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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[PRP] Blood Is Thicker Than Water (Nawiri x Raja)

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:22 pm
Nawiri stretched her limbs, wincing softly at just how sore she felt. She wasn't having a particularly good day this warm afternoon, and while she tried her best to hide her discomfort, it wasn't always easy. Her bones ached something fierce, her head pounded, and she'd been spitting up more phlegem this past week.

Still. . . . Despite the flare up of her sickness, she knew she was much healthier than most of her pride. And just because she wasn't feeling so great didn't mean she would neglect her duties. Even if some of the other nurse sorts encouraged her to relax or take a day off, Nawiri would have none of it. Her health wasn't so severe she couldn't continue to work, and heaven forbid such a day come! She was too stubborn and too proud of her work to take time off. . . Others needed her support more than she needed to relax.

And that was just how it was going to be.

Still, with the hight of summer in the dry lands, many were dozing or keeping quiet and resting. It really was too hot to do much more than that, which allowed the grey lioness some time to herself. She made her way slowly towards the lake, hoping to quench her parched throat and tongue, and perhaps take away the tenderness of swallowing.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:22 pm
Eva'raja. Was. BOILING.

Having a dark, dark coat in weather such as this was a heavy burden to carry - it made everything a lot more difficult, and meant she was literally sweating buckets. It wasn't pleasant. But the lionness didn't even entertain the idea of complaining, or mentioning her difficulties to anyone - that would be wrong, in every sense of the word. In a pride where so many of it's members had far, far worse ailments, Eva'raja most certainly didn't feel justified about a little heat, which could easily be remedied by a cooling bath in the lake.

The disease ravaging the pride wasn't so easily cured.

Having finished her duties for the morning, Eva chose the hottest part of that day, when the sun was highest, to make her way to the lake. Sinking into the cool, crystalline liquid was like heaven, the water like angels on her fur. Allowing her eyelids to flutter shut the lionness gave a loud purr of content, floating out into the deeper part of the lake, where she could completely submerge herself.

She had a free afternoon, although she didn't plan to waste it. She'd been planning to visit her sister, and the king, to see how they were faring. Despite it not being specified in her title, Eva'raja had self-appointed herself the royal family's personal healer.


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:24 pm
((Just a heads up. . : D There's still no king yet. *lol* Poor Nawiri is procrastinating it seems. . . or at least hasn't talked about picking one yet. Which unfortunately she needs to. ))
The grey coated female was delighted upon her approach to the shore. It was quiet, empty, and she could relax some and do her best to ignore her everyday aches and pains. For a moment she stood, gazing out over the water before her eyes caught something off in the distance. Was it a . . log? Strange really, it looked far too fuzzy to be . . . wait . . . .

Her ears pricked as she studied the form recognizing it after a moment as her sister. A smile crossed her features despite the pounding in her head, and she watched her lazily float amidst the waters. Hmm. While her own coat was a paler form of grey, it still was hot no matter the shade. . . And while her bones ached, it wasn't every day her sister was so off guard.

A dip in the water would be rather delightful . . . and at least help cool her off. The only question was did she have the strength to make it out there? . . pfft. Of course she did! She wasn't going to let her sister have all the fun. Ever so quietly, the queen lowered her ears and slunk as quietly as she could in to the lake. . The cool water felt glorious against her body now. . how did crocodiles do it?

Trying to be as stealthy as possible, the grey lioness kept her head above water but maneuvered her way over to where her sister floated. Yes. . . stay asleep. . . stay unguarded. . . Swimming was more exhausting than she'd thought, and the weight of soaked fur didn't help, but Nawiri was on a mission, aching bones and pounding head forgotton.

No. Gasping a breath, the lioness ducked her head and allowed herself to reach out with her paws. She was right there. . . all she had to do with give her a soft claw in the side or rump and maybe that would teach her to be so alert.

. . . so much for compassion, kindness and repose. Still, this was Eva'raja. Nawiri was allowed to be a little silly around her sister. . .

