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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[FIN] A Little TLC (Nawiri x Kiwilan)

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:54 pm
His body shook as the lay on the cold floor of his den, he was curled tightly into a ball and looked as though he was soaked. His breathing was labored as he tried to uncurl himself and stretch out only to let out a groan. He had spent his whole life around those inflicted with the disease and for the longest time it seemed like he was immune to it until recently.

It was quite the shame actually, he was one of the few that had been able-bodied that could care for those that needed him. But now, now it seemed he would be rendered useless for at least a short period of time. And honestly, it sucked.

Ajani perched himself upon a small rock off to the side of cave watching his bonded writher in pain, he heaved a sigh and shook his head. He knew just how devoted the pink male was to his pride and more importantly, to his queen. So loyal and devoted that he would do anything he felt neccesary and to see him struggle and be afflicted with such pain was near heart breaking to him.

Nawiri gave a small sigh as she approached the den of her pride mate. According the various healers and nurses of the pride, the vibrant Kiwi had yet to recover from his episode. What some may have presumed to be a headcold had seemingly turned in to something worse. . .and something potentially long lasting. The smoke hued female didn't want to think about Kiwi showing signs of the plague. . . . She had hoped the Great Goddess might have blessed him with immunity. . . it seemed that such a thing was too much to wish for at this time. Still, Nawiri was hopeful. Some diseases did linger and she could only hope that Kiwi might yet pull through. Only time would tell, though the early stages of their wasting curse were well noted.

Ever so cautiously, the female approached the entrance of the den. She didn't want to disturb him if he slept and Nawiri understood sometimes there were days a lion just didn't want to be bothered. Clearing her throat lightly, the red and blue eyed female made her presence known. "Kiwilan? It's . . . It's me, Nawiri. I was hoping I might pay a visit if you're up to it." Her voice fell quiet, anxiety twisting her stomach. She hated to see her pride mates suffer and if he did indeed carry the signs of the plague. . . .well. . . . It would just break her heart.

Kiwi was too sweet to be taken down now. Not when everyone had thought him immune.

Both Kiwi's and Ajani's head turned in the direction of the queen though the lion's was much slower as though it was difficult to try and focus on anything. "Nawiri?" He mumbled his features twisted in a mixture of confusion and pain. His golden eyes were fixed upon her yet they weren't really...looking at her.

He shook his head in an attempt to clear his head, his thoughts were just so damn foggy. "My lady?"

Nawiri's shoulders sagged ever so lightly as she quietly approached. Concern knit her brow as it appeared that Kiwilan was NOT doing very well. Not at all. Allowing herself entrance, she quietly nodded to Ajani before refocusing her gaze on the pink male.

. . . truly he looked a wreck.

Circling him lightly, the healer within her already diagnosing physical symptoms and ailments she offered small smile. Setting close by, she sat comfortably before canting her head gently to one side. "Forgive the intrusion I . . . I wanted to check on you personally, see how you've been fairing." Nawiri didn't want to look upset and she was getting better at hiding things. . . .

But Kiwi was a friend, one of the few she grew up with that still lived. "Unfortunately it seems as if you've had better days. Is there. . .is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" As queen it was her duty to serve those who were sick and unwell, to make them as comfortable as possible in their last minutes, hours, days and years. . . . She never thought herself as 'above' or 'over' those within her pride - no, Nawiri was equal to them through and through.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:34 am
At her apology the flamingo colored male made the attempt to shake his head and tried to mumble a 'no' but it only resulted in another fit of coughing and he curled that much tighter into himself. It seemed liked the coughing, the pain was only dulled when he reduced himself to a small space.

In an attempt to help his bonded out Ajani smiled sadly at the gray lioness, "I do not think that he minds, lady." He tried to chuckle and lighten the mood, "All he does is mumble your name when he does sleep," he sighed shaking his head. He wasn't good at this sort of thing. He didn't like it either.

It seemed that his coughing fit had subsided and he managed to lift his head to look at his queen. "My lady..." he whispered hoarsely his golden eyes darting back and forth as though he was trying to seek her form but could not find it.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:53 pm
Nawiri couldn't suppress the small frown upon her features. He really wasn't doing well at all. . . The almost constant coughing was wretched to hear, no matter how 'used' to such a thing she might be.

Why Kiwilan after all these years? So he had been a carrier all his life. . . No, not just a carrier. The disease had merely been dormant only to wake recently and cause him infection. Really, it just wasn't fair. He was one of the few in the pride that had been blessed with such great health . . . now it was only a matter of time, a waiting game.

She feared at the rate he was headed he might not have long to live. But that was the fear on almost every lion's mind in the Kitwana. The disease was merciless and cruel. . . it took some within days and kept others lingering for years. There was no guarantees within the pride, and time was almost irrelevant.

"Oh Kiwi," she breathed softly, mostly to herself. She hadn't completely missed Ajani's comments . . . strange really that he might mumble her name. But then, she was the queen and they were friends. . .it made sense, right? Right.

"No 'my lady's' necessary," she added quietly, stepping forward to bump his head softly with her own. "Have you been able to eat anything or make it to the water hole?" This was directed at Kiwi, but her eyes did travel back to Ajani, just including him in the conversation as well. She was unsure if the vibrant coated male could speak much for himself. Thankfully though, Nawiri was just as much a healer as her sister. It came with the territory and she was prepared to care for Kiwi just as she would any who were in need of comfort, aid, or mercy.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:00 pm
It was difficult growing up in the pride because of the disease that ran rampant. It had been harder on the flamingo colored male because he had watched his many of his friends and most of his family pass away before him. He had seen the disease in all different kind of stages and it had been his job to help care for them because for so long, he had been deemed immune by many of those that were still alive.

