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Name: Athena Cobriana
Roleplay: Hawksong
Type: Fantasy
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Serpiente-Cobra
Personality: Athena is a kind and virtuous serpiente. She is brave, gentle, and a fierce fighter. However, like most of the Serpiente people, she longs for peace and an end to the Long-War.
Bio: Athena was born seventeen years ago in the Serpiente palace. She is a princess, but since she is a female, will most likely never take the throne as a Naga. She is fine with that, however, and loves to help her brother's from the sidelines. As soon as she could walk, Athena has danced. She belongs to one of the most prestigious Guilds, and is often found there when she can be found nowhere else.
Occupation: Princess, and a possible candidate to the throne should a male sibling abdicate.
Other: A superb dancer with skills unsurpassed by others.
Appearance: Erm, pretend her hair is dark brown/black, kthxbai!
~Accepted 4laugh
[This is Rrine's character]