((It's up to you if Eva notices her approach or not. xD ))
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:28 pm
Eva'raja was completely and utterly loving this. She didn't get the chance to swim often, saving it for when it was hottest - otherwise it wouldn't have quite the same effect. Ears flattened against her head in the water, the lionness initially unaware of her sister's approach. However, as Nawiri came closer Eva began to feel the tell-tale vibrations in the water - it started to lap up the side of her face a little more on her left hand side, and her tail could feel it moving as if someone was approaching. She kept her eyes closed, but frowned - who could be approaching her? The lands were well-guarded, it couldn't be an intruder. But she didn't know who it could be - who could be needing her so badly as to swim out? Unless it was a game, and someone was sneaking up on her. But she didn't know anyone in the pride well enough to...

Except. Wait.

She wouldn't!

Eyes snapping open, Eva glanced to the side, gasping at the familiar soft features, "Nawiri!" she scolded, righting herself in the water and kicking herself over to her sister, afraid she could drown any moment, "You shouldn't be out this deep! It's dangerous!"


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:28 pm
Drat! She was caught. . . . She knew it the moment her sister thrashed ever so slightly and righted herself in the water. Lifting her head up, blinking away the water, the lioness couldn't help but smile cheerfully up at her sister. Eva looked quite appalled really, and had already begun to scold her . . .

But why? It wasn't as if her little fright had actually worked. How cross would Eva have been if she HAD frightened her in the water! Perhaps it was best she was caught, no need to get on her beloved sisters bad side. Laughing weakly, the blue and red eyed female gave Eva a good humored wink. "Oh come now. . . You're out here, why should I let you have all the fun?"

Ok, so there was a slight risk involved. Crocodiles, for one thing, while a rare sight in such waters one could never entirely be thrown out as a possible threat. And further more, drowning. Still, Nawiri didn't think herself that weak even if she was struggling to stay afloat. She wouldn't linger too much longer . . . unlike her sibling, Nawiri wasn't naturally so inclined to water unless she was scalding hot.

"Don't worry so . . . I just wanted to visit was all." She reassured Eva with another grin.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:29 pm
Despite the fact she was scolding her sister, Eva's expression was soft, full of only love and concern for Nawiri. Nudging her lightly with her nose towards the bank, making it clear they were to begin heading back, Eva sighed, "Nawiri, you're not as strong as me - what if you suddenly get struck down with a cough, or with cramps? The shallow water is fine, but not out here where it's deep." She was talking like a mother would, and that was exactly how Eva saw herself - hopefully a bit more fun and easier to confide, but a motherly figure none-the-less. She was the older sister, she was responsible for Nawiri and her safety.

As soon as they were back in the shallow water, where both lionness' could reach the bottom with their feet, Eva'raja turned to her paler sister and gave her an affectinote shoulder-nuzzle. "Don't visit me out in the middle of the lake next time 'kay? How are you, Nawiri - well, I hope?"

Eva wasn't silly - the question was more a formality than anything. She'd been trained in the art of healing - heck, she was a Master Healer. And she knew her sister better than anyone. She recognized that the way Nawiri was holding herself meant her joints were sorer. The way her eyes weren't quite as shining as usual meant she hadn't been having a good few days. Eva sighed - it was horrible, having to water her younger sister go through such pain.


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:30 pm
Nawiri didn't let herself sigh. She had just wanted a bit of fun, that was all. Just because she was Queen didn't mean . . . . well it really didn't make her any more important than the rest of the pride. She saw them all as equals and while she KNEW her role was vital to the success of the pride, she personally felt no different from the rest. They were her family . . . At the end of the day, she cried with them, just as she rejoiced in their health and happiness. Still . . . Eva'raja was right.

If something happened to her, if she cramped or suddenly went in to a fit of coughing, she could sink and drown. "All right, all right. . . But what if you had drifted away completely? Than I would be without a sister and my heart would break," she added even as she turned to paddle back to shore. Her words were light, almost teasing, as she knew her sister wouldn't have floated THAT far away . . .

