of course it was. Anything else would have been silly.


A flash of white caught Nanashi's eyes and he stiffled a groan. Great. The leopard. He had little against Dysi, he always thought that Nyoka was vaguely favourable to him, but the male seemed to never leave Nanashi in peace! Always finding reasons to approach him, or talk to him, or touch him, like the time he had been tackled because a bee had, apparently and Nanashi didn't believe it one little bit, had landed on him. Why was the male even doing it? Dysi had Nyoka, the one Nanashi wanted, why on earth was he being such a damn nuisance to Nanashi as well? Did he just enjoy taunting him?

His face was set into a scowl long before Dysi came into speaking range.


Dysi hid a wince at the obvious scowl on the darker males face. Was he in a bad mood too, because of lack of sleep? He felt horribly guilty that his daughters had done that two both of the people he cared which he means Nyoka. Not Nanashi. He meant one person. Nyoka. Nothing to do with Nanashi. Of course not. That was silly.

“I'm sorry,” Dysi blurted out, almost immediately after he was within speaking range, and hid another wince at the rather abrupt appology.


Nanashi's scowl dropped away at the abrupt announcement. Well, this was new. He let a slight smirk twist his face and tilted his head to one side, his paw sticking uncomfortably to the rock beneath them in the heat.

“What for?” Nanashi asked, drly. “Something specific or just your general existence?”
He winced the second those words were free of his mouth. Well, he was just being rude now. That wasn't acceptable for the leader of the pride, so he muttered his own appology, stubbournly not looking at Dysi now, and was instead gazing out over the pride lands.


Dysi had winced, almost in perfect unison with Nanashi at the male's snarky insult, but was thrilled to hear the appology that had swiftly followed, but made no mention that he'd heard it, knowing it would likely make the other male uncomfortable...and Dysi did that enough without mentioning sore subjects, so he decided to leave it well alone.

“I wanted to apologize for my cubs last night. They were a little playful and wouldn't rest. I hope they didn't keep you up too much,” he said, trying to sound polite, as he stepped under the shade of the over-hanging rock, which put him in close proximity with the male.


Nanashi's scowl returned full force as the male came in closer proximity to him, forcing him back against the edge of the rock, but he firmly held his ground. He wasn't going to be pushed around by this...this...leopard. But the point of the conversation drew a blank. Had the cubs been restless last night? He hadn't really paid much attention and had slept well, but, perhaps a little cruely, he didn't want to let Dysi off the hook straight away, so he yawned, pointedly, and didn't reply.


Dysi's eyes widened at the yawn, and felt another pang of guilt that the male was so exhausted and couldn't reply. Usually, the male was not quite this gullible, but he rather wanted Nanashi to like him, and wanted Nyoka to see that he could get along with her 'mate' though the title brought a scowl to his face, which he quickly hid so that Nanashi would not think it was him that had caused it and report that Dysi was being mean to Nyoka.

“I'll try and keep them out and wear them out tonight, so they don't disturb you again,” Dysi said, nodding and already planning games he could play that would tire out the girls.


Nanashi felt his own pang of guilt at the male's obvious distraught nature thinking he had kept Nanashi awake with his cubs, and scowled. He couldn't allow the other male to think he had done something that he hadn't, no matter how much fun it was to torment the leopard a little.

“Don't worry, I barely heard them last night,” he said, before he could think better of it, waving away the male's worry as if it didn't matter, and to him, it really didn't. He pushed himself to his feet, and brushed passed Dysi, purposely walking back towards the den area. He would find Nyoka and she would rid him of this pest, he decided.


Dysi smiled brightly, glad to hear that he had not disturbed the other male when his cubs had been restless, but blinked when the cheetah shouldered passed him on his way back to the dens. Why was he so tired then, if Dysi hadn't kept him awake? He frowned and hurried off after him.

“Where are you going?” He asked, keeping up with the other male with ease. His legs were built for walking, and he had always travelled easily, so keeping up with the fast walking cheetah was no worry to him.