Turned out it was just a matter of time.

His body trembled fiercely when she mumbled his name and he made the feeble attempt to get to his feet only to collapse to the ground in a fit a harsh coughing.

At her questions Ajani shook his head with a deep frown on his beak. "Unfortunately not my lady," he responded sighing at the sight of his bonded's form. "Since he left your company a few days ago he hasn't been able to move, he makes attempts but the always fail," he lamented.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:20 pm
Nawiri gave a small shake of her head, dismayed by the condition of her friend. If he had been in such a fierce state where he'd been unable to eat or drink than he was in more dire straights than she'd anticipated. If he was suffering a fever than dehydration wouldn't help his case.

It seemed as if the Goddess of Pestilence hadn't over looked Kiwilan . . . A shame really. Finding a genuinely healthy lion was a rarity amongst the pride. "All right, I'll be right back. Maybe I can help ease a little of his suffering. . . " Or so she hoped.

Brows knit with concern, the female retreated from Kiwilan's den and made her way over to her own. Amidst the few bones she kept to chew on and a few other various trinkets and gifts given to her since her birth, most of what littered her den were remedies for illness. The first item on her list was to pick up a small satchel of goodies. The roots and treats found within, while not the most pleasant things to eat, would help provide Kiwilan some energy if he were able to eat them.

But even more important than food was a need to get him water. A large gourd had been split in half and hollowed out for such an occasion. Delicately lifting it in her jaws, the female stopped by the lake to fill it, only to carefully bring it back to Kiwilan's abode. It was large enough to lap out of and deep enough not to swiftly evaporate. Careful not to spill it, Nawiri set it down near Kiwilan before giving him a small nudge. "Here. . . drink if you can. . . slowly," she encouraged softly with a smile.

Turning back to Ajani, she lowered her head and removed he small satchel that clung to her neck. "In case you're ever out and you happen to spot any of these roots or leaves, these things often help those who are most ill. This brown shoot here can help nausea and ease an upset stomach. . . These paler ones here seem to take away bodily aches and pains. . . And this one here, this goes well with water and is full of nutrients. If he hasn't eaten in a few days I worry if he'd be able to handle the richness of a kill. We'll start with these tastless things first, see how his body responds. . . " Picking up a few of the shoots, she deposited them next to the gourd full of water and looked back to her friend.

" . . it's not as good as antelope, but these should help you a little too, Kiwi," she once again encouraged. She could only hope his body would accept the roots. If he couldn't handle eating or keeping food in his system, he'd be on the fast-track to starvation.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:31 pm
When Nawiri left his den the flamingo colored male's body relaxed just the slightest bit. Shivers still racked his body but he didn't seem to be in near as much pain as before. His eyes, which had a dull look to them, flickered over to his avian companion who was frowning quite deeply at him. "D-don't look at me like that," the lion nearly hissed.

"I don't think this is wise Kiwilan," Ajani responded with a slow shake of his head. The raven was concerned about his bonded and about his health. The lion's mental health specifically. "You're in dangerous territory," he warned.

"I'm already in dangerous territory," the cat replied struggling to push himself on to his feet. Once standing he advanced on the bird. "I know what I'm doing," he growled right before his queen reentered the den.

Suddenly he had another coughing fit and crashed into the ground sending Ajani flying into the air to avoid being crushed by the larger creature. "N-nawiri..." he mumbled as she set things next to him. "N-no..."



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:58 pm
It broke her heart as she settled beside the pink furred lion. He had always been such a friendly sort, had always been kind to her even when they were younger. She had always hoped he had been spared the agony that came with the plague and yet . . . . it seemed as if she had hoped too soon.

Seeing him cough, shiver, tremble while the disease racked his body. If she had hoped this might have been nothing more than a head-cold, nothing more than something small and swift that would quickly pass she was mistaken. He was in pain, he was hurting, and it was her duty as his Queen, a healer, and his friend that she wished to ease his suffering.

Settling next to him, she reached over and gently groomed some of his mane away from his face. "Come now . . . I need you to eat some of this for me. I promise it'll help you feel better though I . . know it might not taste so great." Another little nuzzle and she pushed a few of the roots forward.

If Kiwi and Ajani thought she'd be taking her leave anytime soon. . . they were wrong. Even though she was the queen of the pride, she could also have easily taken up the profession of a master healer. Healing was the foundation of her position as queen.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:39 pm
While Ajani was most certainly concerned about his bonded's heath, especially since the male had seemed to be healthier earlier in the day there was something about the raven's expression that was off. If one didn't know the bird they would just assume that he was worried, but for anyone who knew him(which was only Kiwilan) they would know that there was something more complex behind it.

The avian heaved a sigh as he flapped his wings and took to the air. "Since it appears that my bonded is in good hands I will be taking my leave. I've heard of some herbs with good healing properties and while you are tending to him I will look for them," with that he took his leave.

As the bird left Kiwi had managed to cease coughing and it looked like he almost glared at the raven's fleeting form before turning his head towards the lioness that was tending to him. His eyes had a distant look to them as though he could not focus on anything clearly.

Slowly he nodded, though it looked to cause him much pain, and attempted to chew on the roots. He'd cough every now and then but he managed to eat enough, before he passed out that was.


[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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