Folium Vesica Seishou

Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description:
Folium looks quite a bit like his father Hano Seishou, thugh much younger. His hair is short, though quite messy, and will constantly wear a mask as his father did, but only when screwing around. When in his gigai, which is what he thinks is a human form, he is commonly known to wear a zip up hoodie with skulls running across it. He is also commonly seen with headphones on, blasting metal music out. Folium is likely to be wearing jeans and sandals, though, considering he does parkour when not drunk, he may be wearing tennis shoes. His skin is relatively pale, and he has the ever so unusual red eyes of his father, uncle, and his cousin Rin, whom he does not know.

40, looks to be 17.
His date of death, is the date of his birth as he is a soul by birth.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: (must include image or description of spirit)

Zanpaktou sad achieved/not achieved)

Shikai Release: (Release Phrase)

Shikai: (achieved/not achieved, include description)

Bankai: (achieved/not achieved, include description)

Special Accessories: (if any)




Biography/History: (A must have)

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: Crew

Online Schedule: Practically all the time XD