Name: Karrisa Shardae
Roleplay: Hawksong
Type: fantasy
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: Avian-Hawk
Personality: Karissa is the image of avian breeding. Her perfect "avian reserve" is legendary, but behind the mask is something different. There is a kind and honest girl, that truly cares for her people, and wishes for the end to the war. She is brave and not afraid to walk the feilds where the bloodshed has occured, despite the protests of her mother and her gaurds.
Bio: Karissa is the third child of Delani Shardae, the current Tuuli Thea. Before her were two sisters and a brother, all dead now, killed by the war. Her father died shortly after her younger brother Xiel had been born, and her little brother died two nights ago(before the start of the roleplay). After her both her sister's deaths when she was ten, she began to train for her succession to the throne, and was constantly gaurded. She grew quickly and like the rest of her kingdom, sprouted a deep hatred for the serpiente after the deaths of her father, siblings, and finally her alistair. She is tired of the bloodshed, but how can peace come between two races that have caused eachother so much greif?
Occupation: She is the heir to the Tuuli Thea, and soon will take command over the throne, although she has no alistair and no heir as of yet, but drastic times require her to take the throne ealy.
Appearance: Like all hawks Karissa has golden hair and golden eyes. Feathers sprinkle her hair and grow at the nape of her neck, even while she is in human form, as it is with all all avians.User Image

~Accepted biggrin