Mass Effect

The Mass Effect fields allowed the new human alliance to expand greatly throughout the galaxy, beginning by meeting the council of aliens, consisting of Asari, Salarian, and Turian councilors. In a mere 20 years, the humans gained a position on the council, much to the ire of the long standing races who have yet to receive a spot, such as the Volus and Elcor (even if you couldn't really tell with the Elcor anyway). Many species have been becoming more common as of late, starting with an insurgence of Geth from beyond the Perseus Veil. Their commander, oddly enough, was a former Spectre, an agent of the council. Why an organic was leading an army of artificial intelligences was unknown at the time, but even the council could not overlook the evidence that Saren, their most trusted agent, had now turned on them.

The reason the humans gained their seat on the council was the same reason the Geth were stopped; a single human commander named Shepard. Shepard was an inspiration, able to lead a team of elites through suicidal odds and come out on top. The trouble is, nobody knew Shepard that well. Was he a paragon of virtue, or a renegade who did whatever it took to get the job done? Regardless, Shepard vanished in the Omega Nebula, searching for Geth. The remains of the ship, the SSV Normandy, were found obliterated on the world of Alchera. Many bodies were found, but Shepard's was not. Rumors of Shepard being brought back from the dead were circulating around the galaxy, but instead of working for the human alliance, he was now working with a terrorist cell named Cerberus.

Regardless, the galaxy is still recovering from the attack on the Citadel, a giant cruiser that houses the council and many citizens in a melting pot of culture. Recently, reports of an unknown alien race were becoming alarmingly high, only shortly after the disappearance of several human colonies in the fringe worlds, supposedly by the Collectors. Rumor also had it that these new aliens coming towards the galaxy were an ancient race called the Reapers. While some say that the Reapers had destroyed and rebuilt the galaxy, using the former races of the galaxy as servants to reinforce their consistent destruction of all life in the Milky Way, the Council has been violently suppressing these rumors.