Name: Zenador Bologista

Aliases/Nicknames: N/A

Rank: N/A

Physical Description: Zenador is a short, thin, vaguely Oriental Arrancar who wears loose white robes tied with a black rope around his waist. His hair is dark blue and tied back in a ponytail that falls to the middle of his back, and his Fu-Manchu-esque mustache is a slightly lighter shade. His eyes are pure white, with no visible pupils or irises.

Zanpaktou's Spirit and Name: Curador MetrĂ³poli

Sealed Form:Zenador's Zanpakuto exists as a giant surgical scalpel when sealed. he wields it as if it were a Naginata.

Resurreccion: [X] Zenador's Naginata vanishes and his hair grows to cover his entire skin, making him look like nothing so much as a giant fluffball. His eyes and mouth are visible through the 'fur,' and his arms and legs (which shrink and grow, respectively, so that they're able to poke out through the 'fur') are visible, but only barely. Each strand of bright blue 'fur' is in fact a short length of unknown yet unbreakable material that splits into two half-sized copies, and so on and so forth down to the subatomic scale, with each branch of each 'strand' ending in a micromanipulator capable of grasping electrons. He is able to break down any physical object into its component atoms and reassemble them as he wishes.

Special Accessories: N/A

Skills: Assassin, Strategist, Medic

Abilities: Superhuman Intellect - Zenador has an IQ of 400, roughly two to three times that of an average human.
Arthritic - Zenador appears to be an old man when his Resurreccion is sealed, and he is in fact just that: An old man, with arthritis and hemorrhoids.
Bad Eyes - As stated above, Zenador is very old, and effectively half-blind without his glasses.

Personality: Zenador is very much a loner, and prefers not to encounter other living beings. However, he has a rather nasty sense of humor and gets a kick out of turning anything living that he encounters into some sort of artistic sculpture using his Resurreccion.

Biography/History: Zenador Bologista was the first Arrancar, a being who came into existence well before the Hyogoku or Sosuke Aizen. His Resurreccion was as powerful as he had been while still a Hollow, and as such he elected to move away from other Hollows, since his 'strands' could easily kill everyone around him. In the decades since, he has developed a taste for doing just this. He still prefers not to have contact with other sentients, but the recent addition of a giant hand flipping the bird to Las Noches on the horizon has captured his attention. He may well pay them a visit soon.