User Image__________[basics]>>>
Full Name: Daichi Unari
Nicknames: Chi
Notable Title: The Earths Roar
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birth date: April 8th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nation: Earth Kingdom
Rank: Adept

Elemental Affinity: Earth
Specialized Bending:

Weapon Class: Twin Sword
Weapon Name: None
Weapon Description: Two plain steel swords.
Weapon Location: On back in a X.

Extra Items-


➢Earth & Stone Levitation
➢Earth Block
➢Rock Shield
➢Earth Sinking
➢Earth Gauntlet
➢Rock Slide
➢Earth Column
➢Earth Wall
➢Earth Line

Fighting Style [Name]

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Build: Skinny and well muscled
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Fair
Outfits: Same as in the picture

Personality: Daichi is a very fun-loving person, he was raised by just his mother so he has always tried to make her smile. Daichi is also one that will strive to achieve all the greatness he can recieve from Earth-bending. He is focused on his goal of becoming the Best Earth-Bender ever, and he plans on doing it before he gets old.
Relations: None.
Take on battle: If it happens, it happens.
Theme song: Theme Song

Food: Spicy things.
Drink: Anything that has spices in it.
Color: Green.
Animal: All.
Food: Sweet foods.
Drink: Sweet drinks.
Color: Yellow.
Animal: None.


Daichi's father died after trying to save miners from a collapsing mine, he wasn't good enough to hold up the mine for himself to get out. From this Daichi plans on being better than his father, he refuses to stop bending becuase of the accident, he won't condem his own abilities. At this point in time Daichi isn't that great of a Earth bender but he plans on learning more, and fast.


whatever you wish