Name: Marshall Aiken
Roleplay: Hogwarts
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Pureblood

Marshall loves a good fight... magical or not, he's really not picky. Known as the school thug, he's the muscle behind Lacey's regime. He loves to terrorize the general public, and is found in detention more nights than not.

Bio: Marshall was not originally from Britain, but from America. He moved to London the year before he turned 11, and started fresh at Hogwarts. He earned his rather violent reputation his first year when he attacked a fellow first year for making fun of his haircut. A year later, while terrorizing the incoming firsties, a girl stood up and told him to stop. For two years, people had cowered before him and now, there was this tiny girl telling him to knock it off. He challenged her to a duel, and got his butt kicked. He later found that this girl, called Lacey, was not a person to mess with. Still, he had respect for her for standing up to him. He appealed to her, and she benevolently accepted him into her growing group. He's been somewhat akin to her bodyguard ever since.

Sixth Year
Other: He has a screech owl named Ares.
Appearance: User Image