I'm still new to SoA, but I'm going to post thoughts for them here. I'll organize it soon, I promise, when I don't have replies due for my other pets.

Peremende (lion)
A cream, green, and gold a*****e of a lion with an unfortunate addiction for the sweet stuff.
Old or new rogue lines.
Harley Quinn Lionness cosplay
On old lines please! Made for mayhem.
Joker lion cosplay (to be given to a rp partner)
New rogue lines.
Bud and Lou perma- adolescent hyenas
God of Honey
Brown and gold and orange; has a soft spot for ratels and a softer spot for honey. Bit of a hippie.
God of the Depths
A god of the deepest ocean. For a story I'm working on. Only ascends to the land once a year for a few days to take in the sun, but it always seems to be stormy when he does. Other then that, stays at the bottom of the sea to keep things moving. Fairly stern. Issues with other gods mayhaps?
Blue-black with sandy paw bottoms.