The real reason I'm here is TO INVITE YOU TO THIS AWESOME GUILD! You should join, c'est pas?

Go here, yes?!

It's a Naruto Roleplaying Guild, called "Shinobi's Blood" that's small, literate, has a good combat and technique learning system, and lots of activity. It's a definite must for Naruto lovers. You can choose an existing Kekkai Genkai or make your own. Curse Marks are always available, and there are still a number of Tailed Beasts left for the taking.
The Plot

What's Been Going On . . .

After the Fourth Great Ninja War, the Five Great Nations have settled down and there is no more conflict between nations. However, that doesn't mean that things are okay. The nations have never had long lasting alliances, and now, something weird has been happening.

The villages have been hit by random attacks, seemingly from an unknown source. These attacks range from murder of high officials, to theft of important or semi-important items. However, with each attack, a symbol is left behind; A drawing of a hidden village symbol, drawn in blood!

For these reasons, some villages believe that other villages are behind the attacks, raising tensions. However, others believe it is being done by one organization, something that doesn't want peace.

In an effort to keep peace, a master Ninja Academy has been built, where nin from all villages can be sent and trained. Here is where Academy students are taught, where the first part of chuunin exams are held, and where Jonin sensei meet their students. There is no village barrier; students and Jonin can all be from different villages, and on the same team.

Together, the villages are trying to find the source behind these attacks, and wipe it out.

There's a new, eviler organization called the Hebun Ryouchi, and they have created another, more powerful, incredibly maleficent (best word ever!) set of Tailed Beasts, known as the Neo-Bijuu. Missions are organized and fun to complete, and we support clean, happy Roleplaying, so that no one is insulted, no fights get out of hand, and no GodModding occurs. I know that you're probably sick of all the Naruto Guilds that want you to join them, but I promise, Shinobi's Blood is a step above the rest. So please, even if you're sick of seeing them, at least look over our Naruto Guild, and see if you like it.

If you do decide to join, please make a character, then send a PM to the Guild Captain, telling him that Tailzfoxy96 was the one who invited you. I'm trying to win a contest! ninja