But still. If Eva was worried about her drowning, Nawiri could be concerned about her sister as well. And she was.
Upon reaching the shallows, Nawiri gave a soft purr before giving her sisters cheek an affection nuzzle and a few licks of affection. It was both an apology and a gesture of love, because honestly she adored her older sister. There was no one, thus far, that could really compete. "Oh I'm well enough. It's . . .been a little rough these past few nights but nothing I can't handle." On top of her own concern for her pride, there was her worry for Kiwi. He really had come down swiftly with disease. . . to see her friend rendered so poorly by the onslaught of the virus concerned her greatly. But . . . best not think about that now! "And what of you?"
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:31 pm
Once they'd reached the shore, Eva'raja rolled her eyes again, shaking the water from her fur with a somewhat cheeky grin, purposefully attempting to get her sister wetter. "I can swim without fear of drowning, Nana," she reminded her sister, though the fond nickname made it clear she was no longer interested in being angry, or arguing with her sister. She didn't want to upset her, not when she was clearly in a relapse period with the disease.

Purring softly at her sister's affections, Eva's eyes shone with a love that one only reserved for those they were very close to. As she had yet to find a male she could call her mate, it was a look specifically reserved for Nawiri, the only family member she had left. "Don't lie to meeee~" she whined softly, nuzzling her sister's neck fondly, "You're not well, Nawiri. I can see it - in the way you stand, and the dullness of your eyes. What can I do to ease the burden, hmm? You certainly shouldn't be out here, at any rate, you should be resting." She paused before adding, "I can take care of any duties you feel you have to fulfil."

Nawiri always felt she had to be working, but Eva thought different. Her sister was precious to her, precious to the pride, and she was sure they'd feel the same way about her illness. She needed to rest, conserve her strength - the pride as a whole couldn't take anymore heartbreak right now.

"I'm well," she added eventually, smoothing down the fur on her legs which had remained upright from the water, "Been kept busy, mostly."


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:32 pm
The grey female laughed as her sister shook out her coat, and she dodged away from her sister (even though she was soaking wet herself!). Still, giving her coat a small shake (her head still pounded, shaking wasn't going to make it feel any better), the lioness trotted back over to her sibling. "Come now. . . . I promise I'm all right. Mostly." She added before finally releasing a deep sigh. ". . . all right, so I'll be honest I'm really not feeling well. But I . . ." She fell quiet and averted her gaze, thinking. "Well it's not . . . it's not so bad I should take time off. You said so yourself the pride didn't need any more heart ache - I don't want to add to their worries by suddenly disappearing. You know how they'll talk and wonder. . . anxiety levels are high enough as it is without me adding to them."

And that was that. While she appreciated her sister wanting to help and offering her services, and while se knew her sister would have made a beautiful and most blessed queen, Nawiri also knew she couldn't take time off. Not when there were hardly any good news to be had. . . Not when things seemed so grim. "But I promise I'll be careful," she assured with a small smile.

"Just work and general tidings with the pride or . . . any other news preoccupying your time?" She questioned softly, innocently. She couldn't help but want to know, want to hope that her sister might find some dashing prince charming. The pickings in the Kitwana were slim at the moment, but . . . love wasn't something they could afford. At least not for Nawiri . . .She was long over due when it came to picking a King, but it wasn't as easy a choice as one might think.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:33 pm
Eva sighed, shaking her head a little fiercely, reaching up to lightly cuff her sister across the top of her head - careful not to actually cause any damage. Her smile was fond, but laced with concern as she watched the paler sibling a little sadly. "Nawiri, if you're not feeling well you should rest. Overworking and stressing yourself further won't be helping anyone." Her voice became stern, "Nawiri. I will explain it to the pride - I'm you're elder sister and a Master Healer, and I'm not asking, I'm telling you to take it easy and rest. For at least a couple of days, if not a week."

Eva's voice softened, well aware that Nawiri was Queen and therefore ultimately had the final decision, "I worry about you, Nawiri. I only say these things because I care about you." She nuzzled her sister with a loud, vibrating purr, making her way over to a soft patch of grass and settling herself there, patting the ground beside her to invite her sister to join her.

"What sort of other news, hmm? Anything in particular?" Eva teased, knowing full well what her sister was on about. Despite the pair being royalty, and highly regarded, Eva'raja treasured the moments when they could just act like regular sisters, gossiping and giggling. "Surely it should be me asking you? At least the pride isn't waiting on me!" She was teasing, and made sure Nawiri would realize, but there was truth in her words, "...But for your information, no. I haven't met anyone."


