Oh crap, I almost forgot all about this guild.

Haven't posted in awhile, sorry about that.
For the past few months my main game has been an awesome rpg named League of Legends. I have already played over 400 matches (each match lasts about 30 minutes to an hour) and I just love the game.

The game is completely free, the only thing you can't buy with in game money and have to spend money on is character skins which only change look and not game play.

If you sign up be sure to add me in game! My summoner name is Shomun.


Don't forget to check out leaguecraft.com if you sign up. It has very helpful forums and some great guides on there.

Hope to see some of you there ^_^

Just warning you though that the game sucks at early levels because you are with people that don't know what they are doing and they end up giving kills to the other team, which ends up making the other team have way more gold because you get gold from kills so matches are usually very one sided early on. It also has a long learning curve, don't feel bad for completely sucking at first. Have fun! Hope to see some of you there ^_^