((I will play this character temporarily, because he is important, but if someone else decides to start posting, and wants to be this character just pm me))

Name: Zael Cobriana
Roleplay: Hawksong
Type: Fantasy
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: Serpiente-Cobra
Personality: He is a feirce fighter, but he loves his people, and will do anything for them. He is kind, and intelligent. He is extremely brave and loyal. He is open to new ideas, he wishes for some sort of peace.
Bio: Zael is the second son of his father, recently deceased, and the Arami (heir- strictly serpiente) of the Serpiente. His older brother was killed by the eldest Shardae child, but in turn, his brother's venom killed the heir. Zael became the Arami at the age of 7 and has been training for the role of Diente ever since. He is an excellent dancer, although nothing like he masters of the Serpiente dancing guild. His mother and sister are the only family he has left, he hopes that that will not change. He is sick of having to watch his people lay on their funeral pires. He is prejudiced of the avians, but only because he was raised to be so, he still wishes to find some peace with them, and stop this fighting.
Occupation: Arami, prince, future Diente
Appearance: User Image