Name: Luke Hall
Roleplay: Hogwarts
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Muggleborn

Personality: Luke has the stereotypical personality of an older brother. He’s cool, helpful, and funny. People know they can come to him with anything, and he’ll do his best to help. He has a good sense of adventure, but knows when to draw the line.

Bio: Luke was born in London, England to two muggle parents. From an early age, things just seemed to… happen around Luke. Things his parents couldn’t explain. Being muggles, they tried to find a scientific and logical explanation for these odd occurrences. To their disappointment, there wasn’t anything physically wrong with their little boy. So, they dealt with Luke and all his oddities, and indeed, they incidents seem to grow few and farther in between as he attended school with other children. On Luke’s 11th birthday, a representative from a school called ‘Hogwarts’ appeared at his house to talk to he and his parents about magic. The representative explained that Luke’s oddities were indeed magic, and that he was a wizard. His parent’s finally came to accept the idea, and were just relieved that they had a tangible, (if a bit unbelievable!), solution to their son’s accidents. Luke has attended Hogwarts ever since, and was sorted into Gryffindor. He also owns a Great Horned Owl named Skeeter.

Occupation: Sixth Year
Other: Luke is the team captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and plays Chaser.
Appearance: User Image