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:34 pm
Black ears flicked a bit as the dual eyed female listened to her sister. She knew that Eva'raja was only looking out for her best interest, as both a pride and family member. But pride wasn't an easy pill to swallow, and the young female couldn't quite bring herself to listen. Not . . . not really. "How about a compromise?" She finally chuckled, happily following her sister to the soft grasses. She didnt hesitate at all before taking a seat beside her elder half, taking a moment to groom some of her most out of place fur. "A week is much too long. . . How about a day or . . two?" Three if Eva absolutely insisted, but no more. "Just enough to let myself recouperate and to shake off the worst of the pain."

Ultimately she did have the final say, but there was truth in Eva'raja's words. If she didn't care of herself and give her body time to heal and regain strength, then she'd only be hurting the pride more. One never knew what the virus would do . . . so she'd best be careful and not push herself.

Giggling lightly, Nawiri'chiwa looked over at her sister and made a face. "Oh please. . . You're the only one in the pride who DOESN'T question me! For which I am grateful, thank you very much. I know I'm being difficult by waiting and holding off but . . . Pickings are slim." And affection, love, care . . .that was out of the question. Though there was one. . . one that she found herself thinking of more and more.

Still, Nawiri could only hope whomever she DID choose could come to care about her enough to make their life together quiet and simple. No drama. No issues. Someone who could still rule with compassion and not make the same desperate mistakes her father had. "None? No one at all? Pity really. . . . We could use some good news and I could surely use some neices and nephews to spoil." She grinned, allowing her tail to thump. Still. . . no matter what, she hoped her sister might at least get to find a happy ending. A truly GOOD happy ending.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:35 pm
A compromise? "I'm listening," Eva'raja smiled, knowing her sister wouldn't agree to the full week. She was far too prideful for that. However, having the grey lioness agree to even one or two days rest was an improvement on none-at-all, so she allowed a smile to grace her lips. Sighing, making out as if it was a very tough decision, she gave a small, playful growl before finally relenting, "Two, and we have a deal."

"Tell me about it," she sighed with a shake of her head, "I don't...know how you do it, Nawiri. Start a relationship the wrong way around - with the duty before the love. It must be difficult."

Nieces and nephews? Eva scoffed, chuckling softly, "Don't even suggest it - where I'd find the time I don't know. I'm just so busy!"


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:36 pm
Nawiri heaved a small sigh as her sister spoke of duty before love. "I don't have a choice," she added, stating the obvious answer. Eva'raja knew it, the entire pride knew it. "But it doesn't make it any easier. I . . . I have a few in mind but I . . . I guess I don't really want to make a final choice yet." As soon as she announced it, it would be done deal. Said lion and she would have to confront each other and become mates. Worse, their first duty towards the pride would be having children so she might choose an heiress!

While she understood and had been raised to almost feel callous about the idea of love, she knew it wasn't entirely unthinkable. She had grown to care about her Royal Escort, the young lion and she having been good friends. She had grown to care about him,which while perhaps not love, had been better than no feeling at all. Unfortunately, he had passed away . . . and picking a replacement was no cake walk.
"Soon as I name one, that's it, it's final. And unfortunately it isn't just about having children either. He'll be the new King, his choices will effect the entire pride. . ." No one needed to remember the choices the previous King, now a vizier, hd made. While one couldn't blame his actions, mistakes had made both their mother and he targets. Maybe if different choices had been made, life in the Kitwana wouldn't be so . . . so difficult.

Ah but why think about such woes now? Ignoring the shadow that touched her gaze, she looked back at her sister and laughed once more. "Oh, you'd find the time all right. I'd love to see you thirty pounds heavier and litter-laden, wobbling around the pride." Her expression turned solemn and she gave Eva'raja the biggest, most disgustingly-cute doe eyes she could imagine. "You'd do that for me, your baby sister, wouldn't you, knowing how much joy I'd get out of it? Add to our little family . . . right?" It was hard keeping a straight face, and eventually she cracked and fell in to another gentle laugh.

"Come with me sister. There's much to do yet, and I'm afraid if we keep giggling, they're bound to take after our tails. We can at least look productive while we gossip." And with that, the queen headed further into the pride, certain her sister would follow.

((Looks like a wrap to me!))
[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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