((Since this is a fan fic, I guess I should post a disclaimer...

I DO NOT own any of the characters, setting, or storyline in the RE universe. They belong to Capcom. This is merely a Fan Fic of a major Resident Evil nerd. Capcom, if you're reading this, by any chance, I WANT A JOB! I could be a storyboard writer for future games. PLEASE!!!

...Alright, whatever. Here's the Fan fic...))


Wesker is dead, Uroboros is contained, and a future without fear finally seemed attainable. But Umbrella's bioweapons are still being shipped around the world to unstable countries.

Strange... I thought this war had died with Uroboros... turns out that all we did was just trigger something even worse.

-Journal of Chris Redfield.

A laboratory in an unknown facility:



The T-virus, G-Virus, T-Veronica, Las Plagas, and even strains of Uroboros are all unleashed in the world. B.O.Ws are scattered everywhere. Day, night, inside, outside. Nowhere is safe. Fear has spread throughout the world like a plague, consuming even more lives than the B.O.Ws have.

-Journal of Leon S. Kennedy.

The human race is close to extinction. But we cannot give up. As long as we are alive... we will fight.

-Journal of Jill Valentine.


An airport in New York City. July 7th, 2010...

"Like I said, Rebecca, this will just be a quick investigation," Isaac reassured as the two of them sat down in the chairs, "It's probably nothing, which is why they're only sending me and Simon."

Rebecca Chambers, now 30 years old, leaned forward in her chair with an annoyed look on her face, "But Isaac, it's because they're sending you two that worries me! They don't send you when they don't think it's nessesary!"

Isaac leaned back in his chair, brushing off the black hair from his eyes, "Sheesh. You worry too much. Every time the BSAA sends me off, you squeal and squeal. But every time, I come back, safe and sound."

"I just..." Rebecca started, but the caught herself. Shaking her head, she leaned back in her chair and looked out one of the windows, "Nevermind. Forget it."

Isaac sighed. He did it again. He knew once he set her off like this, she would stop talking for a long time. He remembered seeing a record of her service with S.T.A.R.S at one time, but the teams were disbanded a few days after she had joined. When prompted, she would never talk about her days in S.T.A.R.S. But he knew. The whole world knew.

The Arklay training facility, the Mansion Incident, she was involved in both. It was a traumatic experience that would have broken the minds of anyone. To this day, Isaac was still shocked that Rebecca was able to come out of it unscathed, despite her young age and lack to field experience.

Dammit. He was being foolish again.

Isaac leaned over and took Rebecca's hand in his, "Listen," he said soothingly, "I will be fine. I'll go to the abandoned mansion, make a note that nothing is there, then I'll come back. And we can finally get married."

This brought her out of her melancholy, and she turned to Isaac, a new youthful glee in her eyes, "Promise...?" she asked.


Isaac and Rebecca stood up together. He took on long look in her eyes, and said, "I promise,"

They stared at each other for a long time, but suddenly, a familiar, and annoying voice interrupted their moment, "Come on, Isaac! Let's go!"

Isaac breathed an irritated sigh and said, "Fine, fine. Let's go, Simon."

Feeling her hands in his, and the clink of their engagement rings on last time, Isaac kissed her once, then grabbed his carry on bag, and walked with Simon to the boarding passage.