Long ago vampires walked the land.Raven is a young vampire the older of her fathers offspring.One day Raven's father left to fight human hunters and never came back.Now Jojo is leader of her clan and stands alone in the thrown room.Still young she has hopes of meeting some one to help lead the clan.The village is one of vampires but humans live a long side them to do the work needed.Some humans are bleeders to the vampires giveing them the blood needed to live.

Raven is now leader of the clan and is all alone.Raven needs to find some one to help her as the leader and maybe to even help her love once more.But be carefull the hunters are still out there.Not only that other clans have heard of the week new leader of the Hell Fire clan and plot to take over the village.

1-This is a one on one RP any other posts will be reported
2-There is no cybering this is just for fun but romace is ok
3-You must PM me your profile be for you post
4-Must be sim-lit to lit


Gaia name:lolleypop
Name:Raven (Of the Hell Fire Clan)
Bio:Raven is a strong girl with a grate will.But has been lost in sarrow sence her fathers death.Jojo holds a katana and is a master with it.Raven looks for the human hunters that killed her father.She also wishs to make peace with the other clans so her clan and the humans they whach over can live in peace.
Other:Raven is a master of the flashstep (This is ware she can move faster the you can see.)
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