Somewhere away from you. The retort was on the tip of his tongue, but out of politeness, Nanashi squished it down, practically stamping on it in an effort for it not to escape.

“To see Nyoka,” he substituted instead, keeping his gaze on the dens which were so close now, and so close to freedom. He felt mildly guilty, going to such lengths to avoid the other male, but really, there was something about him that rubbed Nanashi the wrong way.
...Maybe it was that the male was EVERYWHERE where Nanashi was, and everytime he turned around he saw the fluffy of white that was the leopard.


Dysi was suddenly suspicious of the male, and his eyes narrowed. He liked the male, sure, but he hated how close he was to Nyoka. Nyoka was Dysi's love, and this male had no reason to see her at the moment, he mused and he moved swiftly, blocking Nanashi's path.

“Why do you need to go and see her?” He asked, sounding defensive but trying to soften his tone. He didn't want to accuse him but damn it, he should stay away from Nyoka unless he absolutely had to. Dysi had no claim to Nyoka, he was not her mate but he could still stop Nanashi from getting too close.


Nanashi scowled. Dysi had always seemed a little too attached to Nanashi's Queen. “
Why do I need an excuse to see my mate?” He demanded, eying the male suspiciously. He was protective, and with good reason he thought, seeing that Dysi tended to act a little too close to Nyoka. It just wasn't right, he decided, with a faint sneer.

Nanashi shouldered passed Dysi, and continued on his way. He had a feeling he wouldn't be free of the annoying pest yet though.


Dysi frowned, and hastened after the male.
“You don't need an excuse,” Dysi said, trying to recover his slip. “I was just...curious. May I walk you there?”

He did like the other male, but he hated how close he was to Dysi's Nyoka. She was his world and this male had her. It was truly unfair. It was his obligation then, to make sure this male could at least stand his presence or it would be useless for things to continue as they were.


“No,” Nanashi forced out, not looking at Dysi. “You may not.” He wanted the male gone. He hated feeling this annoyed at the other male, no one else but Aiko could rile him up so successfully. He shot him a dark look out of the corner of his eye and barely resisted a faint sneer.

“What you may do is leave me in peace so I may visit my Mate without you buzzing about.” Comparing him to an annoying bug was likely not the right way of pretending to be able to stand the male's presence, he realised in a slight delayed reaction but did not take back his words. Why should he? He scoffed. It was Dysi who was being annoying after all.


Frowning, Dysi hid a wince at the male's words.
“Fine,” he forced out, and shot Nanashi an annoyed look. All he had been trying to do was to extend an olive branch to the male, to allow them to be close. Attractive or not, this male was pushing the limits of Dysi's patience, being all grouchy and unfriendly towards him.

“I'll leave you in peace. Give Nyoka my love,” he said, perhaps a little bitterly. He purposely shouldered passed Nanashi again, even though he could have easily stepped around him, his shoulders hunched as he stalked away. Ow. That had hurt his shoulder. Ugh. Damn cheetah. Who did he think he was? Just because he was the boss...Dysi wished for Nyoka's presence at his side, he realised, with a heavy sigh, but it was Nanashi who would receive Dysi's love's calming touch, not he.


Nanashi paused to watch the other male leave, a slightly suspicious look on his face. He had given up too easy, Nanashi told himself, which was why he was watching to make sure the male actually left. When he lost sight of the annoyingly white and pink pelt, he glanced towards where he knew Nyoka would be. He hadn't actually intended to see her, but since he had already snapped at Dysi that he was going to, then he may as well not make a liar out of himself.

He scowled to himself as he walked, heading towards his mate. She would make things better, after all, even if it seemed that Dysi liked the Boss Lady, it was Nanashi who was claimed as her mate, he was the Boss to the Boss Lady, not that pesky Dysi.

That thought was a calming one, and he began to relax the closer he drew to Nyoka's den.