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She was usually in the company of another. A male preferred. Usually Nanashi or Mana, but today she had gone out to watch the members of her pride grow and become ... useful. The one whom seemed strong and the most useful.. was of a species she UTTERLY hated with a passion but. She was useful.. Slowly. She started to grow on her.. as she watched her work without complaints. No sass.. just like lions should be treated. The lowest.. Oh the word called that the lions were the head of the Savannah.. They were the leaders with power that excelled that of any creature.. But that same power was the one that took her life away and gave her chains.. Filthy.. Beasts.. Watching them die over a species that was not of their own.. that was able to seduce her way out of the life of chains..

Slowly.. she brought herself closer to the lion.. only to be on a hedge of the crater that allowed her to be a tad higher- as it was still a wall with many paths to dens~ and other things.. Her head raised.. as she slowly let it fall to look at the female's dark fur just a little ways from her.

"Matope.... isn't?" Her voice soft.. and tender. She was a leader.. but she knew that tenderness and discipline were one in the same.. She needed to be strict yet kind.. and today.. she was being kind enough to come and see how she was doing.. as she held a piece of meat coiled around her tail.. A treat. For such a hard working member.. she apperciated it, kindly. Her face- showed that of a motherly tenderness... almost in seduction.. The dawn had not set yet~ but it would soon.. and their curfew was only in a few hours.. maybe that was enough time to get to know the lioness.. just a tad more.